主题:【分享】2024 欧洲粉末衍射会议 EPDIC18 摘要集

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每一届的欧洲粉末衍射会议Eureapean Powder Diffraction Conference 都代表着衍射行业的最新标杆。
2024年的18th EPDiC在意大利的Padova举行。因为会议之前的卫星会议有15th TOPAS user meeting,所以我也参加了~

15th TOPAS Users’ Meeting        August 28-30

PLENARY        Friday, August 30

J. Wright – “Imaging Single Crystals in Powder Samples” Chairs: R. Rizzi, G. Artioli
P. Scardi – “40 Years of Diffraction Line Pro?le Analysis: from Scherrer Equation to Whole Powder Pattern Methods”
J.S.O. Evans – “Powder Diffraction for Perfecting Chemistry” Chair: R. Dinnebier

MS01 - The current state and future prospects of Functional Materials
Keynote 1 Kirsten M. ?. Jensen (Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark)        “In situ and operando total scattering studies of materials for electrocatalysis”.
Keynote 2 Matteo Bianchini (Univ. of Bayreuth, Germany)        “In situ observation of crystallographic transformations during (electro)chemical reactions in positive electrode materials”
E. Trzop – “Ultrafast photoinduced phase transition dynamics in the RbMnFe Prussian Blue Analogue studied by streaming powder X-ray diffraction”.
O. Grendal – “Lead vs bismuth: Effect of incommensurately modulated structures on polar order in tetragonal tungsten bronzes”.
S. Simpson – “Resolving the origins of ferroelectricity in hexagonal barium titanate”.

MS10 Microstructure, texture and line pro?le analysis
Keynote 1 Karen Pantleon (Technical University of Denmark – DTU, Denmark)        “Internal structure of electroplated iron-based alloy coatings with extreme hardness”.
Keynote 2 Andras Borbely (Mines Saint-étienne, France)        “Strain anisotropy in plastically deformed crystals”.
D. Balzar – “A comparison between phenomenological and physically based methods for line-broadening analysis”.
Y. Feldman – “X-ray diffraction analysis of layered compounds: from regular structures to nanoparticles with curved turbostratic layers”.
M.H. Mendenhall – “Application of SRM1979 ZnO standard to x-ray line pro?le analysis for powder microstructure measurement”.

Malvern Panalytical Seminar
Pushing the boundaries of powder diffraction and beyond.
Join us for our EPDIC18 seminar to discover the latest news about Malvern Panalytical portfolio. Come to learn about how one of the most signi?cant aberrations that affect the results of X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) experiments which can lead to an incorrect determination of d-spacings and lattice parameters, or to wrong materials found in phase identi?cation analysis can be properly addressed. Are you instead more interested in texture measurements? Then, you will learn about how a new optical module can allow up one order of magnitude faster measurement. This is just a glimpse of what you will be able to learn thank to this seminar.

MS08 Magnetic structures and neutron scattering
Keynote 1        Matthew Coak (Univ. of Birmingham, UK)        “Tuning dimensionality and magnetism in van-der-Waals Mott insulators FeP(S,Se)3”.
Keynote 2        Fabio Denis Romero (Univ. of Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Institut Néel, France)        “Frustration and A’ magnetic order in AA’3B4O12 quadruple perovskites”.
J. Cedervall – “The effect of Manganese substitutions on the magnetism in Fe2P-based compounds”.
A.M. Arévalo-López – “CoVO3 high-pressure polymorphs: To order or not to order?”.
S.-H. Park – “New magnetic structures of Al-bearing lithium ferrite as potential RT multiferroics”.

MS05 Innovation in structure solution and re?nement
Keynote 1        Mark Spillman (UK Civil Service, UK)        “GPU-accelerated  molecular  crystal  structure  determination  from powder diffraction data”.
Keynote 2        Martin Schmidt (Goethe Univ., Germany)        “Structure determination of nanocrystalline organic compounds by a global ?t to the PDF”.
M. Spiliopoulou – “Extending the limits of macromolecular powder diffraction: The case of porcine pancreatic elastase”.
S. Cassidy – “A shortcut in structural solution for layered systems”.
A. Sednev Lugovets – “Dypingite: structural properties of the nature-inspired water ?lter”.

Rigaku Seminar
In the seminar “High Resolution Powder Diffraction Measurements with the Rigaku SmartLab Diffractometer – Hardware Explained“, Dr. Oleksandr Slipeniuk, Manager Business Development and Regional Sales Rigaku Europe SE, will explore the details of high-resolution powder diffraction. He will clarify what high resolution means and discuss its effects on both the sample and the capabilities of the diffractometer. The presentation will highlight the limitations imposed by these high-resolution requirements and examine how different con?gurations of the Rigaku SmartLab diffractometer enhance performance to achieve superior results.

A. Fitch – “High resolution powder diffraction at ID22”. Chair: L. Barba

M. Zobel – “Chasing hydration shells in iron oxide nanoparticle dispersions”. Chair: S. Billinge

MS09 Combining complementary techniques for structural studies
Keynote 1        Marianne Liebi (EPFL and PSI, Switzerland)        “SAXS imaging in Biomedical Applications”.
Keynote 2        Doris Braun (Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria)        “Structural        Exploration        of        Multi-Component        Systems:        Complementary Experimental and Computational Insights”.
M. Vandone – “A direct comparison of the accuracies of the structural models of a MOF obtained using a diverse set of X-ray diffraction techniques”.
C. Archinard – “Lamellar hybrid materials with solid-solid phase transitions for thermal energy storage: a multi-technique study”.
F. Bravetti – “Crystal structure and tautomeric state of Pigment Red 48:2 from X-ray powder diffraction and solid-state NMR”.

