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新手级: 新兵
2B or not 2B          To Be Or Not To Be
4ever                Forever
A/S/L                Age/Sex/Location
AFAIC                As Far As I"m Concerned
AFAIK                As Far As I Know
AFK                  Away From Keyboard
AIAMU                And I"m A Monkey"s Uncle
AISI                  As I See It
AKA                  Also Known As
AMBW                  All My Best Wishes
ANFAWFOWS            And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor
AOTS                  All Of The Sudden
ASAFP                As Soon As "Friggin" Possible
ASAP                  As Soon As Possible
ATST                  At The Same Time
AWGTHTGTTA            Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again
AWGTHTGTTSA          Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh** Again
AYSOS                Are You Stupid Or Something

B4                    Before
B4N                  Bye For Now
BBFBBM                Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel
BBIAB                Be Back In A Bit
BBIAF                Be Back In A Few
BBL                  Be Back Later
BBN                  Bye Bye Now
BCNU                  Be Seein" You
BFD                  Big F***ing Deal
BFN                  Bye For Now
BHOF                  Bald Headed Old Fart
BIF                  Basis In Fact
BITD                  Back In The Day
BM                    Byte Me
BMOTA                Byte Me On The Ass
BNF                  Big Name Fan
BOHICA                Bend Over Here It Comes Again
BR                    Bathroom
BRB                  Be Right Back
BRT                  Be Right There
BS                    Big Smile
BT                    Byte This
BTDT                  Been There Done That
BTSOOM                Beats The Sh** Out Of Me
BTW                  By The Way
BTWBO                Be There With Bells On
BWDIK                But What Do I Know?
BWO                  Black, White or Other

CIAO                  Goodbye (in Italian)
CID                  Consider It Done
CIO                  Check It Out
CIS                  CompuServe Information Service
CMF                  Count My Fingers
Cof$                  Church of Scientology
CRAFT                Can"t Remember a F***ing Thing
CRAWS                Can"t Remember Anything Worth A Sh**
CSL                  Can"t Stop Laughing
CTC                  Choaking The Chicken
CUL8R                See You Later
CWYL                  Chat With You Later
CYA                  Cover Your Ass
CYL                  See You Later

DBEYR                Don"t Believe Everything You Read
DD                    Due Diligence
DDD                  Direct Distance Dial
DETI                  Don"t Even Think It
DGT                  Don"t Go There
DHYB                  Don"t Hold Your Breath
DILLIGAD              Do I Look Like I Give A Damn
DILLIGAS              Do I Look Like I Give A Sh**
DKDC                  Don"t Know Don"t Care
DLTM                  Don"t Lie To Me
DQYDJ                Don"t Quit You"re Day Job
DRIB                  Don"t Read If Busy
DYSTSOTT              Did You See The Size Of That Thing

EG                    Evil Grin
EOM                  End Of Message
ESO                  Equipment Smarter than Operator

F2F                  Face-to-Face
FBKS                  Failure Between Keyboard and Seat
FE                    Fatal Error
FF&PN                Fresh Fields and Pastures New
FO                    F*** Off
FOAF                  Friend Of A Friend
FTASB                Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
FTL                  Faster Than Light
FTTB                  For The Time Being
FUBAR                F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition
FUBB                  F***ed Up Beyond Belief
FUD                  (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation
FWIW                  For What It"s Worth
FYA                  For Your Amusement
FYI                  For Your Information
FYM                  For Your Misinformation

GAL                  Get A Life
GG                    Good Game or Gotta Go
GIGO                  Garbage In, Garbage Out
GIWIST                Gee, I Wish I"d Said That
GL                    Good Luck
GLYASDI              God Loves You And So Do I
GMTA                  Great Minds Think Alike
GNBLFY                Got Nothing But Love For You
GR&D                  Grinning Running And Ducking
GR8                  Great
GRRRR                "Growling"
GSOAS                Go Sit On A Snake
GTG                  Got To Go
GTGB                  Got To Go, Bye
GTGP                  Got To Go Pee
GTH                  Go To Hell
GTSY                  Glad To See Ya
GYPO                  Get Your Pants Off
您可能想找: 气相色谱仪(GC) 询底价
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新手级: 新兵
HAGO                  Have A Good One
HAK                  Hugs And Kisses
HB                    Hurry Back
HD                    Hold
HHO1/2K              Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding
HHOK                  Ha Ha, Only Kidding
HIOOC                Help! I"m Out of Coffee
HTH                  Hope This (That) Helps
HUA                  Heads Up Ace
HUYA                  Head Up Your A**

IAC                  In Any Case
IAE                  In Any Event
IANAC                I Am Not A Crook
IANAL                I Am Not A Lawyer
IBT                  In Between Technology
IBTD                  I Beg To Differ
IC                    In Character
IDGAF                I Don"t Give A F***
IDGI                  I Don"t Get It
IDK                  I Don"t Know
IDKY                  I Don"t Know You
IDST                  I Didn"t Say That
IDTS                  I Don"t Think So
IFAB                  I Found A Bug
IFU                  I F***ed Up
IGGP                  I Gotta Go Pee
IIIO                  Intel Inside, Idiot Outside
IIMAD                If It Makes An(y) Difference
IIRC                  If I Remember Correctly
IIWM                  If It Were Me
ILICISCOMK            I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke
                      On My Keyboard
ILY                  I Love You
IMHO                  In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO                In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO                  In My Opinion
INMP                  It"s Not My Problem
INPO                  In No Particular Order
IOH                  I"m Outta Here
IOW                  In Other Words
IRL                  In Real Life
ISS                  I Said So
ITM                  In The Money
IYKWIM                If You Know What I Mean
IYSS                  If You Say So

