主题:【分享】NMR in Solid State Chemistry

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【分享】NMR in Solid State Chemistry
133. 2H-1D exchange spectroscopy by mechanically stimulated spin diffusion: A tool for the determination of bond angles in organic solids
Authors: Terao, Takehiko; Takegoshi, Kiyonori; *Reichert, Detlef; Kyoto University, Molecular Chemical Physics, Kyoto, Japan;
134. Using One- and Two-Dimensional NMR Techniques to Characterize Reaction Products Bound to Chiron Crowns
Authors: *Sefler, Andrea; Gerritz, Sam; Glaxo Wellcome, Inc., Research Triangle Park;
135. Quantitative study of the solid-state dynamic properties of E(SiMe3)4 (E=C,Si) by variable one- and two-dimensional 13
Authors: *Helluy, Xavier; Kuemmerlen, Joerg; Sebald, Angelika; Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universitaet Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth;
136. Magnitudes and Orientations of Interaction Tensors in Isolated Three-Spin Systems ABX
Authors: *Dusold, Stephan; Sebald, Angelika; Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universitaet Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth;
137. 17O multiple-quantum and 1H MAS NMR studies of the zeolite ZSM-5
Authors: *Pingel, Ulf-Torsten; Amoureux, Jean-Paul; Ernst, Horst; Fernandez, Christian; Freude, Dieter; Abteilung Grenzflächenphysik, Universität Leipzig, Germany;
138. 17O nuclear quadrupole interaction in C-O-H...O=C hydrogen bonds
Authors: *Seliger, Janez; "Jozef Stefan" Institute, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
139. NMR Spectroscopy of Lead-207 in Inorganic Materials
Authors: *Dybowski, Cecil; Beckmann, Peter; Neue, Guenther; University of Delaware;
140. Phosphorus Speciation in Calcium Phosphate Glasses and Ceramics.
Authors: *Hawkes, Geoffrey; Abrahams, Isaac; Ahmed, Alia; Franks, Kathrina; Knowles, Jonathan; Queen Mary and Westfield College, London.;
141. Theoretical and Experimental Approach of Quadrupolar Echoes in Solid State NMR
Authors: Yves, Dumazy; John, Hanna; *Jean-Paul, Amoureux; Christian, Fernandez; Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille;
142. Solid-State NMR Studies of Fluorinated, Organic Compounds for Pharmaceutical Applications.
Authors: *Campbell, Susan C.; Harris, Robin K.; Hardy, Martin J.; University of Durham;
143. Solid State 2H NMR Studies of a Molecular Hydrogen Complex
Authors: *Facey, Glenn; Goussev, Dmitri; University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA K1N 6N5;
144. Quantitative analysis of 27Al MQMAS NMR spectra of zeolites.
Authors: *Fernandez, Christian; Delevoye, Laurent; Bailly, Alain; Amoureux, Jean-Paul; University of Science and Technology of Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, FRANCE;
145. Determination of structure and dynamic behavior of organometallic-inorganic hybrid catalysts by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy
Authors: *Baumann, Andreas; Lindner, Ekkehardt; Mayer, Hermann A.; Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie Universitaet Tuebingen;
146. 31P[M] REDOR nmr spectroscopy on transition metal phosphine complexes
Authors: *Buechele, Joachim; Mayer, Hermann A.; Schaal, Walter; Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, Universitaet Tuebingen;
147. Probing glass structure using 31P, 7Li and 23Na MAS NMR
Authors: *Alam, Todd; Brow, Richard; Boyle, Timothy; Sandia National Laboratories, MS 1407 Albuquerque, NM 87185;
148. Phase change of water in hardening cement detected by deuterium NMR
Authors: *Benesi, Alan; Rakiewicz, Edward; Grutzeck, Michael; Kwan, Stephen; The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802;
149. 1H spin topologies via MAS sideband patterns in multiple-quantum NMR spectra
Authors: *Schnell, Ingo; Friedrich, Ulli; Demco, Dan E.; Spiess, Hans W.; Max Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany;
150. Bond Angle Determination using Multidimensional NMR Dipolar Correlation Experiment
Authors: *Hediger, Sabine; Gan, Zhehong; Ernst, Richard R.; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), CH-8092 ZŸrich;
