Article 6 General obligation to register substances on their own or in preparations 1. Save where this Regulation provides otherwise, any manufacturer or importer of a substance, either on its own or in one or more preparation(s), in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year shall submit a registration to the Agency. 2. For monomers that are used as on-site isolated intermediates or transported isolated intermediates, Articles 17 and 18 shall not apply. 3. Any manufacturer or importer of a polymer shall submit a registration to the Agency for the monomer substance(s) or any other substance(s), that have not already been registered by an actor up the supply chain, if both the following conditions are met: (a) the polymer consists of 2 % weight by weight (w/w) or more of such monomer substance(s) or other substance(s) in the form of monomeric units and chemically bound substance(s); (b) the total quantity of such monomer substance(s) or other substance(s) makes up 1 tonne or more per year. 4. A submission for registration shall be accompanied by the fee required in accordance with Title IX. 第5条 物质自身或配制品中物质注册的一般义务 1. 除非本法规另有规定,无论物质自身还是在一种或多种配制品中数量大或等于1t/a的物质的任何制造商或进口商应该向化学品管理局提交注册。 2. 对于用作现场分离中间体和可转移的分离中间体的单体,第17条和第18条的规定不适用。 3. 如果满足下列两个条件,聚合物的任何制造商或进口商应为尚未由供应链上行为人注册的单体物质或任何其他物质向化学品管理局提交注册申请: (a) 如果组成聚合物的以单位单元和化学键合物质形式存在的此类单体物质或其他物质含量的质量分数大或等于2%; (b) 如果此类单体物质或其他物质总体大或等于1t/a。 提交注册的同时应按照第9篇的规定交纳费用。