J/C                  Just Checking
J/K                  Just Kidding!
J/W                  Just Wondering
JAFO                  Just Another F***ing Onlooker

KFY                  Kiss For You
KISS                  Keep It Simple Stupid
KIT                  Keep In Touch
KMA                  Kiss My Ass
KWIM                  Know What I Mean
KYPO                  Keep Your Pants On

L8R                  Later
LD                    Long Distance
LDTTWA                Let"s Do The Time Warp Again
LLTA                  Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause
LMAO                  Laughing My Ass Off
LMK                  Let Me Know
LOL                  Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots of Luck (or Love)
LTIC                  Laughing "Til I Cry
LTNS                  Long Time No See
LYL                  Love Ya Lots
LYLAS                Love You Like A Sister

MHOTY                My Hat"s Off To You
MM                    Market Maker
MorF                  Male or Female?
MOTD                  Message Of The Day
MOTSS                Members Of The Same Sex
MTFBWY                May The Force Be With You
MWBRL                More Will Be Revealed Later
MYOB                  Mind Your Own Business

NAK                  Nursing At Keyboard
NAZ                  Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq)
NBD                  No Big Deal
NBIF                  No Basis In Fact
NFI                  No F***ing Idea
NFW                  No F***ing Way
NIFOC                Nude In Front Of The Computer
NM                    Never Mind
NMP                  Not My Problem
NOYB                  None Of Your Business
NP                    No Problem
NQOCD                Not Quite Our Class Dear
NRG                  Energy
NRN                  No Reply Necessary
NYCFS                New York City Finger Saluet

OAUS                  On An Unrelated Subject
OBTW                  Oh By The Way
OIC                  Oh, I see
OMDB                  Over My Dead Body
OMG                  Oh My Gosh
OMIK                  Open Mouth, Insert Keyboard
ONNA                  Oh No, Not Again
OOC                  Out Of Character
OOTB                  Out Of The Box -or- Out Of The Blue
OT                    Off Topic
OTOH                  On the Other Hand
OWTTE                Or Words To That Effect
OZ                    stands for "Australia"

PEBCAK                Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
PIMP                  Peeing In My Pants
PITA                  Pain In The Ass
PLS                  Please
PMFJI                Pardon Me For Jumping In
PO                    Piss Off
POV                  Point of View

RBTL                  Read Between The Lines
RL                    Real Life
RLF                  Real Life Friend
RMLB                  Read My Lips Baby
RMMM                  Read My Mail Man!
RN                    Right Now!
ROTFL                Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO              Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
ROTM                  Right On The Money
RSN                  Real Soon Now
RTFM                  Read The F***ing Manual
RTK                  Return To Keyboard
RTM                  Read The Manual
RU                    Are You?

SBTA                  Sorry, Being Thick Again
SH Sh**              Happens
SITD                  Still In The Dark
SNAFU                Situation Normal, All F***ed Up
SOL                  Sh** Out of Luck
SorG                  Straight or Gay?
SSDD                  Same Sh** Different Day
STFU                Shut The F*** Up
STM                  Spank The Monkey
STYS                Speak To You Soon
SUYF                Shut Up You Fool
SWAG                Scientific Wild Ass Guess
SWAK                Sent (or Sealed) With A Kiss
SWDYT                So What Do You Think?

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新手级: 新兵
TAH              Take A Hike
TANSTAAFL        There Ain"t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TARFU            Things Are Really F***ed Up
TDTM            Talk Dirty To Me
TEOTWAWKI        The End Of The World As We Know It
TFN              Thanks For Nothin"
THX or TX or THKS    Thanks
TIA                  Thanks In Advance
TIAIL                Think I Am In Love
TIC                  Tongue In Cheek
TLA                  Three Letter Acronym
TLGO                The List Goes On
TM                  Trust Me
TMI                      Too Much Information
TMTOWTDI            There"s More Than One Way To Do It
TPTB                    The Powers That Be
TSR                      Totally Stuck in RAM
TTFN                    Ta Ta For Now
TTT                      That"s The Ticket -or- To The Top
TTYL                    Talk To You Later
TWHAB                    This Won"t Hurt A Bit
TY                      Thank You
TYVM                    Thank You Very Much

unPC            unPolitically Correct
URYY4M          You Are Too Wise For Me

VFM              Value For Money
WAG              Wild Ass Guess
WAI              What An Idiot
WB              Welcome Back
WCA              Who Cares Anyway
WDYS            What Did You Say?
WDYT            What Do You Think?
WE              Whatever
WEG              Wicked Evil Grin
WG              Wicked Grin
WGAFF            Who Gives A Flying F***
WIIFM            What"s In It For Me?
WIT              Wordsmith In Training
WITFITS          What in the F*** is this Sh**
WOG              Wise Old Guy
WRT              With Regard To
WTF              What The F***
WTG              Way To Go!
WTSDS        Where The Sun Don"t Shine
WYP          What"s Your Problem?
WYRN          What"s Your Real Name?
WYS          Whatever You Say
WYSIWYG      What You See Is What You Get
WYT          Whatever You Think

YA            Yet Another
YA            yaya Yet Another Ya-Ya (as in yo-yo)
YAFIYGI      You Asked For It You Got It
YDKM          You Don"t Know Me
YGBK          You Gotta Be Kiddin"
YMMV          Your Mileage May Vary
YNK          You Never Know
YOYO          You"re On Your Own
YR            Yeah Right
YSYD          Yeah, Sure You Do
YTTT          You Telling The Truth?
YYSSW        Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