主题:【求助】欧洲药典附录 EP2.8.13 求助

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请问,有没有哪位有EP2.8.13  农药残留检测的翻译版本啊?我翻译了,但是有些问题,好多地方都不是很理解?
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原文由 yujia402 发表:
请问,有没有哪位有EP2.8.13  农药残留检测的翻译版本啊?我翻译了,但是有些问题,好多地方都不是很理解?

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新手级: 新兵

Definition. For the purposes of the Pharmacopoeia, a pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying or controlling any pest, unwanted species of plants or animals causing harm during or otherwise interfering with the production, processing, storage, transport or marketing of herbal drugs. The item includes substances intended for use as growth-regulators, defoliants or desiccants and any substance applied to crops either before or after harvest to protect the commodity from deterioration during storage and transport.

Limits. Unless otherwise indicated in the monograph, the drug to be examined at least complies with the limits indicated in Table 2.8.13.-1. The limits applying to pesticides that are not listed in the table and whose presence is suspected for any reason comply with the limits set by European Community directives 76/895 and 90/642, including their annexes and successive updates. Limits for pesticides that are not listed in Table 2.8.13.-1 nor in EC directives are calculated using the following expression:

If the drug is intended for the preparation of extracts, tinctures or other pharmaceutical forms whose preparation method modifies the content of pesticides in the finished product, the limits are calculated using the following expression :

Higher limits can also be authorised, in exceptional cases, especially when a plant requires a particular cultivation method or has a metabolism or a structure that gives rise to a higher than normal content of pesticides.

The competent authority may grant total or partial exemption from the test when the complete history (nature and quantity of the pesticides used, date of each treatment during cultivation and after the harvest) of the treatment of the batch is known and can be checked precisely.


Method. For containers up to 1 kg, take one sample from the total content, thoroughly mixed, sufficient for the tests. For containers between 1 kg and 5 kg, take three samples, equal in volume, from the upper, middle and lower parts of the container, each being sufficient to carry out the tests. Thoroughly mix the samples and take from the mixture an amount sufficient to carry out the tests. For containers of more than 5 kg, take three samples, each of at least 250 g from the upper, middle and lower parts of the container. Thoroughly mix the samples and take from the mixture an amount sufficient to carry out the tests.

Size of sampling. If the number (n) of containers is three or fewer, take samples from each container as indicated above under Method. If the number of containers is more than three, take  samples from containers as indicated under Method, rounding up to the nearest unit if necessary. The samples are to be analysed immediately to avoid possible degradation of the residues. If this is not possible, the samples are stored in airtight containers suitable for food contact, at a temperature below 0 °C, protected from light.
样品数量:如果样品的容器小于或等于3个,按照上述方法从每个容器中采取样本。如果样品的容器多于三个,按照上述方法,采取    个容器中的样品,如有必要四舍五入到最接近的单位。样品最好马上进行分析,以免农药残留物发生降解。如果不能马上进行,样品密封、避光并低于零度保存。

Reagents. All reagents and solvents are free from any contaminants, especially pesticides, that might interfere with the analysis. It is often necessary to use special quality solvents or, if this is not possible, solvents that have recently been re-distilled in an apparatus made entirely of glass. In any case, suitable blank tests must be carried out.

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Apparatus. Clean the apparatus and especially glassware to ensure that they are free from pesticides, for example, soak for at least 16 h in a solution of phosphate-free detergent, rinse with large quantities of distilled water R and wash with acetone and hexane or heptane.

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of pesticide residues.