MS06 Nanomaterials, surfaces and interfaces
Keynote 1        Sebastian Mangelsen (Univ. of Kiel, Germany)        “Where the journey begins: Hydroxycarbonates for the preparation of catalysts”.
Keynote 2        Federica Bertolotti (Univ. Insubria, Italy)        “Shedding        light        on        halide        perovskite        nanocrystals        with        total        scattering methods”.
G.B.  Strapasson  –  “Oxygen  vacancy-induced  phase  transformations of Ti1-xFexO2-0.5x nanostructures”.
N. Dengo – “In-situ SAXS/WAXS coupled with UV-Vis spectroscopy for the time-resolved investigation of nucleation and growth of lead halide perovskite nanocrystals”.
A.        Kirsch        –        “Navigating        Complexity:        Strategies for Structure Control in High-Entropy Oxides”.

Anton Paar Seminar
60 years of XRD at Anton Paar: Driving XRD into the future.
Join us for this lunch seminar to learn about Anton Paar’s latest advances in X-ray diffraction (XRD) instrumentation and applications. 2024 marks 60 years since the launch of the ?rst non-ambient XRD attachment from Anton Paar.
We would like to invite you to celebrate this milestone with us by taking a look back at the developments in non-ambient XRD over the decades and to learn what is possible with the latest generation of non-ambient XRD attachments and powder X-ray diffractometers.

MS02 In situ and operando studies
Keynote 1        Giorgia Confalonieri (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)        “Revealing Intrusion and Extrusion Mechanisms of Electrolyte Aqueous Solutions in Heterogeneous Lyophobic Systems via High-Pressure X-ray Powder Diffraction”.
Keynote 2        Joshua Makepeace (Univ. of Birmingham, UK)        “Observing bulk transport of reactive species in ammonia synthesis catalyst composites”.
L.S. Junkers – “Where pH dependency begins: Following the formation of bismuth molybdates using in situ X-ray total scattering”.
P.W. Stephens – “Unusual phase transitions of the p-[C2(CN)4]22- dimer in tetramethylammonium tetracyanoethylene”.
K. Yusenko – “Bulk High-Entropy Hydrides Accessed under High-Pressure High-Temperature”.

MS12 Quantitative analysis: state of the art and new perspectives
Keynote 1        Giuseppe Cruciani (Univ. of Ferrara, Italy)        “Quantitative phase analysis as a tool to develop the circularity of construction and demolition waste”.
Keynote 2        Ruben Snellings (Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Belgium)        “The use of quantitative phase analysis for the characterization of cementitious materials”.
M.A.P. Miljak – “Implementation of powder X-ray diffraction in Geant4”.
S. Melzer – “Quantitative phase analysis of BOF slag: A challenge”.
J. Fernandez-Sanchez – “Joint high-energy laboratory powder diffraction and microtomography for cement hydration studies”.

S. Billinge – Updates on PDF modeling software with diffpy-cmi
I. Halasz – “In situ powder X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy for monitoring of ball-milling mechanochemistry”.
B. Cernik – “A combined synchrotron sub-micron X-ray diffraction-computed tomography (XRD-CT) study of radiation damage in a (Nb0.85, Zr0.15)4AlC3 supported by X-ray diffuse scattering and EBSD”.

I. Margiolaki – “The Protein Powder Diffraction Challenge”. Chair: M. Reinle-Schmitt

MS07 Pharmaceutical and biological materials
Keynote 1        Karen Robertson (Univ. of Nottingham, UK)        “Segmented ?ow crystallisation as a powerful non-invasive sampling tool for PXRD”.
Keynote 2        Pedram Mehrabi (Univ. of Hamburg, Germany)        “Multidimensional serial synchrotron crystallography”.
M. Reinle-Schmitt – “Exploring high-throughput synchrotron X-Ray powder diffraction for the characterization of pharmaceuticals”.
F.F. Ferreira – “Crystal structure of melphalan hydrochloride and its association with caffeine”.
K.D.M. Harris – “Exploiting multi-technique synergy in the structure determination of materials of pharmaceutical and biological relevance from powder X-ray diffraction data”.
C. Papaefthymiou – “Structural response of the pharmaceutical peptide Octreotide upon controlled relative humidity and temperature variation”.

MS11 Arti?cial Intelligence for powder diffraction
Keynote 1        Niaz Abdolrahim (Univ. of Rochester, USA)        “AI Models for Dynamic Analysis of X-ray Diffraction Data”.
Keynote 2        Simon Billinge (Columbia Univ., USA)        “AI at your service: AI as a tool for extracting more science, more easily from powder diffraction data”.
T. Shibasaki – “Deep neural network application for phase identi?cation in powder X-ray diffraction”.
A.S. Anker – “Machine learning for analysis of pair distribution function data”.
L. Allara – “Size classi?cation of quantum dots via deep learning on reciprocal space total scattering data”.
A. Kern – “Application of DL for phase identi?cation and quanti?cation – an assessment”.