151. A Homonuclear Spin-Pair Filter for Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Based on Adiabatic-Passage Techniques
Authors: Verel, Rene; Baldus, Marc; Ernst, Matthias; *Meier, Beat H.; NSR-Center, University of Nijmegen;
152. Spin Diffusion in High-Abundant Spin Systems under MAS
Authors: *Ernst, Matthias; Verhoeven, Aswin; Meier, Beat H.; NSR-Center, University of Nijmegen;
153. 13C NMR Study of Small Molecules Chemisorbed on Commercial Fuel Cell Grade Graphite-Supported and Polycrystalline Platinum Electrodes
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新手级: 新兵
Authors: *Tong, Yuye; Belrose, Cynthia; Wieckowski, Andrzej; Oldfield, Eric; Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana;
154. Single crystal surfaces: Submonolayer sensitivity reached for hyperpolarized 129Xe
Authors: *Jaensch, Heinz J.; Hof, Thorsten; Ruth, Urs; Schmidt, Juergen; Stahl, Dirk; Fick, Dieter; Fachbereich Physik, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany;
155. Is Cadmium-113 a Viable Surrogate Probe Strategy for Zinc Metalloproteins
Authors: *Lipton, Andrew S.; Larsen, Flemming H.; Ellis, Paul D.; Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory Richland, WA 99352;
156. Solid State Gradient MAS Spectroscopy
Authors: *Maas, Werner E.; Bielecki, Anthony J.; Ziliox, Martine; Cory, David G.; Bruker Analytical Systems, Inc., Billerica, MA 01821;
157. High Resolution NMR in Solid-Phase Synthesis
Authors: *Marchioro, Carla; Davalli, Silvia; Missio , Andrea; Passarini , Maria; Seneci, Pierfausto; Glaxo Wellcome Medicines Research Center;
158. Hartmann-Hahn Match Conditions for Cross-Polarization Between Two Quadrupolar Nuclei with Half-Integral Spin under Magic-Angle Spinning
Authors: *Eastman, Margaret A.; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK;
159. 59Co NMR Studies of Cobalamins and their Derivatives
Authors: *Medek, Ales; Frydman, Veronica; Frydman , Lucio; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago;
160. Lithium-6 and Lithium-7 Interactions Studied In Solid Organolithium Compounds.
Authors: *Cherryman, Julian C; Harris, Robin K; Chemistry Department, University of Durham;
161. Solid State NMR of Linear Alkanes in Aromatic Nanotubes: Dynamics and Structural Determination
Authors: *Comotti, Angiolina; Simonutti, Roberto; Sozzani , Piero; Dept. of Materials Science, University of Milan;
162. Challenges of High Resolution Solid State 14N NMR: the Overtone NMR Strategy revisited
Authors: *Marinelli, Laura; Frydman, Lucio; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago;
163. 129Xe NMR of Nanoporous Silicas
Authors: *Kneller, Julie M.; Assink, Roger A.; Pietrass, Tanja; New Mexico Tech Socorro;
164. 13C Solid State NMR Study of Potassium Carbonate, Trithiocarbonate and Related Monomethyl Derivatives
Authors: *Stueber, Dirk; Orendt, Anita M.; Facelli, Julio C.; Parry, Robert W.; Grant, David M.; Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112;
165. Solid State 13C NMR Measurements of Coronene and Corannulene: Orientation of Principal Axis Systems
Authors: *Orendt, Anita M.; Bai, Shi; Facelli, Julio C.; Grant, David M.; Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112;
166. 31P MAS and double-resonance NMR investigations of phosphorus-bearing aluminosilicate glasses
Authors: *Schaller, Torsten; Rong, Chaoying; Toplis, Michael J.; Cho, Herman; Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universitaet Bayreuth;
167. 17O NMR Results on Hydrous Alkali Silicate and Aluminosilicate Glasses
Authors: *Oglesby, Jane; Xu, Zhi; Maekawa, Hideki; Stebbins, Jonathan; Stanford University, Stanford;
168. 195Pt NMR Study of Commercial Fuel Cell Grade Graphite-Supported Platinum Electrocatalysts at Low Temperatures
Authors: *Belrose, Cynthia; Tong, Yuye; Wieckowski, Andrzej; Oldfield, Eric; Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana;
169. Solid State Sidechain Molecular Motion in Sucrose Octapalmitates as Studied by 2H NMR
Authors: *Buchanan, Gerald; McManus , Gerald; Jarrell, Harold ; Department of Chemistry, Carleton University, Ottawa Canada K1S 5B6;
