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电子表格在制药企业中使用的合规性一直是FDA检查的重点之一, FDA警告信中涉及到大量关于电子表格不合规使用的问题。从趋势上看,自2014年开始,警告信涉及电子表格不合规问题的频次有所降低,说明在欧美等成熟市场中,药企通过多年的努力,在数据完整性上做的越来越好。但另外一方面,以2017年1月13日发给意大利一家制药企业的警告信为例,即使在2014年期间使用”非官方”及不受控电子表格的问题都被挖了出来,其回溯的时间较之前的警告信更长,说明FDA对电子表格的关注非但并未降低反而有所提高。



本文整理了警告信中一些代表性内容,主要有以下几个方面:1)使用到”非正式”或不受控的电子表格;2)没有审计追踪 3)未经验证; 4)数据错误。



  公司or机构 原文中文摘要 


FACTA Farmaceutici

You stored original data in an “unofficial” and uncontrolled electronic spreadsheet on a shared computer  network drive.
  In response to this letter:
  Comprehensively evaluate test samples performed by other analysts from  January to September,2014, when the unofficial spreadsheet was in use.


Evaluate the extent of uncontrolled spreadsheets at  your facility.





Pan Drugs Limited

For example, the computer in  your quality unit area did not have controls to restrict access and prevent  unauthorized changes to data files and folders. All employees had access to  your Annual Product Review (APR) spreadsheet. The desktop computer containing  the APR was not locked.



Ropack, Inc.

Failure to validate computer  software for its intended use according to an established protocol when  computers or automated data processing systems are used as part of production  or the quality system, as required by 21 CFR 820.70(i). For example, your  firm was utilizing an uncontrolled spreadsheet to track equipment  requalification due dates.

计算机软件作为产品质量体系的一部分,未按照21 CFR 820.70(i)的要求依据既定方案进行验证。例如该公司使用了一个未受控的电子表格跟踪设备的再确认日期。


Virbac Corporation

Your Complaint SOP states that  QA shall maintain the customer complaint report files. Your firm’s QA unit  maintains a separate Excel spreadsheet for those complaints that come  directly into the Bridgeton QA unit. You have no centralized system for  tracking all your complaints. The use of Excel requires many management  controls to prevent data alteration, and Excel does not have an audit trail  to identify data changes.

该公司 QA部门使用一个单独的Excel表格而非集中式的系统来维护那些直接发到Bridgeton QA部门的投诉。FDA认为使用Excel需要很多管理控制措施来防止数据修改,并且Excel自身没有审计追踪功能来识别数据变更。


Sandoz International GmbH

Two uncontrolled Excel  spreadsheets were used to record discrepancies and certain in-process drug  quality data.



Med-Mizer, Inc.

Also, your firm tracks  complaint data on a spreadsheet that contains free form text fields that  are not standardized, resulting in an inability to adequately trend the data.  For example, when using complaint data from January 1, 2011 to February 19,  2014 to trend for “Description of Failure” for “6090,” fourteen complaints are shown.  However, the spreadsheet contains several different descriptions of  the same part failure that when totaled resulted in a total count of forty  complaints related to the inline coupler, part #6090.”



Aarti Drug Limited

Additionally, at the Aarti Drug  Limited facility (FEI 3009688205), the investigator noticed that the use of  the Excel® spreadsheets in analytical calculations are neither controlled  nor protected from modifications or deletion. The investigator noticed  that the calculation for residual solvent for XXX uses an Excel spreadsheet  that has not been qualified. We are concerned about the data generated by  your QC laboratory from non-qualified and uncontrolled Excel spreadsheets.



Compañía Internacional de Comercio

Specific violations observed  during the inspection include, but are not limited, to the following: Your  firm has not established appropriate controls designed to assure that  laboratory records include all data secured in the course of each test,  including graphs, charts, and spectra from laboratory instrumentation,  properly identified to show the specific component, drug product container,  closure, in-process material, or drug product, and lot tested . Specifically, the inspection revealed that your firm has not  established written procedures to control and account for electronically  generated worksheets used by analysts to record analytical test results.  Analysts in your QC laboratory print an uncontrolled number of worksheets  from computers throughout the QC laboratory without supervision.

检查中发现该企业没有建立适当的控制措施以保证实验室记录被合适地标识或归属至所属对象,这不符合21 CFR 211.194(a)(4)的要求。


Aubrey Inc.

Failure to validate software  used as part of production or the quality system for its intended use  according to an established protocol, as required by 21 CFR 820.70(I). For example,  your firm did not validate use of an Excel spreadsheet used to calculate  the Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate (MVTR) per test procedure XXX Revision  B.

计算机软件(例如用于计算MVTR的Excel电子表格),作为产品质量体系的一部分,未按照21 CFR 820.70(i)的要求依据既定方案进行验证。


Advanced Testing Laboratory,  Inc.