Bruker Seminar
The D6 PHASER is the world’s ?rst benchtop platform for X-ray powder diffraction in re?ection and transmission geometry, thin ?lm analysis by grazing incidence diffraction and re?ectometry, and bulk sample stress and texture analysis. In this luncheon we will present new components for the D6 PHASER, signi?cantly expanding its range of applications. Operation is further simpli?ed and we are taking the next step towards “1 click applications”, from measurement to ?nal data evaluation.
We will also discuss the crucial role of operando X-ray diffraction in advancing
our understanding of energy storage systems. From planning and execution of cycling experiments to data visualization and batch analysis of large datasets, the D6 PHASER and D8 Diffractometer Families provide complete, fully integrated hard. and software solutions to help in the pursuit of innovative solutions for next-generation energy storage technologies.
Finally, we will brie?y present our recent advances on GIWAXS and UWAXS capabilities of the D8 Diffractometer Families: GIWAXS is a key application in the investigation of the in-solution formation of organic lead halide perovskites, the material of the active layer material in thin ?lm solar cells, while UWAXS allows to enhance the performance of polymers by linking crystallinity and degree of orientation to the mechanical properties.

MS04 Materials for energy conversion and storage
Keynote 1        Claire Villevielle (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France)        “Multiscale investigation of batteries using advanced operando techniques”.
Keynote 2        Stefano Checchia (ESRF, France)        “Operando chemical-structural mapping in energy materials”.
M. Malagutti - “Understanding        the        structure        and        stacking        fault        of Cu2+yZn1-ySnS4-xSex systems for thermoelectric applications”.
M. Juelsholt – “Does trapped O2 form in LiNiO2 upon charging?”.
H. Guo – “A Zn2+ substituted NaAlCl4 with enhanced sodium ionic conductivity for solid-state batteries”.

MS03 Structure and dynamics in disordered materials with total scattering methods
Keynote 1 David Keen (ISIS Facility, UK)        “100 Years of the Total Scattering Method – from copper X-ray tubes to XFELs via neutrons and X-ray synchrotrons”.
Keynote 2        Tatiana E. Gorelik (Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Germany)        “ePDF – PDF from electron diffraction data”.
M. Saura-Múzquiz – “Phase transitions and disorder in complex oxides”.
V. Petkov – “Recent progress in resonant (anomalous) total x-ay scattering experiments on disordered materials: case studies on multiferroics and charge density wave systems”.
D. Bonavia – “Modulated excitation PDF characterization of supported Pt nanoparticles reconstruction in liquid phase”.

B. B. Iversen – “In situ and in operando X-ray scattering studies in materials chemistry”.
M.W. Terban – “Signatures of local structure in molecular systems”. Chair S. Bette

List of Posters
MS01.P.01        Recent progress in total x-ray scattering experiments in magnetic ?eld: case studies on Gd5(Si/Ge)4 and MnAs giant magnetocalorics
Valeri Petkov - Central Michigan University, USA petko1vg@cmich.edu

MS01.P.02        Competition between G-type, C-type and CE-type orbital ordering modes in Na- and Ca- doped Hg-quadruple manganite perovskites
Ben Tragheim - University of Warwick, UK ben.tragheim@warwick.ac.uk

MS01.P.03        Structural properties of Ca10.5-xTMx(VO4)7 orthovanadates: XRD study at ambient and non-ambient conditions
Houri Rahimi Mosafer - Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland rahimi@ifpan.edu.pl

MS01.P.04 Partial crystallisation in Pd-BMG systems: X-ray based multimodalities for understanding materials structure to in?uence functionality
Sabrina Thom? - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials, Science and Technology, Switzerland        sabrina.thomae@empa.ch

MS01.P.05        The crystal structure, electrochromism, and magnetic properties of corundumlike Li2Ni2W2O9
Simon Redor - Collège de France and Sorbonne Université, France simon.redor@college-de-france.fr

MS01.P.06 Synthesis and structure of highly non-stoichiometric garnets RE3+xAl5-xO12 (0 < x < 0.6)
Michael Pitcher - CNRS, France michael.pitcher@cnrs-orleans.fr

MS01.P.07 Discovery of a new superconductor Bi5O4S3Cl containing the unique BiS3 Layer
Gang Wang - Chinese Academy of Sciences, China gangwang@iphy.ac

MS01.P.08 New insights into the structural behaviour of rare-earth chromites: in?uence of pressure and temperature on the octahedral distortion
Javier Gainza - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France javier.gainza-martin@esrf.fr

MS01.P.09 "Green-chemistry" synthesis of the lead-free Cs3Sb2X9 (X = Cl, Br, and I) double perovskite by the mechanochemical method
Karla Barbosa – Federal University of ABC, Brazil karla.kariny@ufabc.edu.br

MS02.P.01        In situ analysis of kaolin and halloysite dehydroxylation and Al-Si spinel crystallization at high temperatures via synchrotron x-ray diffraction
Pelin Pa?abeyo?lu - Middle East Technical University, Turkey paltay@metu.edu.tr

MS02.P.02 From High-entropy Alloy to High-entropy Intermetallic: An in situ XRD/XAS Study of PtFeCoNiPd Nanoparticle Formation
Nicolas Schlegel – University of Copenhagen, Denmark ns@chem.ku.dk

MS02.P.03 Towards higher reproducibility of in-situ studies: Demonstrating the importance of practical synthesis parameters using non-noble HEOs
Jens Edelvang-Pejrup - University of Copenhagen, Denmark and University of Bern, Switzerland        jep@chem.ku.dk

MS02.P.04  Unveiling the formation mechanism of PbxPdy intermetallic phases in solvothermal synthesis using in situ X-ray total scattering
Anders Borup - Aarhus University, Denmark andersborup@chem.au.dk

MS02.P.05 First results from experiments with energy dispersive X-ray diffraction on multimodal robotic device for 2D and 3D analysis of objects
Marek Kotrly - Institute of Criminalistics, Czech Republic kotrlym@natur.cuni.cz

MS02.P.06 In situ studies of selective CO2 sorption by UTSA-16 under controlled humidity conditions
Alexander Missyul - ALBA Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Spain amissiul@cells.es

