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谢谢班珠尔的建议和鼓励,现将资质定管理办法的第1,2章公开,以作交流 (对于积分奖励之类可不是我的目标!)这里中译英的帖好像较少,大概是因为英译中的需求大得多,无论如何,互相学习一下吧。自己的原译本有不少错处,放上来的是后期再校对过的,质量相信会好一点。

GeneralAdministration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of thePeople’s Republic of China (AQSIQ) Order 86


“Laboratory and Inspection Organization Qualification Recognition ManagementRegulation”


   第一章 总则

Section 1 - General

1.  Togovern the qualification management of testing and inspection organizations, aswell as improving the activities of testing and inspection organization to be morescientific and effective, this Order is established base on PRC Metrology Law,PRC Standardization Law, PRC Product Quality Law and PRC Certification andAccreditation Ordinance.

第一条 为规范实验室和检查机构资质管理工作,提高实验室和检查机构资质认定活动的科学性和有效性,根据《中华人民共和国计量法》、《中华人民共和国标准化法》、《中华人民共和国产品质量法》、《中华人民共和国认证认可条例》等有关法律、行政法规的规定,制定本办法。

2.  TheQualification of testing and inspection organizations in this Order refers tothose organizations reporting data and results to the public with certificationpurpose, possess the necessary facilities and competences.

TheRecognition in this Order refers to the activities of assessment andrecognition, conducted by CNCA and the bureau of Quality and Technical Supervisionof provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, of testing and inspectionorganizations with respect to the essential facilities and competences for thecompliance with laws, regulations and relevant technical specifications.

  第二条 本办法所称的实验室和检查机构资质,是指向社会出具具有证明作用的数据和结果的实验室和检查机构应当具有的基本条件和能力。


3.  In the territory of PRC, all testing andinspection organizations that report data and results to the public forcertification purpose, and the qualification recognition activities to theseorganizations, shall comply with this Order.

第三条 在中华人民共和国境内,从事向社会出具具有证明作用的数据和结果的实验室和检查机构以及对其实施的资质认定活动应当遵守本办法。

4.  CNCA centralizes the management, supervisionand overall coordination of the qualification recognition activities fortesting and inspection organizations.

The bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision (BQTS) of individual provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities are responsible for the qualification recognitionactivity within their respective areas.


第四条 国家认证认可监督管理委员会(以下简称国家认监委)统一管理、监督和综合协调实验室和检查机构的资质认定工作。

5.  Qualification recognition of testing andinspection organizations shall follow the principles of  impartiality, integrity, scientific accuracy andstandardization, for advantages of sharing testing resources and avoidingunnecessary duplication of assessment, evaluation and recognition.

第五条 实验室和检查机构的资质认定,应当遵循客观公正、科学准确、统一规范、有利于检测资源共享和避免不必要的重复评审、评价、认定的原则。

该帖子作者被版主 影子10积分, 2经验,加分理由:参加原创大赛
您可能想找: 气相色谱仪(GC) 询底价
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新手级: 新兵
Section2 – Qualification Recognition

1.  Qualification recognition includes MetrologyCertification and Verification Accreditation

Metrology Certification refers to theexamination, conducted by CNCA or the local BQTS according to relevant laws andregulations, to those product quality verification organizations which issue tothe public third party data. The examination covers the performance incalibration, testing equipment, environment and personnel competence, as wellas the measures for assuring the consistency and accuracy of measurements. Italso covers the performance of quality management system for impartiality andreliability of testing data.

Verification Accreditation refers to theexamination of testing competence and quality management system, conducted byCNCA or local BQTS according to relevant laws and regulations, to those testingorganizations offering product testing for compliance with standards, and thoseoffering testing services to other standard implementation authorities.

第二章 资质认定

  第六条 资质认定的形式包括计量认证和审查认可。



2.  Organizations with the following activitiesshall have Qualification Recognition:

·        Provide testing data and results ofcertification function to administrative departments for administrativedecisions;

·        Provide testing data and results ofcertification function to justice departments for arbitration;

·        Provide testing data and results ofcertification function for public interest activities;

·        Provide testing data and results ofcertification function to economy or trading parties;

·        Other statutory qualification recognition requiredby laws

  第七条 从事下列活动的机构应当通过资质认定:







3.  The nation encourages testing and inspectionorganizations to acquire the accreditation by those accreditation bodiesrecognized by CNCA. The competence in testing, calibration and inspection canthen be assured for alignment with pertinent international norms and practices.Multilateral recognition of testing, calibration and inspection results can befacilitated thereof.  