The analytical procedures used are validated according to the regulations in force. In particular, they satisfy the following criteria :
— the chosen method, especially the purification steps, are suitable for the combination pesticide residue/substance to be analysed, and not susceptible to interference from co-extractives ; the limits of detection and quantification are measured for each pesticide-matrix combination to be analysed,

—    between 70 per cent to 110 per cent of each pesticide is recovered,
—    每个农药的回收率在70-110%之间
—    the repeatability of the method is not less than the values indicated in Table
—       方法的重复性不小于表2.8.13-2所列的数值
—    the reproducibility of the method is not less than the values indicated in Table 2.8.13.-2,
—    方法的重现性不小于表2.8.13-2所列的数值
—    the concentration of test and reference solutions and the setting of the apparatus are such that a linear response is obtained from the analytical detector.
—    检测浓度和参比溶液以及仪器的设定,根据检查分析应该是线性响应。

The following section is published for information. 下面一节是出版信息。

Test for pesticides农药检测

The following methods may be used, in connection with the general method above. Depending on the substance being examined, it may be necessary to modify, sometimes extensively, the procedure described hereafter. In any case, it may be necessary to use, in addition, another column with a different polarity or another detection method (mass spectrometry...) or a different method (immunochemical methods...) to confirm the results obtained.
下列方法与上述的总方法相关。根据正在审议的实质内容,在将来可能会进行修改,或者会进行大部分的修改。在任何情况下,必须使用,此外,另一列具有不同极性或其他检测方法(质谱... )或一个不同的方法(免疫组织化学方法... ) ,以确认所取得的成果。

This procedure is valid only for the analysis of samples of herbal drugs containing less than 15 per cent of water. Samples with a higher content of water may be dried, provided it has been shown that the drying procedure does not affect significantly the pesticide content.


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新手级: 新兵

To 10 g of the substance being examined, coarsely powdered, add 100 ml of acetone R and allow to stand for 20 min. Add 1 ml of a solution containing 1.8 μg/ml of carbophenothion R in toluene R.  Homogenise using a high-speed blender for 3 min. Filter and wash the filter cake with two quantities, each of 25 ml, of acetone R. Combine the filtrate and the washings and heat using a rotary evaporator at a temperature not exceeding 40 °C until the solvent has almost completely evaporated. To the residue add a few millilitres of toluene R and heat again until the acetone is completely removed. Dissolve the residue in 8 ml of toluene R. Filter through a membrane filter (45 μm), rinse the flask and the filter with toluene R and dilute to 10.0 ml with the same solvent (solution A).


2.1. Organochlorine, organophosphorus and pyrethroid insecticides. Examine by size-exclusion chromatography (2.2.30).
有机氯,有机磷和拟除虫菊酯类农药。排阻色谱法检测( 2.2.30 ) 。

The chromatographic procedure may be carried out using:
—    a stainless steel column 0.30 m long and 7.8 mm in internal diameter packed with styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer R (5 μm),
—    不锈钢柱,长0.30米,内径7.8毫米,填充物:苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯共聚体( 5微米)
—    as mobile phase toluene R at a flow rate of 1 ml/min.
—    流动相:甲苯 ,流速:1 ml/min。

Performance of the column. Inject 100 μl of a solution containing 0.5 g/l of methyl red R and 0.5 g/l of oracet blue 2R R in toluene R and proceed with the chromatography.
The column is not suitable unless the colour of the eluate changes from orange to blue at an elution volume of about 10.3 ml. If necessary calibrate the column, using a solution containing, in toluene R, at a suitable concentration, the insecticide to be analysed with the lowest molecular mass (for example, dichlorvos) and that with the highest molecular mass (for example, deltamethrin). Determine which fraction of the eluate contains both insecticides.
色谱柱性能:在色谱柱中注入100ul的甲苯溶液(包含0.5g/L的甲基红和0.5g/L的oracet blue 2R)。如果洗脱液在10.3ml的时候颜色由橙色变为蓝色,该色谱柱是可以使用的。
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Purification of the test solution. Inject a suitable volume of solution A (100 μl to 500 μl) and proceed with the chromatography. Collect the fraction as determined above (solution B). Organophosphorus insecticides are usually eluted between 8.8 ml and 10.9 ml. Organochlorine and pyrethroid insecticides are usually eluted between 8.5 ml and 10.3 ml.

2.2. Organochlorine and pyrethroid insecticides. In a chromatography column, 0.10 m long and 5 mm in internal diameter, introduce a piece of defatted cotton and 0.5 g of silica gel treated as follows : heat silica gel for chromatography R in an oven at 150 °C for at least 4 h.

