主题:【分享】ECHA to approve most biocides from 2020, says EU Council

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Chemical Watch News Alert #182

This is our last news alert of 2010. We wish all our readers happy holidays and a peaceful and prosperous new year. Thank you for your lively engagement in Chemical Watch's coverage via our articles, directories, reports, webinars, REACH clinics and new forum - we look forward to more in 2011! Mamta Patel.

CEFIC says firms must use own judgement on REACH intermediates definition issue

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ECHA issues last call for C&L notifications

Companies reminded notification required even for chemicals under one tonne per annum Read full article

Denmark to ban parabens in children's products

Country first in EU to propose such a ban Read full article

New Environment & Health Action Plan needed urgently, says EU Council

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ECHA to approve most biocides from 2020, says EU Council

Environment ministers opt for later date than European Parliament Read full article

Other recent news

  • US EPA launches public tool for searching safety study databases
  • Final call for existing chemical nominations in Taiwan
  • Tough rules for nano food ingredients top prioirity for H1 2011, says EEB
  • CEFIC issues guidance on REACH authorisation and competition law compliance
  • EFSA publishes outcome of consultation on guidance on data rules for flavourings risk assessments
  • ECHA Amending Budget for 2010 published
  • Draft guidance on substances in articles sent to ECHA's Management Board
  • DuPont pays $3.3 million penalty for failure to report toxic chemical studies
  • EU scientific committee consults on risk from food-resembling and child-appealing products
  • Seveso II Directive to be harmonised with GHS
  • Taiwan adjusts procedure for toxic substances notification
  • ECHA recommends eight more SVHCs for authorisation to EU Commission
  • ECHA and US EPA sign information exchange agreement
  • Commission urged to do more to reduce hazardous substances in products
  • Prospects uncertain for 2nd EU Environment & Health Action Plan
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Chemical Watch News Alert #183

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ECHA changes structure to reflect evolving role

Agency creates four new directorates; expects 500 employees this year Read full article

California’s Green Ribbon Science Panel to reconvene in February

Panel to address multiple concerns raised by stakeholders Read full article

Singapore announces timetable for GHS implementation

Industry plans training course to assist companies with new rules Read full article

Chinese OR hits back at REACH consortia fees

Controversial report says "exorbitant" consortia administrative fees have deterred importers Read full article

US EPA issues rule requiring testing of 19 chemicals

NGO criticises time taken to gather data on high production volume substances Read full article

EU C&L notifications top three million by deadline

ECHA says first C&L inventory will be published in May Read full article

Other recent news

  • Egg dioxin contamination spreads; Euro Chlor issues information sheet
  • BEUC calls on Hungarian government for consumer-friendly EU policy
  • US EPA says nano proposals will be ready next month
  • Study investigates levels of pollutants in Hong Kong residents
  • US EPA publishes toxicity equivalence factors for dioxins
  • US National Toxicology Program meeting to address link between chemicals, diabetes and obesity
  • EU Scientific Committee examines nitrosamines in cosmetics, balloons; consults on hair dye opinion
  • Swiss government issues guidelines on safety data sheets for nanomaterials
  • More than 30,000 substances on Taiwan's first national existing chemicals inventory
  • NIOSH issues draft guidance on workplace safety for carbon nanotubes
  • California issues information call for six nanomaterials
  • Maine designates BPA and nonylphenols as priority chemicals
  • Over 100,000 existing substance dossiers submitted by Taiwan's deadline
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