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On the succeeding day he crossed the Ohio with his army, and commenced his march through a trackless hermes handbags desert, for hermes binkin the Shawanoe towns on the Scioto. Governor.Dunmore, having determined to make peace with the In * Doddridge's hermes bags Indian Wars. dians, sent an express to general Lewis, ordering him to hermes binkin retreat across the Ohio. The order was disregarded, and the march continued until the governor hi person, met the general and peremptorily repeated it. General Lewis and his troops, burning with a desire of avenging the Indian massacres, and the loss of their brave companions in the late battle, reluctantly obeyed the command of Dunmore  and turned their faces homewards.

When the governor and his officers had returned to their camp, on hermes bags the following day, the treaty with the Indians was opened. For fear of treachery, only eighteen Indians were permitted to attend their chiefs within the encampment, and they were required to leave their arms behind them. The conference was commenced by Cornstalk, in a long, bold hermes birkin and spirited speech, in which the white people were charged with being the authors of the war, by their aggressions upon the Indians at Captina and Yellow creek. Logan, the celebrated Mingo chief, refused to attend, although hermes bags willing to make peace. His influence with the Indians made it important hermes handbags to secure his concurrence in the proposed treaty. Dunmore sent a special messenger, (colonel John Gibson,) to him.

They met alone in the woods, where Logan delivered to him his celebrated speech. Colonel Gibson hermes outlet wrote it down, returned to Dunmore's camp, read the speech in the council, and the terms of the peace were then agreed on. What those terms were, is not fully hermes handbags known. No copy of the treaty can now be found, although diligent enquiry has been made for it. B*irk, in his hermes kelly History of Virginia, says, that the peace was on " condition that the lands on this side of the.
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新手级: 新兵