第八条 国家鼓励实验室、检查机构取得经国家认监委确定的认可机构的认可,以保证其检测、校准和检查能力符合相关国际基本准则和通用要求,促进检测、校准和检查结果的国际互认。

4.  For the same applied scope of metrologycertification and verification accreditation, the processes of assessment,evaluation and examination shall be combined. During the application forqualification recognition, there shall be simplified procedure for testing andinspection organizations accredited by CNCA recognized accreditation bodies, soas to avoid multiple assessments.

第九条 申请计量认证和申请审查认可的项目相同的,其评审、评价、考核应当合并实施。符合相关规定要求的,可以取得相应的资质认定。

5.    Testing and inspectionorganizations shall have proper use of reports and logos within the scope ofrecognition.

第十条 实验室和检查机构,应当在资质认定范围内正确使用证书和标志。

6.    Any other specially required technicalcompetence to testing and inspection organization by pertinent laws andregulations, the assessment, evaluation or examination may base on the resultsof qualification recognition.

第十一条 有关法律、行政法规对实验室和检查机构的其他技术条件和能力有特殊要求的,可以在利用资质认定结果的基础上进行评审、评价或者考核。

7.    Public, legal entities or otherorganizations may submit application in writing to CNCA or the local BQTS toverify the validity and effectiveness of qualification recognition status oftesting and inspection organizations. CNCA and local BQTS shall confirm thereceipt of verification application.

第十二条 公民、法人或者其他组织,需要核实实验室和检查机构资质认定的真实性和有效性的,可以向国家认监委和地方质检部门提出书面申请,国家认监委和地方质检部门应当对申请核实的事项予以确认。
该帖子作者被版主 hyheying10积分, 2经验,加分理由:参加原创大赛
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新手级: 新兵
第三章 实验室和检查机构的基本条件与能力

13. Testing and inspection organizations shall belegally registered and assure the testing, calibration and inspectionactivities are conducted with impartiality, integrity and independency. Theorganization shall also bear all relevant legal responsibilities.

第十三条 实验室和检查机构应当依法设立,保证客观、公正和独立地从事检测、校准和检查活动,并承担相应的法律责任。

14.Testing and inspection organizations shall have competent technical andmanagerial personnel, which is commensurate with their testing, calibration andinspection activities.

For testing andinspection organizations with testing, calibration and inspection activities onspecialized products, the technical and managerial personnel shall also complywith stipulated requirements of pertinent laws and regulations.

第十四条 实验室和检查机构应当具有与其从事检测、校准和检查活动相适应的专业技术人员和管理人员。

15.Testing and inspection organizations shall have permanent facility,where the environment shall be adequate to assure the validity and accuracy oftesting, calibration and inspection results.

第十五条 实验室和检查机构应当具备固定的工作场所,其工作环境应当保证检测、校准和检查数据和结果的真实、准确。

16.Testing and inspection organizations shall have permanent and mobile testing,calibration and inspection equipment, under their management, for correctperformance of relevant activities.

第十六条 实验室和检查机构应当具备正确进行检测、校准和检查活动所需要的并且能够独立调配使用的固定的和可移动的检测、校准和检查设备设施。

17.Testing and inspection organizations shall establisha quality management system appropriate to the scope of their facilities andadequate for maintaining their integrity and impartiality. The quality managementsystem shall be documented according to recognition criteria or standards andimplemented effectively.

