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新手级: 新兵
















Educational, Career and Personal Development (大学新生教育、职业及个人发展)New

Single Variable Calculus (单变量微积分)
Multivariable Calculus (多变量微积分)
Highlights of Calculus (微积分重点)
Linear Algebra (线性代数)
Justice: What""""s the Right Thing to Do? (公正:怎样做才对呢?)
Positive Psychology (幸福课)
Social Psychology: Self and Society (社会心理学:个人与社会)
Inner Core (人性)
Death (死亡)
Philosophy of Love in the Western World (西方世界的爱情哲学)
Listening to Music (聆听音乐)
Roman Architecture (罗马建筑)
Powers of Governments (政府的权利)
Introduction to American Politics (美国政治简介)
European Civilization, 1648-1945 (欧洲文明)
Introduction to Ancient Greek History (古希腊历史介绍)
Game Theory (博弈论)
Profiles in Leadership (领导力内涵)

Business Plan and Idea eva1uation(商业计划及评估)

Funding a Start-up (初创企业的融资)

Powerpoint 2007 (微软Powerpoint2007入门教程)
Excel 2007 (微软Excel入门教程)
Access 2007 (微软Access2007入门教程)
Basic Composition (初级写作)
Writing Capstone (写作课程)
Written Business Communication (商业写作沟通)


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新手级: 新兵





Leadership (领导力)

Profiles in Leadership (领导力内涵)【字幕】

Leadership in a Technology World (科技领导力)【字幕】

Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs (商业领袖和企业家)【字幕】

Innovation (创新)

Strategy (战略)

The Marketing Mix (营销组合)

Strategic Marketing Management(市场策略)

Organizational Behavior (组织行为)

Legal and Ethical Issues (公司治理的法律和道德问题)

Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (企业资源计划)

Emerging Topics in Operations and Technology (运营及高科技的最新动向)

Introduction to Lean Six Sigma Methods 6西格玛入门)

Supply Chain Management (供应链管理)

Industry Trends and Opportunities (行业趋势及创业机会)

Entrepreneurial Thought Leader Highlights (访谈亮点-硅谷思想领导者)

Principles of Marketing(营销原理)New

Enterprise and e-Business Integration(企业及电子商务集成)New

New Venture Management(创业及创业公司管理)New

Introduction to Business(商业入门)New


Financial Markets (金融市场)【字幕】

Value Investing (价值投资)

Corporate Finance(公司金融财务)

Wharton Foresee(沃顿对未来金融发展的预测)【字幕】

Finance - Concepts and Applications (金融学基本概念及应用)

Banking and Money (银行及货币)

Mathematics of Finance (金融数学)

Real Estate Finance I (房地产金融 I

Real Estate Finance II(房地产金融 II

Dubai Debt Crisis(迪拜债务危机)

Micro-Economic Analysis (微观经济分析)

Macroeconomic Analysis (宏观经济分析)

Game Theory (博弈论)【字幕】

Understanding the financial crisis and what it means to you (金融经济危机及对个体的影响)【字幕】

Taxation of Trans-Pacific Transactions(跨太平洋交易的税务)New

Financial Accounting (财务会计)

Cost Accounting(成本会计)New

Managerial Accounting(管理会计)New

Financial Theory(金融理论)【字幕】『New

Financial Management(财务管理)New


The Poetry of John Milton (弥尔顿诗歌)【字幕】

Introduction to Theory of Literature (文学理论导论)【字幕】

Dante in Translation (解读但丁)【字幕】

Modern Poetry (现代诗歌)【字幕】

The American Novel Since 1945 1945年以后的美国小说)【字幕】

Knights and Maidens (骑士与少女)

Survey of American Literature (美国文学)

Cervantes"""" Don Quixote (塞万提斯堂吉诃德)New

The American Languages (美国语言学)


Christian Counseling for Children (基督徒对孩子教育的观点)

Curriculum Development (Elem./Sec.) (中小学课程开发)

Principles of Education (教育原理)

Principles of Human Development (人的成长轨迹)

TESOL and Applied Linguistics (对外英语教学及应用语言学)

Use and Abuse of International Data and Assessments (国际评估数据的使用和滥用)

Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences I (教育及社会科学的定量/定性分析 I

Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences II (教育及社会科学的定量/定性分析 II

Education Technology (高科技在教育中的应用)

Educational Psychology (教育心理学)


Social Psychology: Self and Society (社会心理学:个人与社会)

Social Problems (社会问题)

Introduction to Psychology (心理学导论)【字幕】

General Psychology (普通心理学)

Social Cognition (社会认知心理学)

Social Psychology (社交心理学)

Educational Psychology (教育心理学)

Communication and Conflict in Couples and Families (家庭与夫妇心理学)【字幕】

Positive Psychology (幸福课)【字幕】

Neuroscience Lab (行为精神学试验)

The Psychology, Biology and Politics of Food (食品的心理学、生物学及政治学)【字幕】

Human Sexuality (人类性行为)

Research and Data Analysis in Psychology(心理学的研究及数据分析)