MS02.P.07 New single crystal gas ?ow cell for in situ neutron diffraction experiments
Vadim Sikolenko - University Leipzig, Germany vadim.sikolenko@uni-leipzig.de

MS02.P.08 Operando X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques for deciphering battery materials
Yuji Shiramata - Rigaku Corporation, Japan        siramata@rigaku.co.jp

MS02.P.09  In-situ monitoring of the successive phase transformations in NH3 decomposition catalysts through X-ray powder diffraction Christos Sidiropoulos - Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung,
Germany sidiropoulos@kofo.mpg.de

MS02.P.10        Proton transfer trajectory in proton conductors determined by in situ X-ray powder diffraction measurement, application for
1,2-dimethyl-5-ethylpyridinium  dihydrogen  phosphate  David Havlicek - Charles University, Czech Republic havlicek@natur.cuni.cz

MS02.P.11        In situ and in operando PXRD at the DanMAX beamline
Mads Ry J?rgensen - Aarhus University and Lund University, Denmark mads@chem.au.dk

MS02.P.12        In-situ PDF investigation on MOF derived Ni3Fe@C catalyst in the CO2 methanation with gas dropouts in catalytic cycling
Fabio Manzoni - RWTH Aachen University, Germany manzoni@ifk.rwth-aachen.de

MS02.P.13        Structural Analysis of early Bronze Age Potteries (Kura-Araxes) of Tepe Beris in Ardabil Province based on experiments of XRD Mohammad Eghbal Chehri - Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran and sesame.org.jo

MS02.P.14        Observation of metastable N-doped LiH phases during in situ X-ray diffraction of ammonia synthesis catalysts
Ezri McGarrigle - University of Birmingham, UK emm868@student.bham.ac.uk

MS02.P.15        Revisiting phase transitions and spontaneous strain analysis of cooperative Jahn-Teller compounds RVO4 (R=Tb, Dy)
Lei Ding - Malvern Panalytical B. V., The Netherlands lei.ding@malvernpanalytical.com

MS02.P.16        Comparative study of CO2 adsorption in a series of zeolites by combining in-situ high-resolution powder X-ray diffraction, isotherm modeling, and simulation
Loic Bénariac-Doumal – European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France        loic.benariac-doumal@esrf.fr

MS02.P.17        Lattice modi?cation and morphological control of halide substituted yqt-type zeolitic imidazolate frameworks Zn3mim5X, with X = Br, Cl, F or OH
Sebastian Bette - Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany s.bette@fkf.mpg.de

MS02.P.18        Exploring the structure of molecular glass formers at high pressure
Karolina Jurkiewicz - University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland karolina.jurkiewicz@us.edu.pl

MS02.P.19        X-ray diffraction for battery analysis: Modern challenges and modern solutions
Andrew Jones - Anton Paar GmbH, Austria andrew.jones@anton-paar.com

MS02.P.20 In situ VT-PXRD measurements to study the sorption properties of CALF-20
Anastasiia Sleptsova - Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany a.sleptsova@fkf.mpg.de

MS02.P.21        Going beyond – News in non-ambient and operando X-ray diffraction
Marius Kremer - Anton Paar GmbH, Austria marius.kremer@anton-paar.com

MS02.P.22 The Powder Diffraction and Total Scattering Beamline P02.1 at PETRA III, DESY
Martin Etter - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Germany martin.etter@desy.de

MS02.P.23 Unveiling material transformations via XRD technique at high temperatures
Jose Mardegan - Rigaku Europe SE, Germany jose.mardegan@rigaku.com

MS02.P.24 Powder Diffraction at Elettra 2.0
Jasper Plaisier - Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy jasper.plaisier@elettra.eu

MS02.P.25 In situ studies of layered transition metal oxide syntheses
Henrik Lyder Andersen - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientí?cas, Spain henrik.andersen@csic.es

MS02.P.26 The scienti?c case for in-situ diffraction investigations of mechanochemical processes: recent developments and state of the art
Giulio Isacco Lampronti - University of Cambridge, UK gil21@cam.ac.uk

MS02.P.27 Thermally Induced Cyclization of dipeptide Leu-Leu in Solid State
Laure Guénée - University of Geneva, Switzerland laure.guenee@unige.ch

MS02.P.28 Reversible hydration in aqueous Li-ion batteries probed by operando synchrotron powder diffraction
Gustav Ek - Uppsala University, Sweden gustav.ek@kemi.uu.se

MS02.P.29 Time/temperature evolution of modulated structures of new hollandites with mixed occupancy of the tunnel sites
Scott Misture - Alfred University, USA misture@alfred.edu

MS02.P.30 Navigating the Fe–N phase diagram with in situ diffraction experiments: Structural, microstructural and magnetic properties of the iron nitride family
Cecilia Granados-Miralles - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientí?cas, Spain c.granados.miralles@icv.csic.es

MS02.P.31        Equation of state of Ca3Fe2Ge3O12 garnet
Wojciech Paszkowicz - Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland paszk@ifpan.edu.pl

MS02.P.32 Structural modi?cations by pressure or temperature in Remeika phase quasi skutterudite stannides
Boby Joseph - Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy boby.joseph@elettra.eu

MS02.P.33 Investigating the solid-state synthesis reaction pathway for ?uorinated and non-?uorinated disordered rock salt cathode materials
Kevin Stone - SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA        khstone@slac.stanford.edu

MS02.P.34 SiENAH: In situ furnace for fast and high-temperature sintering in air
Jesper Simonsen - Aarhus University, Denmark js@chem.au.dk

