主题:Chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay for monitoring hepatitis C virus core protein during interferon

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Abstract: This study evaluated an updated chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA) for hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein for monitoring viral kinetics during treatment with interferon (IFN)-alpha and ribavirin. Using the CLEIA, serum levels of HCV core protein were measured in 17 patients with genotype 1 and high baseline viral loads during the first 4 weeks of combination therapy. HCV RNA was measured by the Amplicor Monitor test for comparison. At the start of therapy, the median HCV level (interquartile range) was 700 (540-940) kIU/ml of viral RNA and 11,310 (5,528-14,238) fmol/L of core protein. HCV RNA was above the upper limit of the linear range of the Amplicor Monitor test in 13 of the 17 patients, while the core protein level was within the linear range of the CLEIA in all patients. During therapy, the proportion of patients with HCV levels below the cutoff values at each time point was less with the Amplicor Monitor test than with CLEIA. Serum HCV core protein level decreased rapidly during the first 24 hr of therapy and more slowly thereafter, with median exponential decays of 1.08 and 0.046 log10/day, respectively. In the second phase, between day 1 and 28, the median decrease in HCV core protein level was higher in four patients with sustained virologic response (0.13 loglO/day) than in 13 patients with no response (0.028 log10/day, P = 0.042). The wide linear range of the HCV core protein assay is appropriate for measuring viral loads during therapy with IFN-alpha and ribavirin. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Author Keywords: core protein; enzyme immunoassay; hepatitis C; interferon; ribavirin; viral kinetics
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新手级: 新兵