第十七条 实验室和检查机构应当建立能够保证其公正性、独立性和与其承担的检测、校准和检查活动范围相适应的质量体系,按照认定基本规范或者标准制定相应的质量体系文件并有效实施。
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新手级: 新兵
Suggestion :
The Bureaus of Quality and Technical Supervision of individual provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities (hereafter referred as Local BQTS) are responsible for the qualification recognition activity within their respective adminstrative areas.
该帖子作者被版主 hyheying2积分, 2经验,加分理由:欢迎讨论
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵
这个资质认定的翻译是令人头痛的,因为它的英文缩写CMA跟资质认定是两码子的事,所以在翻译中,有关证书方面的译为CMA,如果是行为行政上的都译为qualification recognition
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新手级: 新兵
Section 4 Qualificationrecognition procedure

第四章 资质认定程序

18. CNCAadministrates the qualification recognition of national testing and inspectionorganizations, while local BQTS administrates local testing and inspectionorganizations.

  第十八条 国家级实验室和检查机构的资质认定,由国家认监委负责实施;地方级实验室和检查机构的资质认定,由地方质检部门负责实施。

19.CNCA shall establish, publish and implementmetrology certification and verification accreditation standards, assessmentcriteria, report formats and logos according to pertinent national standards.

第十九条 国家认监委依据相关国家标准和技术规范,制定计量认证和审查认可基本规范、评审准则、证书和标志,并公布实施。

20.Metrology certification and verification procedure:

i)          Applicant shall submit the application to CNCA or pertinent local BQTSin writing, with evidences for complying with section 3 of this Order.

ii)        The responsible party shall conduct initial review and notify theacceptance decision in writing to the applicant within 5 working days uponreceipt of application.

iii)      The responsible party shall notify in writing to the applicant theworking days, from the date of accepting application and excluding the timerequired for approval, required for conducting technical assessment.

iv)        The responsible party shall have approval decision, based on technicalassessment outcomes, within 20 working days from completion of technicalassessment. CMA certificate shall be issued to the qualified applicant andnotification in writing with explanations shall be issue to disqualifiedapplicant.

v)          CNCA and local BQTS shall publish regularly the directory of CMA accreditedtesting and inspection organizations with the authorized scope.

第二十条 计量认证和审查认可程序:

21.CMA certificate is valid for 3 years. Applicant shall submitreassessment and acceptance inspection at least 6 months before the certificateexpires. Accreditation bodies shall terminate the registration and of thetesting and inspection organizations and prohibit the use of CMA logosimmediately for expired certification.

第二十一条 资质认定证书的有效期为3年。

22.Where there is a need to expand the accreditation scope, CMA accreditedtesting and inspection organizations shall submit expansion application by followingthe procedure stipulated in this Order.

第二十二条 已经取得资质认定证书的实验室和检查机构,需新增检查检验检测项目时,应当按照本办法规定的程序,申请资质认定扩项。

23.The assessors of qualification recognition shall comply with pertinenttechnical standards and criteria and are qualified from the examinationsorganized by CNCA or local BQTS.

第二十三条 从事资质认定评审的人员应当符合相关技术规范或者标准的要求,并经国家认监委或者地方质检部门考核合格。

CNCA and local BQTSshall establish an inventory of qualification recognition assessors forappointing assessment teams where necessary.

第二十四条 国家认监委和地方质检部门应当建立资质认定评审人员专家库,根据需要组成评审专家组。评审专家组应当独立开展资质认定评审活动,并对评审结论负责。

25.Local BQTS shall report to CNCA the approval decision within 15 workingdays upon issuance of CMA certificate to the applicant.

第二十五条 地方质检部门应当自向申请人颁发资质认定证书之日起15日内,将其作出的批准决定向国家认监委备案。

39.      CNCA, authorized by law, organizessampling inspection of the qualification of testing and inspectionorganizations. Nonconforming organizations are subject to actions according torelevant regulations.

第三十九条 国家认监委依法组织对实验室和检查机构的资质情况进行监督抽查;对不符合要求的,按照有关规定予以处理。
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵
中译英很难, 楼主这个我是译不来的。不过, 若有什么想法, 我会提出来讨论, 例如:
看到“具有证明作用的”, 我会想起substantiation, 但是否用?怎样用?就没头绪了。 (as a substantiation, for the purposal of substantiation……?)
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新手级: 新兵
原文由 poorlittle(poorlittle) 发表:
中译英很难, 楼主这个我是译不来的。不过, 若有什么想法, 我会提出来讨论, 例如:
看到“具有证明作用的”, 我会想起substantiation, 但是否用?怎样用?就没头绪了。 (as a substantiation, for the purposal of substantiation……?)