Introduction to Sociology(社会学入门)New

Foundations of Modern Social Theory (近代社会理论基础)【字幕】『New

Christian Ethics(基督徒的道德观)New

Getting Connected: Social Science in the Age of Networks (网络时代的社会学)New

Sociology of Christianity(基督教的社会学)New
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新手级: 新兵
Intensive Introduction to Computer Science Using C, PHP, and JavaScript (计算机科学导论)【字幕】
Understanding Computers and the Internet 2006(计算机及互联网 2006)
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (计算机程序的结构与说明)
Operating Systems and System Programming (操作系统及系统编程)
Data structure (数据结构)
Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (计算机编程入门)
Programming Methodology (计算机编程方法)【字幕】
Programming Paradigms (编程范式)【字幕】
Programming Abstractions (程序设计的抽象思维)
Developing Mobile Apps with Web Technologies (使用网络技术研发移动应用)
Machine Learning (机器学习)【字幕】
Natural Language Processing (自然语言处理)
Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (Spring 2010) (人机互动研习,2010 春季)
Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (Winter 2010) (人机互动研习,2010 冬季)【字幕】
Developing Apps for IOS (Fall 2010) (基于苹果iOS的应用研发,2010秋季)
iPhone Application Programming (iPhone 应用编程)
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (计算机及编程入门)【字幕】
Introduction to Algorithms (算法导论)【字幕】
Multicore Programming Primer (多核编程)
Computer Graphics (计算机图像)『New』
Image Processing and Analysis (图像处理及分析)『New』
Advanced Visualization (数据可视化高级课程)
Introduction to Geometric Modeling (几何建模导论)
Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)『New』
Information and Entropy(信息及熵)『New』
Foundations of Computer and Information Security (计算机及信息安全入门)
Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits (微电子电路导论)
Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits (高级模拟电路 )
Structure and Interpretation of Systems and Signals (信号系统的结构与说明)
Introduction to MEMS Design (微机电系统设计)
Introduction to Digital Integrated Circuits (数字集成电路导论)
Analysis and Design of VLSI Analog-Digital Interface Integrated Circuits (VLSI电路分析与设计)
Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits (高级数字集成电路)
Microelectronic Devices and Circuits (微电子电路与仪器)
Digital Image Processing (数字图像处理)
Machine Structures (机器结构)
Introduction to Optical Engineering (光学工程导论)
Introduction to Robotics (人工智能:机器人导论)
The Fourier Transform and its Applications (傅立叶变换与应用)
Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems (线性动态系统导论)
Convex Optimization I (凸优化 I)
Convex Optimization II (凸优化 II)
Computer System Engineering (计算机系统工程)
Principles of Digital Communication I(数字通信原理 I)
Principles of Digital Communication II (数字通讯原理 II)
Circuits and Electronics (电路与电子学)
Electromagnetics and Applications (电磁学及应用)
Linear Systems and Fourier Optics(线性系统及傅里叶光学)『New』
Principles of Semiconductor Devices(半导体仪器设备原理)『New』
Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics(纳米电子学基础)『New』
Nanoelectronic Modeling(纳米电子模拟)『New』
Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials (材料的原子计算机建模)
Structural Aspects of Biomaterials (生物工程材料的特性分析)
Synchrotron Radiation for Materials Science(同步辐射在材料科学的应用)
Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials (材料的对称性、结构及拉伸性能)
Introduction to Solid State Chemistry (固态化学导论)
Failure Analysis (失效分析)
Fundamentals of Materials Engineering and Science (材料科学基础)
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (材料的机械性能)
Fracture of Materials (材料的断裂)
Atomic Picture of Plastic Deformation in Metals(金属塑性变形的原子图像)『New』
Supramolecular and Nanostructured Materials(超分子化学及纳米结构材料)『New』
Fundamentals of Atomic Force Microscopy(原子力显微镜基础)『New』
Structural Aspects of Biomaterials (生物工程材料的特性分析)
Introduction to MEMS Design (微机电系统设计)
Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials (材料的对称性、结构及拉伸性能)
NanoManufacturing (纳米加工)
Fracture of Materials (材料的断裂)
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (材料的机械性能)
Vibration Problems in Engineering (工程振动学)
Theory and Design of Fluid Power Machinery (液动/气动设备的理论与设计)
Advanced Dynamics (高等动力学)
Failure Analysis (失效分析)
Fundamentals of Materials Engineering and Science (材料科学基础)
Fluid Mechanics (流体力学)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (计算流体力学)
Introduction to Product Development (产品研发入门)『New』
Finite Element Procedures for Solids and Structures (线性系统有限元分析)『New』
Structural Aspects of Biomaterials (生物工程材料的特性分析)
Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, and Law (基因工程 - 医学、农业及法律)
Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering (生物医学工程前沿探索)【字幕】
Introduction to Bioengineering (生物工程导论)
Tissues and Organ Systems Physiology (细胞和器官生理学)
Polymers in Medicine (高分子材料的医学应用)
Engineering Nanomedical Systems(工程纳米医学系统)『New』
An Introduction to BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology(生物微机电系统及纳米生物技术介绍)『New』
Energy and the Environment (能源及环境)【字幕】
Sustainable Living: Environment (可持续生存环境)
Architectural Structures(建筑结构)
Introduction to Environmental Engineering (环境工程导论)
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