MS02.P.35  Advances in benchtop XRD: Operando analysis of a Li-ion battery
Dennis Becker - Bruker AXS, Germany dennis.becker@bruker.com

MS02.P.36 In-situ and operando 2D WAXS measurement with laboratory-based system
Keisuke Hibino - Rigaku Corporation, Japan hibino@rigaku.co.jp

MS02.P.37  In situ diffraction guides synthesis of PdCu alloys Andreas Bertelsen - Aarhus University, Denmark adb@chem.au.dk

MS02.P.38 Synthesis and structural characterization of nanocrystalline yttria-stabilized hafnia
Magnus Kl?ve - Aarhus University, Denmark magnus.kloeve@chem.au.dk

MS02.P.39 High-energy beamline P21.2 at PETRA III, DESY – ?exible setups for in-situ and operando studies
Niels Lefeld - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Germany niels.lefeld@desy.de

MS03.P.01        Preliminary studies on Pb adsorption by nano-crystalline maghemite and hematite structures
Riccardo Bono - University of Milano, Italy riccardo.bono@unimi.it

MS03.P.02 Effect of iron doping in the formation of amorphous metal-tungstates
Adrian Sanz Arjona - University of Copenhagen, Denmark asa@chem.ku.dk

MS03.P.03 Ultra small iridium oxide nanoparticles – from synthesis to oxygen evolution reaction catalyst
Laura Graversen - University of Copenhagen, Denmark lgg@chem.ku.dk

MS03.P.04 Unveiling structural defectiveness of CuInS2 quantum dots by Reciprocal Space X-ray Total Scattering Modelling
Mara Colombo - University of Insubria, Italy mcolombo15@uninsubria.it

MS03.P.05 Electronically-driven local lattice distortions in molecule-intercalated iron-chalcogenide superconductors
Kaitatzi Myrsini - Foundation for Research and Technology and University of Crete, Greece        myrsinik@iesl.forth.gr

MS03.P.06 Probing Core-Shell Behaviour with Pair Distribution Function Analysis
Adam Sapnik - University of Copenhagen, Denmark afs@chem.ku.dk

MS03.P.07  In-situ PDF study on a La0.5Ce1.5NiO4 perovskite-derived methanation catalyst under dynamic operation conditions
Felix Müller - RWTH-Aachen University, Germany mueller@ifk.rwth-aachen.de

MS03.P.08 Stratlingite: synthesis, structure, and properties of an ancient roman cement component
Artem Shevchenko - Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany a.shevchenko@fkf.mpg.de

MS03.P.09 Time-resolved structural amorphisation of LaMO3 perovskites by acid leaching
Emma Solé Chaos - University of Copenhagen, Denmark esc@chem.ku.dk

MS03.P.10        Digging deeper into the irreversible disordering of nanocrystalline TiO2-rutile electrodes
Martin AASkov Karlsen - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Germany martin.AASkov.karlsen@desy.de

MS03.P.11        Pair distribution functions of nanocrystalline and amorphous organic compounds from laboratory data
Natalia Sennova - Goethe-Universit?t Frankfurt, Germany sennova@chemie.uni-frankfurt.de

MS03.P.12        In?uence of CaO/SiO2 ratio on the structure of mold ?ux glasses: preliminary results
Monica Dapiaggi - University of Milan, Italy monica.dapiaggi@unimi.it

MS03.P.13        Calibration and postprocessing of 1-D Mythen III detector
Antonio Cervellino - Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland antonio.cervellino@psi.ch

MS03.P.14        BIG BOX modelling of Pair Distribution Function using RMCPro?le7 program
Wojciech Slawinski - University of Warsaw, Poland wslawinski@chem.uw.edu.pl

MS03.P.15        Tracking the formation of polyoxomolybdates in real-time with total X-ray scattering
Rebecca Silberg - University of Copenhagen, Denmark rss@chem.ku.dk

MS04.P.01 Metal hydridoborates, novel materials for energy conversion and storage
Radovan Cerny - University of Geneva, Switzerland radovan.cerny@unige.ch

MS04.P.02 In?uence of electrolyte solvents on the electrochemical intercalation of Na ions into ZrS2
Lina Liers - Kiel University, Germany lliers@ac.uni-kiel.de

MS04.P.03 Tuning the dual ionic conductivity of Sr3V2O8 by Ca-Doping
Sophie Martin - University of Aberdeen, UK s.martin.21@abdn.ac.uk

MS04.P.04 Towards sustainable synthesis of High Entropy Alloy nanoparticles as novel catalyst materials
Tobias M?lgaard Nielsen - University of Copenhagen, Denmark tmn@chem.ku.dk

MS04.P.05 Exploring novel solid-state proton conductors through neutron diffraction
Sacha Fop - University of Aberdeen, UK sacha.fop1@abdn.ac.uk

MS04.P.06 Structural Investigations of a Family of Perovskite-Derived Oxide Ion Conductors
Oliver Wagstaff, Durham University, UK oliver.wagstaff@durham.ac.uk

MS04.P.07  Anisotropy of Oxide Ion Conductors
Esther Curtis - Durham University, UK esther.m.curtis@durham.ac.uk

MS04.P.08  Synchrotron PXRD investigation of the exsolution mechanism Cristiane
B. Rodella - Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials and Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory, Brazil cristiane.rodella@lnls.br

MS04.P.09 Investigation of local structure of non-crystalline niobium oxide and TT-Nb2O5: insights into the photochromic response
Claudia Weidenthaler - Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Germany        weidenthaler@mpi-muelheim.mpg.de