We observed 8 of  9 worksheets where one or more tabs with formula cells were not  locked. These worksheets were used for analyzing raw data from drug component  and product samples, including XXX. Your firm’s SOP 100-G-0110, “Creation and Use of Templates,” stated  that cells, in which data is entered, must be locked within their  electronic template.
  In your response, your firm states that you will enforce the existing  procedure by reviewing the current inventory of electronic data files and  disposing of non-compliant spreadsheets. In addition, you will retrain  analysts on the current procedure. Your response, however, is inadequate  because you do not assess whether the raw data results, generated using  unlocked templates, are valid.



Medefil, Incorporated

Your firm has no procedures for  controlling laboratory worksheets including changes to worksheets, issuance  of laboratory worksheets, and reconciliation of laboratory worksheets. The  worksheet “Internal Communication - Batch Release  Information” by the warehouse, which is used to  identify released product, was created after XXX documented release of  finished product for Heparin I.V. Flush Syringes and Normal Saline I.V. Flush  Syringes prior to obtaining media fill results. This sheet is used to  communicate batch release information to warehouse operations. Use of this  sheet is not documented in any Medefil procedure nor is control  over this sheet documented.



Capricorn Pharma, Inc.

Your firm has failed to  exercise appropriate controls over computer or related systems to assure  that changes in master production and control records, or other records, are  instituted only by authorized personnel [21 C.F.R § 211.68(b)].
  Your firm’s laboratory analysts have the ability to  access and modify the  formulas in the Excel spreadsheets used  to calculate assay results for Guaifenesin and XXX drug products. Due to this  unrestricted access, there is  no assurance that the formulas in the  Excel preadsheets are accurate and valid.



Phoenix Bio-Tech Corporation

Failure to validate  computer software for its intended use according to an established  protocol when computers or automated data processing systems are used as part  of production or the quality system, as required by 21 CFR 820.70(i).
  We have reviewed your responses and have concluded that they are inadequate  because a copy of your revised procedures and the Excel spreadsheet  validation protocols/procedures and reports were not provided. It is unclear  how you plan to document quality system records that were previously  documented in the (b)(4) system.

计算机软件(含Excel等自动数据处理系统),作为产品质量体系的一部分,未按照21 CFR 820.70(i)的要求依据既定方案进行验证。


Hill Dermaceuticals, Inc.

Your laboratory records did not  include a record of all calculations performed in connection with laboratory  tests as required by 21 CFR § 211.194(a)(5). For example, laboratory notebook #7,  page 49, documents the assay results, but not the calculations performed in  Test number DSFS D-13 and Test number TG 521 for the analysis of XXX, lot  #HI7908. The notebook does not document reference to the spreadsheet  calculation used to generate the results. In addition, the assay results  generated by the spreadsheet were not verified for accuracy. Your response  dated February 16, 2009, states that you have established procedures to  ensure that calculations of method validation studies are recorded.  The Records Management SOP, Section, states that the procedures  shall define what and how data is to be recorded in respective logbooks.  However, this SOP omits instructions to include in the notebook the reference  to the spreadsheet calculation used to generate the results, as well as the  raw data and calculations. In addition, you continued to release products  based on assay results generated by the spreadsheet that have not  been verified for accuracy.



Quantimetrix Corporation

Software used as part of the  production quality system was not validated for its intended use according  to an established protocol .  Specifically,  Spreadsheets intended to check for outliers  and calculate mean, SC, % CV, value assignments for finished devices.

用于检查异常值,计算平均值、SC、%CV等的电子表格,作为产品质量体系的一部分,未按照21 CFR 820.70(i)的要求依据既定方案进行验证。



the method for tracking (i .e .  Microsoft Excel) the number of samples placed in the incubator was  unauthenticated.



National Genetics Institute

There are no data to  demonstrate that the quality control/quality  assurance spreadsheets used for tracking and trending various  quality metrics have been properly validated (installation  qualification, operational qualification, and performance qualification) and  are performing as intended.



Eldon Biologicals A/S

Failure to establish and  maintain adequate procedures for implementing corrective and preventive  action, as required by 21 CFR 820.100(a) and (b). For-example:
  b. Microsoft 2000 Excel spreadsheet software used manufacturing has not  been validated for the purpose of generating a worksheet for  formulation of reagents. No documentation was found to establish or verify  corrections made to the program.
  Failure to validate computer software for its intended use according to an  established protocol, as required by 21 CFR 820.70(i). For example; the  Microsoft 2000 Excel spreadsheet software program was not validated for  formulation of reagents and was seen to give incorrect data

1)该公司未按照21 CFR 820.70(i)的要求根据既定的方案验证Excel电子表格软件(该表格用于生产中制定试剂配方表),并且发现有错误数据。
  2)检查中未发现就上述问题建立或确认改正措施的文件。说明该公司未能按21 CFR 820.100(a)和(b)的要求建立和保持实施CAPA的适当的程序。


EP MedSystems

Your firm failed  to validate several computer databases that are used for  quality functions including your Access database, your XXX software, and  your MS Excel spreadsheet program as required by 21 CFR 820.70(i).

该公司未按照21 CFR  820.70(i)的要求验证用于质量功能的几个计算机数据库、XXX软件及微软Excel电子表格程序。

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