170. Systematic design of high-order sequences for de- and recoupling in solid-state NMR.
Authors: *Hohwy, M.; Rasmussen, J. T.; Bower, P. V.; Jakobsen, H. J.; Nielsen, N. C.; Centre for Solid State NMR, Chemistry Dept., University of Aarhus;
171. 207Pb and 31P NMR in amorphous materials, connectivities through dipolar interaction
Authors: Frank, Fayon; Catherine, Bessada; *Dominique, Massiot; CRPHT-CNRS, Orleans, France;
172. Proton Conduction in Imidazole - a Solid-state Nitrogen-15 NMR Study
Authors: Hickman, Benjamin; Mascal, Mark; *Titman, Jeremy; Department of Chemistry, University of Nottingham;
173. Higher resolution of nuclei with large quadrupolar couplings : QPASS versus high field and spinning rates
Authors: *Dominique, Massiot; Frank, Fayon; Valérie, Montouillout; Claire, Magnenet; Pierre, Florian; Catherine, Bessada; CRPHT-CNRS, 45071 Orleans cedex 2, France;
174. Pulsed Field Gradient Multiple-Quantum MAS NMR Spectroscopy of Half-Integer Spin Quadrupolar Nuclei.
Authors: Fyfe, Colin; Skibstead, Joergen; *Grondey, Hiltrud; Meyer, Holger; Bretherton, Jerry; University of British Columbia, Vancouver;
175. Low-Field Magnetic Resonance using a SQUID Detector
Authors: *Wong-Foy, Annjoe; TonThat, Dinh; Augustine, Matthew; Yarger, Jeffrey; Tomaselli, Marco; Clarke, John; Pines, Alexander; University of California, Berkeley;
176. NMR Characterization of a III-V Semiconductor: InP Single Crystal and Nanocrystals
Authors: *de Graw, David; Tomaselli, Marco; Yarger, Jeffrey L.; Havlin, Robert; Pines, Alexander; Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA;
177. Field dependence studies in 59Co solid state NMR and estimation of quadrupole and chemical shielding tensor parameters
Authors: *Ganapathy, Subramanian; Dumazy, Yves; Fernandez, Christian; Amoureux, Jean-Paul; National Chemical Laboratory, Pune;
178. Investigation of Phenyl-Perfluorophenyl Solid-State Interactions by Fluorine CRAMPS
Authors: *Hughes, Eric; Harris, Robin K.; University of Durham;
179. Characterization of extra framework cations in ETS-10 and ETAS-10 molecular sieves by MQ-MAS and molecular modeling techniques
Authors: Delevoye, Laurent; *Ganapathy, Subramanian; Fernandez, Christian; Amoureux, Jean-Paul; National Chemical Laboratory, Pune;
180. Redor/Reapdor experiments on zeolites using high speed CP-MAS probehead
Authors: *Ganapathy, Subramanian; Delevoye, Laurent; Fernandez, Christian; Amoureux, Jean-Paul; National Chemical Laboratory, Pune;