MS04.P.10 Depth-resolved synchrotron μPXRD and ToF-SIMS studies on complex rare-earth perovskite as thermal barrier coating revealing multi-phase evolution upon thermal loading
Yoo Jung Sohn - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany y.sohn@fz-juelich.de

MS04.P.11        Nanoscale structural investigation of metal halide perovskites
Rodrigo Szostak - Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory and Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials, Brazil rodrigo.szostak@lnls.br

MS04.P.12  Structural and microstructural characterization of perovskite oxides obtained by one and two-step auto combustion synthesis
Leopoldo Suescun - Universidad de la República, Uruguay leopoldo@fq.edu.uy

MS04.P.13 Oxygen non-stoichiometry in High Entropy Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites
Rebecca Clulow - Uppsala University, Sweden rebecca.clulow@kemi.uu.se

MS04.P.14 In-situ X-ray diffraction for hydrogen desorption behavior of Mg-1wt.% Si alloy
Manjin Kim - Curtin University, Australia manjin.kim@curtin.edu.au

MS04.P.15 Investigation of the crystal structure and conductivity of the palmierite oxide Ba3Ti0.9Mo1.1O8.1
Dylan N. Tawse - University of Aberdeen, UK dylan.tawse@abdn.ac.uk

MS04.P.16 Non-ambient in-operando X-ray diffraction study of Li-ion batteries on the laboratory diffractometer
Lei Ding - Malvern Panalytical B. V., The Netherlands lei.ding@malvernpanalytical.com

MS04.P.17 Heterogeneity in batteries sensitively resolved through operando powder diffraction
Peter Khalifah - Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA kpete@bnl.gov

MS04.P.18  Stabilization of 2D perovskites via mixed halide anions
Jasminka Popovi? - Ru?er Bo?kovi? Institute, Croatia jpopovic@irb.hr

MS04.P.19 Origin of relaxation mechanisms in Li-ion batteries: an operando X-ray diffraction study
David Wragg - IFE Institute for Energy Technology, Norway david.wragg@ife.no

MS04.P.20 Enigmatic phase behaviour of substituted bismuthate oxide ionic conductors
David Billing - University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa dave.billing@wits.ac.za

MS04.P.21 Structural effects from varying the Fe/Mn ratio in layered NaFeyMn1-yO2 for Na-ion batteries
Morten Johansen - Aarhus University, Denmark mojoh@chem.au.dk

MS04.P.22 Optimizing Solid-Solid Phase Change Materials' Thermal Properties Through Mixed Ligand Synthetic Routes
David Nieto-Castro - Centro Ibérico de Investigación en Almacenamiento energético, Spain david.nieto@ciiae.org

MS04.P.23 Investigating Tetragonal Tungsten Bronze Structures for Sodium-Ion Battery Applications
Feyza Kevser ?ner – University of Cambridge, Uk fko24@cam.ac.uk

MS05.P.01 DebyeCalculator: a GPU-accelerated open-source python package for calculating powder diffraction, small-angle- and total scattering with the Debye scattering equation
Frederik Johansen - University of Copenhagen, Denmark frjo@di.ku.dk

MS05.P.02 The dark side of the moon of Rietveld re?nement – new modalities of whole pattern ?tting
Adam Corrao - Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA acorrao@bnl.gov

MS05.P.03 Advanced Guinier-type laboratory instrumentation
Horst Borrmann - Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids,
Germany horst.borrmann@cpfs.mpg.de

MS05.P.04  Crys?re2020 - powder diffraction data indexing suite
Jeremy Cockcroft - University College London, UK j.k.cockcroft@ucl.ac.uk

MS06.P.01 Preparation and characterization of bimetallic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as a potential adsorbent
Asala Saleh - Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan asalasaleh9998@gmail.com

MS06.P.02 Potential nanomedical applications and physicochemical nature of Hyphaene thebaica reduced Sm2O3 nanoparticles
Hamza Mohamed - University of South Africa, and iThemba LABS-National Research Foundation, South Africa hamza@tlabs.ac.za

MS06.P.03 Eco-Friendly Fabrication of Superparamagnetic Core-Shell Iron Oxide-Gold Nanoparticles using Ficus Carica Latex for Enhancing MRI and CT Imaging for Early Breast Cancer Detection
Firas Fohely - Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia and Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan        ?rasf@student.usm.my

MS06.P.04 Nanosheets of a layered metal-organic framework for separation of CO2/CH4 using mixed matrix membranes
Meng He – University of Manchester, UK and The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France        meng.he@esrf.fr

MS06.P.05 Optimized measurement con?gurations for small-angle X-ray scattering measurements with XRDynamic 500
Praveen Vir - Anton Paar GmbH, Austria praveen.vir@anton-paar.com

MS06.P.06 Synthesis and surface functionalization of geo-inspired nanotubes for Alzheimer’s Disease treatment by low dose radiotherapy
Daniela D'Alessio - University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy daniela.dalessio@unimib.it

MS06.P.07 Surface changes of alternative cement matrices in a water environment over two years for their application in a deep repository for radioactive waste storage
Claudia Aparicio - Centrum Vyzkumu ?e?, Czech Republic claudia.aparicio@cvrez.cz

MS06.P.08 Investigation of Metal-Induced Crystallization mechanisms on amorphous SiO2
Dario Florio - University of Parma, Italy dario.?orio@unipr.it

MS07.P.01        The effects of pH and relative humidity on polycrystalline Human Insulin - ligand complexes
Angelos Kontarinis - University of Patras, Greece kontarinisangelos@gmail.com

MS07.P.02 Crystallization of molecular glass: from amorphous state to new polymorphic forms in the API sodium naproxen
Maria Orlova - Malvern Panalytical B. V., Switzerland maria.orlova@malvernpanalytical.com

