主题:【分享】伊利诺斯州州长签署通过了法案SB 2860,使其成为公共法095-1019

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去年12月,伊利诺斯州州长签署通过了法案SB 2860,使其成为公共法095-1019。该法对《铅毒害防预法》和《禁止含汞产品法》进行了修改。

伊利诺斯州《铅毒害防预法》(LPPA) (410 ILCS 45/6):

从2010年1月1日起,禁止销售、为销售供货或转让任何部件总铅含量占总重量大于0.004% (40ppm)但少于0.06% (600ppm)或美国联邦、州法律法规设定的更低含铅量限值的儿童产品(参见备注),除非该产品带有警告声明,表明该产品中至少一个零部件铅含量超标。




警告声明需符合《联邦有害物质法》16 CFR 1500.121条款的要求。




“涂有油漆的玩具” - 设计或意图为12岁以下儿童在玩耍中使用的涂有油漆的玩具。
“儿童珠宝” - 为12岁以下儿童生产,及以该年龄段儿童为推销目标消费群的珠宝产品。
“儿童护理品” – 制造商设计或意图为辅助6岁以下儿童睡眠、放松或喂食,或有助促进其吮吸或出牙的产品。
您可能想找: 气相色谱仪(GC) 询底价
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Public Act 095-1019
SB2860 Enrolled LRB095 19197 KBJ 45443 b

    AN ACT concerning health.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,  represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 5. The Lead Poisoning Prevention Act is amended by  changing Section 6 as follows:
    (410 ILCS 45/6)  (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1306) 
    Sec. 6. Warning statement. 
    (a) Definitions. As used in this Section: 
    "Children's jewelry" means jewelry that is made for,  marketed for use by, or marketed to children under the age of  12 and includes jewelry that meets any of the following  conditions:
        (1) represented in its packaging, display, or  advertising as appropriate for use by children under the age of 12;
        (2) sold in conjunction with, attached to, or packaged  together with other products that are packaged, displayed, or advertised as appropriate for use by children under 12;
        (3) sized for children and not intended for use by  adults; or
        (4) sold in any of the following places: a vending  machine; a retail store, catalogue, or online Web site in  which a person exclusively offers for sale products that  are packaged, displayed, or advertised as appropriate for  use by children; or a discrete portion of a retail store,  catalogue, or online Web site in which a person offers for  sale products that are packaged, displayed or advertised as  appropriate for use by children.
    "Child care article" means an item that is designed or  intended by the manufacturer to facilitate the sleep,  relaxation, or feeding of children under the age of 6 or to  help with children under the age of 6 who are sucking or  teething.
    "Toy containing paint" means a painted toy designed for or  intended for use by children under the age of 12 at play. In  determining whether a toy containing paint is designed for or  intended for use by children under the age of 12, the following  factors shall be considered:
        (i) a statement by a manufacturer about the intended  use of the product, including a label on the product, if  such statement is reasonable;
        (ii) whether the product is represented in its  packaging, display, promotion, or advertising as  appropriate for children under the age of 12; and
        (iii) whether the product is commonly recognized by  consumers as being intended for use by a child under the  age of 12.
    (b) Children's products. Effective January 1, 2010, no person, firm, or corporation shall sell, have, offer for sale, 

