【篇 号】:1
【题 名】:Rheological characterization of hydrogels formed by recombinantly produced spider silk
【作 者】:S. Rammensee, D. Huemmerich, K.D. Hermanson, T. Scheibel and A.R. Bausch,
【期刊名全称】:Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
【文献页码】: Volume 82, Number 2, 261-264,
http://www.springerlink.com/content/y767087l041m1517/【篇 号】:2
【题 名】:Biomaterial Films of Bombyx Mori Silk Fibroin with Poly(ethylene oxide)
【作 者】:Hyoung-Joon Jin,†‡ Jaehyung Park,† Regina Valluzzi,† Peggy Cebe,§ and David L. Kaplan*†,
【期刊名全称】: Biomacromolecules,
【文献页码】: 2004, 5 (3), pp 711–717
http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/bm0343287【篇 号】:3
【题 名】:Biodegradation of Bombyx mori silk fibroin fibers and films
【作 者】:Takayuki Arai1, Giuliano Freddi2,*, Riccardo Innocenti3, Masuhiro Tsukada1,
【期刊名全称】: Journal of Applied Polymer Science
【文献页码】:Volume 91, Issue 4, pages 2383–2390, 15 February 2004
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/app.13393/full【篇 号】:4
【题 名】:In vitro degradation of silk fibroin
【作 者】:Rebecca L. Horan, Kathryn Antle, Adam L. Collette, Yongzhong Wang, Jia Huang, Jodie E. Moreau, Vladimir Volloch, David L. Kaplan and Gregory H. Altman,
【期刊名全称】: Biomaterials
【文献页码】: Volume 26, Issue 17, June 2005, Pages 3385-3393
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TWB-4DTKJGG-2&_user=10&_coverDate=06%2F01%2F2005&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=gateway&_origin=gateway&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1708773768&_rerunOrigin=scholar.google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=c95061c7f5d5b7525dc3e20679633d91&searchtype=a【篇 号】:5
【题 名】:Structure and Properties of Silk Hydrogels
【作 者】:Ung-Jin Kim,† Jaehyung Park,† Chunmei Li,† Hyoung-Joon Jin,†‡ Regina Valluzzi,† and David L. Kaplan*†,
【期刊名全称】: Biomacromolecules,
【文献页码】: 2004, 5 (3), pp 786–792