MS07.P.03 Alkyl-modi?ed nucleobases cocrystals display DNA selective pairing
Riccardo Cameli Manzo - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron and Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany riccardo.cameli.manzo@desy.de

MS07.P.04 Characterization of the metastable solvated of Quercetin Emmanuele Parisi - Politecnico di Torino, Italy emmanuele.parisi@polito.it

MS07.P.05 Levo?oxacin and Quercetin drug-GRAS co-crystals: solid-state characterization, solubility, and dissolution rate investigation of novel biologically-active systems
Cecilia Fiore - Politecnico di Torino, Italy cecilia.?ore@polito.it

MS07.P.06 Determination of the degree of crystallinity of pharmaceutical ingredients for mechanical syntheses
Michele Prencipe - University of Parma, Italy michele.prencipe@unipr.it

MS08.P.01 Using Pressure to transform Hexagonal Perovskites into new cation ordered phases
Michael Milton - University of Edinburgh and ISIS Facility, UK mjmilton1993@gmail.com

MS08.P.02 Characterisation of Pb2Rh2O7 and Y2Rh2O7: an unusual case of pyrochlore stabilisation under high pressure, high temperature synthesis conditions
Sean Injac - Kyoto University, Japan sean.injac@ed.ac.uk

MS08.P.03 Fabrication and Magnetic Characterization of Permalloy Hemisphere Dot Arrays for Magnonic Metamaterials
Zeynep Reyhan ?ztürk - Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East, Jordan and Turkish Accelerator & Radiation Laboratory, Turkey        zeynep.ozturkphy@gmail.com

MS08.P.04 Restoring superconductivity in hole-doped Pr2CuO4 via high-pressure phase transitions
Matthew Edwards - University of Warwick, UK matt.edwards@warwick.ac.uk

MS08.P.05 Structure and magnetic studies of distorted S=1/2 kagome antiferromagnets ACu?V?O?(OD)?Cl (A = K , Rb , ND? )
Eamonn Connolly - Diamond Light Source, UK eamonn.connolly@diamond.ac.uk

MS09.P.01 P-induced structural evolution in Ge-doped CaTiO3 (CTG): Search for the ?rst 2:4 locked-tilt perovskite by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and DFT calculations
Matteo Ardit - University of Padova, Italy matteo.ardit@unipd.it

MS09.P.02 High resolution XRPD and XAS investigation of Ce, La, Eu and Y exchanged 13X zeolites
Francesco Colombo - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy francesco.colombo@unimore.it

MS09.P.03 High-Pressure Structural Investigations of AuSn4 and its Potential Chemical Pressure Equivalent PtSn4
Satheasuweatha Marimuthu NIRmala Devi - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy sathyasweathamn05@gmail.com

MS09.P.04  Chiral substitutions for promoting polar materials discovery
Sam Thompson - Durham University, UK sam.y.thompson@durham.ac.uk

MS09.P.05 Development of magnetic multi-layered Fe-Ga thin ?lms for applications in magnetic sensor devices
Celine Durniak - The European Spallation Source, Denmark celine.durniak@ess.eu

MS09.P.06  Order-disorder control in functional oxides
George Marshall - University of Durham, UK george.marshall2@durham.ac.uk

MS09.P.07 The importance of X-ray diffraction in the investigation of forensic traces and samples
Ivana Turková - Institute of Criminalistics, Czech Republic turka@seznam.cz

MS09.P.08 Unveiling solid catalyst structures: insights from X-ray absorption spectroscopy and pair distribution function analyses
Paula Abdala - ETH Zürich, Switzerland        abdalap@ethz.ch

MS09.P.09 Using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction to investigate cultural heritage objects at PETRA III beamline P02.1
Martin Etter - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Germany martin.etter@desy.de

MS09.P.10 Image-guided structure characterisation: the moving-beam diffraction geometry at DIAD
Alberto Leonardi - Diamond Light Source Ltd, UK alberto.leonardi@diamond.ac.uk

MS09.P.11        How to use a single-crystal diffractometer for Powder and material Applications
Christian Schürmann - Rigaku Europe SE, Germany christian.schuermann@rigaku.com

MS09.P.12        Combining non-ambient X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy – a customized solution from Anton Paar
Marius Kremer - Anton Paar GmbH, Austria marius.kremer@anton-paar.com

MS09.P.13        Multi technique approach for the understanding of the cocrystal formation via mechanochemistry from an eutectic intermediate Paolo P. Mazzeo - University of Parma, Italy

MS09.P.14 Using intermolecular distances in structure determination from powders
Jan Rohlicek – Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic rohlicek@fzu.cz

MS09.P.15        Methanol diffusion in MOFs: a combined X-ray powder diffraction, PFG-NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamic simulations approach
Nathalie Audebrand - University of Rennes, France nathalie.audebrand@univ-rennes.fr

MS09.P.16        Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure (DAFS) at the high-resolution powder diffraction beamline ID22 at ESRF
Catherine Dejoie – The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility,
France catherine.dejoie@esrf.fr

MS09.P.17        Microdiffraction: An indispensable tool to study complex mineral associations
Anna Crespi Revuelta - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientí?cas, Spain acrespi@icmab.es

MS09.P.18        Cation distribution in spinel gallium nanoferrites
Katarzyna Re?ko - University of Bialystok, Poland k.recko@uwb.edu.pl

MS09.P.19        Electron, X-ray, and neutron diffraction: a combined approach to solve the crystal structure of novel perovskites from High Pressure/High Temperature synthesis
Chiara Coppi – CNR, Italy chiara.coppi@cnr.it