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or transfer the items listed in this Section that contain a  total lead content in any component part of the item that is  more than 0.004% (40 parts per million) but less than 0.06%  (600 parts per million) by total weight or a lower standard for  lead content as may be established by federal or State law or  regulation unless that item bears a warning statement that  indicates that at least one component part of the item contains 
    The warning statement for items covered under this  subsection (b) shall contain at least the following: "WARNING:  CONTAINS LEAD. MAY BE HARMFUL IF EATEN OR CHEWED. MAY GENERATE  DUST CONTAINING LEAD."
    An entity is in compliance with this subsection (b) if the  warning statement is provided on the children's product or on  the label on the immediate container of the children's product.  This subsection (b) does not apply to any product for which  federal law governs warning in a manner that preempts State  authority.
    (c) Other lead bearing substance. No person, firm, or  corporation shall have, offer for sale, sell, or give away any  lead bearing substance that may be used by the general public,  except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this Section,  unless it bears the warning statement as prescribed by federal  regulation. If no regulation is prescribed the warning  statement shall be as follows when the lead bearing substance 
is a lead-based paint or surface coating: "WARNING--CONTAINS  LEAD. DRIED FILM OF THIS SUBSTANCE MAY BE HARMFUL IF EATEN OR CHEWED. See Other Cautions on (Side or Back) Panel. Do not  apply on toys, or other children's articles, furniture, or  interior, or exterior exposed surfaces of any residential  building or facility that may be occupied or used by children.  KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN.". If no regulation is  prescribed the warning statement shall be as follows when the  lead bearing substance contains lead-based paint or a form of  lead other than lead-based paint: "WARNING CONTAINS LEAD. MAY  BE HARMFUL IF EATEN OR CHEWED. MAY GENERATE DUST CONTAINING  LEAD. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN.". 
    For the purposes of this subsection (c), the (a) The  generic term of a product, such as "paint" may be substituted  for the word "substance" in the above labeling. 
    (b) The placement, conspicuousness, and contrast of the  above labeling shall be in accordance with 16 C.F.R. 1500.121.
    (d) The warning statements on items covered in subsections  (a), (b), and (c) of this Section shall be in accordance with,  or substantially similar to, the following:
        (1) the statement shall be located in a prominent place  on the item or package such that consumers are likely to  see the statement when it is examined under retail  conditions;
        (2) the statement shall be conspicuous and not obscured  by other written matter;
        (3) the statement shall be legible; and
        (4) the statement shall contrast with the typography,  layout and color of the other printed matter.
    Compliance with 16 C.F.R. 1500.121 adopted under the  Federal Hazardous Substances Act constitutes compliance with this subsection (d). 
    (e) The manufacturer or importer of record shall be  responsible for compliance with this Section.
    (f) Subsection (c) of this Section does not apply to any  component part of a consumer electronic product, including, but  not limited to, personal computers, audio and video equipment,  calculators, wireless phones, game consoles, and handheld  devices incorporating a video screen used to access interactive  software and their associated peripherals, that is not  accessible to a child through normal and reasonably foreseeable  use of the product. A component part is not accessible under  this subsection (f) if the component part is not physically  exposed by reason of a sealed covering or casing and does not  become physically exposed through reasonably foreseeable use  and abuse of the product. Paint, coatings, and electroplating,  singularly or in any combination, are not sufficient to 
constitute a sealed covering or casing for purposes of this 
Section. Coatings and electroplating are sufficient to 
constitute a sealed covering for connectors, power cords, USB 
cables, or other similar devices or components used in consumer 
electronics products. 
(Source: P.A. 94-879, eff. 6-20-06.)

    Section 10. The Mercury-added Product Prohibition Act is 
amended by adding Sections 22 and 23 and by changing Section 30 
as follows:
    (410 ILCS 46/22 new) 
    Sec. 22. Sale and distribution of cosmetics, toiletries, or 
fragrances containing mercury. No person shall distribute or 
sell any cosmetics, toiletries, or fragrances containing 
mercury. Any person who knowingly sells or distributes 
mercury-containing cosmetics, toiletries, or fragrances in 
this State is guilty of a petty offense and shall be fined an 
amount not to exceed $500.
    (410 ILCS 46/23 new) 
    Sec. 23. Disclosure. Any person in this State manufacturing 
cosmetics, toiletries, or fragrances containing mercury must 
disclose the level of mercury in the product. A manufacturer 
who fails to disclose the level of mercury in its cosmetics, 
toiletries, or fragrances is guilty of a business offense and 
shall be fined $10,000.
    (410 ILCS 46/30) 
    Sec. 30. Penalty for violation. Except as provided in 
Sections 22 and 23 of this Act, a A person who violates this 
Act shall be guilty of a petty offense and upon conviction 

shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 and not more 
than $200 for each violation. 
(Source: P.A. 93-165, eff. 1-1-04.)

Effective Date: 6/1/2009
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美国伊利诺斯州 对铅 镉 汞管控的都比较严格,其中汞主要是化妆品方面的,镉是儿童珠宝的可溶性的(75ppm),另外有些还得总镉也有限制,老美的联邦制让人的小心纠结
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楼上的是对的,40ppm,不过好像签这个法案的州长都下台了,到底是不是真的需要执行还真不清楚,不过就像楼上有人提到的一样,很多大客例如TRU, METAL都没有执行这个条例。。。所以。。。