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国家材料服役安全科学中心(筹)--- 新金属材料国家重点实验室

学术报告题目/Title: Strategies for Developing Ni-Base Superalloys for
High Pressure Disk Rotor Applications: Incremental to Transformational
报告人/Speaker: Sammy Tin, Associate Professor
报告人工作单位/Affiliation: Illinois Institute of Technology
日期/Date:2010年7月1日(星期四)/July 1, 2010 (Thursday)
时间/Time:9:00-11:00 AM
联系人/Contact:qfeng@skl.ustb.edu.cn或13426028193 (石同学)
报告地点/Location:北京科技大学主楼 353, Room 353, Main Building

The temperature capability of existing high strength, polycrystalline Ni-base superalloys for high-pressure disk rotor applications serves to limit the performance and efficiency of advanced turbine engine designs.  Although development of new materials and processes for these components may potentially lead to substantial gains in engine performance, the costs associated with full-scale alloy development programs tend to be prohibitive.  As a result, successful strategies to enhance the capabilities of turbine disk rotors will rely on a combination of incremental and transformational approaches.  Recent advances in the development of novel characterization techniques, such as high temperature instrumented indentation, have provided powerful tools that can be applied to improve our fundamental understanding of the physical metallurgy associated high temperature structural materials.  In an effort to improve and optimize existing polycrystalline Ni-base superalloys, we have used a high temperature instrumented indentation system to probe the mechanical properties of combinatorial Ni-base superalloy diffusion multiples.  To meet the needs of future engine design requirements, high-risk, high-pay-off transformational approaches for developing new alloys and materials are also being evaluated.  A novel class of polycrystalline Ni-Al-Nb γ–γ’–δ alloys appears to show tremendous potential for use in turbine disk rotor applications in next generation turbine engine designs. Results from these studies will be presented and the implications of these strategies will be discussed.

作者简介/Speaker’s short biography
Dr. Tin received PhD degree from the University of Michigan, and now he is an Associate Professor of Materials Engineering in the Department of Aerospace, Materials and Mechanical Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology and the Director of High Temperature Structural Materials Lab. All of the research activities in his laboratory are focused on the development, characterization, and processing of Ni-based alloys and structural intermetallics.  Both industry and the federal government funding agencies provide financial support for these research activities.
Over the past 12 years, Professor Tin’s research has focused on the composition-processing- microstructure-mechanical properties-performance relationships in polycrystalline and single crystal Ni-base superalloys. He has been the PI on numerous grants focused on alloy development of novel single crystal Ni-base superalloys. Prof. Tin is an internationally recognized expert in the field of superalloy creep, fatigue, oxidation and solidification. His research interests also include computational process modeling. For many of these research activities, he has collaborated extensively with industrial researchers at GE Aircraft Engines, GE Global Research Center, Rolls-Royce, Special Metals, Wyman Gordon, Firth-Rixson, PCC Airfoils, Caterpillar, Howmet and the Air Force Research Laboratory.  Professor Tin received Rolls-Royce Mark Shipton Patent Award for the development of innovative materials technology in 2004, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining Cook/Ablett Award in 2006, and American Society of Materials Marcus A Grossmann Award in 2007.
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