对这个最大的困难是原文本身的意义本身不敢肯定, substantiation是很好的建议,改成这样子吧:

·        Provide substantiating data and results toadministrative departments for administrative decisions;

·        Provide substantiating data and results to justicedepartments for arbitration;

·        Provide substantiating data and results for publicinterested activities;

·        Provide substantiating data and results toeconomy or trading parties;

·        Other statutory qualification recognitionrequired by law

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新手级: 新兵
Section 6 Surveillance

第六章 监督检查

38. CNCAexercises surveillance over local BQTS and their organized assessments

Local BQTS shall submit annual report to CNAS on January and subject to CNCA’squery and investigation according to relevant laws. Local BQTS is responsiblefor the validity of the report.

  第三十八条 国家认监委依法对地方质检部门及其组织的评审活动实施监督检查。

39.  CNCAshall conduct random surveillance, according to relevant laws, over thequalification of testing and inspection organizations. Nonconformance issubject penalty stipulated by law.
  第三十九条 国家认监委依法组织对实验室和检查机构的资质情况进行监督抽查;对不符合要求的,按照有关规定予以处理。

40.  Anyorganization or individual may report to CNCA or local BQTS the illegal practicesof testing and inspection organizations with respect to qualificationrecognition. CNCA and local BQTS shall investigate in time and protect the confidentialidentity of the reporter.
  第四十条 任何单位和个人对实验室和检查机构资质认定中的违法违规行为,有权向国家认监委或者地方质检部门举报,国家认监委和地方质检部门应当及时调查处理,并为举报人保密。

41.  Underone of the following situations, CNCA or local BQTS may base on the request ofinterested parties or by authority, terminate the CMA accreditation to testingand inspection organizations:

i)                  Where the decision on approval of CMA accreditation is madeby malfeasance or negligence of qualification recognition assessors;

ii)                Where the decision on approval of CMA accreditation is madeout of the statutory authority;

iii)              Where the decision on approval of CMA accreditationmade violates the recognition procedures;

iv)              Where the accredited testing and inspection organizationsdo not meet the essential requirements on legal status and competence;

v)                Other situations where termination is authorized bylaw.
  第四十一条 有下列情形之一的,国家认监委或者地方质检部门,可以根据利害关系人的请求或者依据职权,撤销其作出的实验室和检查机构取得资质认定的决定:

42.  Wherethe applicant gives false or incorrect information in the application, thesupervisory authority of the qualification recognition shall not accept theapplication or decline the accreditation approval, and issue a warning to theapplicant. The applicant shall not re-apply qualification recognition within 1year.
  第四十二条 申请人申请资质认定时,隐瞒有关情况或者提供虚假材料的,资质认定监督管理部门应当不予受理或者不予批准,并给予警告;申请人在1年内不得再次申请资质认定。

43.  Where testing andinspection organization achieves approval decision through improper practicesuch as deceiving or bribery, CNCA and local BQTS shall revoke the approvaldecision with public announcement.

Testing and inspection organizations shall not re-apply qualificationrecognition for 3 years from the date of revocation.

Where the reported results from the testing and inspectionorganizations are fraud or seriously misrepresentative, the recognition shallbe revoked with public announcement.
  第四十三条 实验室和检查机构以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段取得批准决定的,国家认监委和地方质检部门应当撤销其所取得的资质认定决定,并予以公布。

44.  Local BQTS shall submitto CNCA the revocation letter within 15 working days from the date ofrevocation decision.

CNCA announces tothe public the list of revoked testing and inspection organization in thewebsite or other means.
  第四十四条 地方质检部门应当自作出撤销决定之日起15日内,将其撤销决定书面报告国家认监委备案。

45.  The personnel of CMAaccredited testing and inspection organizations committing malfeasance, negligenceor bribery shall have administrative punishment and bear criminal liability forIllegal practices

  第四十五条 从事实验室和检查机构资质认定的工作人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

46.  The other illegalpractices of the testing and inspection organizations are subject to penaltiesaccording to relevant laws and regulations.

  第四十六条 对于实验室和检查机构的其他违法行为,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定予以处罚。