MS09.P.20  Al4SiC4 and derived structures in the Al-Si-C-N system
Pedro Berastegui – Uppsala University, Sweden pedro.berastegui@kemi.uu.se

MS09.P.21        Combining X-ray, neutron and electron probes for elucidating stacking disorder in layered materials Melissa
Jane Marks - Aarhus University, Denmark mmarks@bce.au.dk

MS10.P.01        Pole Figure and Residual Stress measurements for polycrystalline thin ?lms: ω-φ’-χ optimisations for side-inclination GID method
Xiaodong Wang - Queensland University of Technology, Australia tony.wang@qut.edu.au

MS10.P.02        X-ray diffraction as a non-destructive analytical technique at Idaho National Laboratory’s Irradiated Materials Characterization Laboratory
Brian Newell - Idaho National Laboratory, USA brian.newell@inl.gov

MS10.P.03        Quantifying the effects of turbostratic layering in diffraction data
Aimee Coleman - University of Bristol and Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, UK        wy19042@bristol.ac.uk

MS10.P.04 2D-GIWAXS texture analysis of halide perovskite ?lms in a complex compositional parameters space
Filippo Tavormina - University of Insubria, Italy ?lippo.tavormina@uninsubria.it

MS10.P.05        Microstructure of laser ablation craters in Cr and Mo monolayers deposited on various substrates
Petr Cejpek - TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany petr.cejpek@centrum.cz

MS10.P.06 Single-crystal elastic-constants and load partitioning in titanium alloys
Markus Hoelzel - Technical University Munich, Germany markus.hoelzel@frm2.tum.de

MS10.P.07        Towards depth-resolved microstructure characterisation of
ion-implanted metallic materials at a reduced measurement time Maciej Zielinski - National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland maciej.zielinski@ncbj.gov.pl

MS10.P.08 Texture characterization at the DanMAX materials science beamline
Frederik Gj?rup - Aarhus University, Denmark fgjorup@chem.au.dk

MS10.P.09  A new optical module for fast and accurate X-ray texture analysis
Nicholas Norberg - Malvern Panalytical B. V., The Netherlands nicholas.norberg@malvernpanalytical.com

MS10.P.10        NIST Standard Reference Materials for Powder Diffraction the Present State of Affairs
James Cline - National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA james.cline@nist.gov

MS10.P.11        Mathematical models for description of crystalline microstructure
Marek Kojdecki - Military University of Technology, Poland m_kojdecki@poczta.onet.pl

MS10.P.12        AES-Debye: Accurate, Ef?cient and Scalable Implementation of Debye Scattering Equation
Navid Panchi - Friedrich-Alexander-Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany navid.panchi@fau.de

MS10.P.13        X-ray diffraction study of thin ?lms of X-type hexaferrite prepared by chemical solution deposition
Radomír Ku?el - Charles University, Czech Republic radomir.kuzel@matfyz.cuni.cz

MS10.P.14        Analysis of natural biomaterials (bone, mollusk shells, wood, polymers) using 2D X-ray diffraction
Alejandro B. Rodriguez-Navarro - Universidad de Granada, Spain anava@ugr.es

MS11.P.01        Mapping the ICSD
William Ratcliff - National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Maryland, USA        william.ratcliff@nist.gov

MS11.P.02        Using Deep Generative Models for Atomic Structure Prediction of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles from X-ray Scattering Data
Ulrik Friis-Jensen – University of Copenhagen, Denmark ufj@chem.ku.dk

MS12.P.01        Understanding tensions in porcelain stoneware tiles: exploiting quantitative phase analysis for enhanced production
Mattia Sisti - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia mattia.sisti@unimore.it

MS12.P.02        Bulk thermal expansion decrease in ceramic bodies when reusing ?red ceramic scraps
Andrea Bernasconi - University of Torino, Italy andrea.bernasconi@unito.it

MS12.P.03        Quantitative analysis of the mineralogical composition of bentonites by full pattern ?tting using the powdR package Stephen Hillier - The James Hutton Institute, UK and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden stephen.hillier@hutton.ac.uk

MS12.P.04        Biomass ash as potential supplementary cementitious materials: study of the amorphous part
Alexis Mériot - Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives and Ecole Polytechnique, France alexis.meriot@polytechnique.edu

MS12.P.05        Extractive Waste Recycling: from X-ray Powder Diffraction to Sustainable Ceramic Production
Lara Casini – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy lara.casini@unimore.it

MS12.P.06        Quantitative phase analysis of hydrating cement by in-situ diffraction measurements
Maria Chiara Dalconi – University of Padua, Italy mariachiara.dalconi@unipd.it

MS12.P.07        Quantitative phase analyses as tool for the development of alternative cement pastes by recycling of waste to use in the stabilization of road pavements
Pandol? Balbi Elia- University of Perugia, Italy eliapando1@hotmail.com

MS12.P.08        Quantitative mineralogical analysis to model crystallization kinetics of tobermorite from quarry waste containing crystalline silica
Maddalena Bernini – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy        maddalena.bernini@unimore.it

MS12.P.09        Development and use of quantitative X-ray powder diffraction analysis
Benedetta Costa – TU Wien, Austria benedetta.costa@tuwien.ac.at

MS12.P.10        Detection limit of crystalline silica with laboratory x-ray powder diffraction in bulk samples
Alessandro Fontanari – University of Padua, Italy alessandro.fontanari@phd.unipd.it

MS12.P.11        Modelling of ?ltration properties of mine and quarry tailings based on quantitative phase analysis
Mathilde Carpenito – University of Ferrara, Italy crpmhl1@unife.it
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