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Invited Speakers
Jean-Paul Amoureux

Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France

Dominique Massiot

Centre de Recherche sur les Matériaux á Haute Température, CNRS, France

Francis Taulelle

Université de Versailles, France

Anne Lesage

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Fance

Riqiang Fu

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, U.S.A.

Zhehong Gan

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, U.S.A.

Shangwu Ding

National Sun Yat-sen University

Shangbin Liu

Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica

Pingchuan Sun

Naikai University

Heyong He

Fudan University

Ping Zhou

Fudan University

Min Gu

Nanjing University,

Feng Deng

Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, CAS

Huiru Tang

Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, CAS
您可能想找: 核磁共振(NMR) 询底价
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Invited Lectures:

The workshop will consist of 21 invited lectures (45 min each)

l. Methods for spin-1/2 nuclei.

1) Strategy for high-resolution (Francis Taulelle)

2) Methods for hetero-nuclear decoupling (A. Lesage)

3) 2D Methods for hetero-nuclear dipolar recoupling (F. Taulelle)

4) 2D Methods for homo- and hetero-nuclear scalar recoupling (D. Massiot)

5) 2D Methods for homo-nuclear dipolar recoupling (F. Taulelle)

6)  High-resolution Methods for protons (A. Lesage)

II. Methods for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei.

7)  1D Methods : spectra in static, echo, MAS (J.P. Amoureux)

8)  2D Methods: MQMAS and STMAS (J.P. Amoureux)

9)  2D Methods applied to 14N (Z. Gan)

10) Enhancement of spin diffusion of quadrupolar spin under MAS (S.W. Ding)

11) NQR and wideline NMR (M. Gu)

III Applications

12) Biology (A. Lesage)

13) Membrane protein (R. Q. Fu)

14) Catalysts (F. Deng)

15) Catalytic recation (H.Y. He)

16) 129Xe NMR of catalytic materials (S. B. Liu)

17) Polymer  (P.C. Sun)

18) Biopolymer (P. Zhou)

19) Nuclear Relaxation of Biopolymer (H.R. Tang)

20) Crystallized inorganic Materials (D. Massiot)

21) Glassy inorganic Materials (D. Massiot)