Allow to cool and add dropwise a quantity of water R corresponding to 1.5 per cent of the mass of silica gel used; shake vigorously until agglomerates have disappeared and continue shaking for 2 h using a mechanical shaker. Condition the column using 1.5 ml of hexane R. Prepacked columns containing about 0.50 g of a suitable silica gel may also be used provided they are previously validated.

Concentrate solution B in a current of helium for chromatography R or oxygen-free nitrogen R almost to dryness and dilute to a suitable volume with toluene R (200 μl to 1 ml according to the volume injected in the preparation of solution B). Transfer quantitatively onto the column and proceed with the chromatography using 1.8 ml of toluene R as the mobile phase. Collect the eluate (solution C).
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新手级: 新兵
3.1. Organophosphorus insecticides. Examine by gas chromatography (2.2.28), using carbophenothion R as internal standard. It may be necessary to use a second internal standard to identify possible interference with the peak corresponding to carbophenothion.


Test solution. Concentrate solution B in a current of helium for chromatography R almost to dryness and dilute to 100 μl with toluene R.

Reference solution. Prepare at least three solutions in toluene R containing the insecticides to be determined and carbophenothion at concentrations suitable for plotting a calibration curve.
The chromatographic procedure may be carried out using:
— a fused-silica column 30 m long and 0.32 mm in internal diameter the internal wall of which is covered with a layer 0.25 μm thick of poly (dimethyl) siloxane R,

— hydrogen for chromatography R as the carrier gas. Other gases such as helium for chromatography R or nitrogen for chromatography R may also be used provided the
chromatography is suitably validated.

— a phosphorus-nitrogen flame-ionisation detector or a atomic emission spectrometry detector, maintaining the temperature of the column at 80 °C for 1 min, then raising it at a rate of 30 °C/min to 150 °C, maintaining at 150 °C for 3 min, then raising the temperature at a rate of 4 °C/min to 280 °C and maintaining at this temperature for 1 min, and maintaining the temperature of the injector port at 250 °C and that of the detector at 275 °C. Inject the chosen volume of each solution. When the chromatograms are recorded in the prescribed conditions, the relative retention times are approximately those listed in Table 2.8.13.-3. Calculate the content of each insecticide from the peak areas and the concentrations of the solutions.
磷氮火焰电离探测器或原子发射光谱仪。程序升温:柱温度初始80 ℃,保持1分钟后,以每分钟30 ℃升至150℃ ,保持3分钟;再以每分钟4 ℃ 升至280 ℃ ,保持1分钟。进样口及检测器温度应分别保持为250℃和275℃。

3.2. Organochlorine and pyrethroid insecticides. Examine by gas chromatography (2.2.28), using carbophenothion as the internal standard. It may be necessary to use a second internal standard to identify possible interference with the peak corresponding to carbophenothion
气相色谱( 2.2.28 ),用三硫磷作为内标物,可能需要第二个内标物,以确定可能的三硫磷干扰峰

Test solution. Concentrate solution C in a current of helium for chromatography R or oxygen-free nitrogen R almost to dryness and dilute to 500 μl with toluene R.

Reference solution. Prepare at least three solutions in toluene R containing the insecticides to be determined and carbophenothion at concentrations suitable for plotting a calibration curve.

The chromatographic procedure may be carried out using:
— a fused silica column 30 m long and 0.32 mm in internal diameter the internal wall of which is covered with a layer 0.25 μm thick of poly(dimethyl)(diphenyl)siloxane R,

— hydrogen for chromatography R as the carrier gas. Other gases such as helium for chromatography R or nitrogen for chromatography R may also be used, provided the
chromatography is suitably validated,

— an electron-capture detector,

—    a device allowing direct cold on-column injection, maintaining the temperature of the column at 80 °C for 1 min, then raising it at a rate of 30 °C/min to 150 °C, maintaining at 150 °C for 3 min, then raising the temperature at a rate of 4 °C/min to 280 °C and maintaining at this temperature for 1 min, and maintaining the temperature of the injector port at 250 °C and that of the detector at 275 °C. Inject the chosen volume of each solution. When the chromatograms are recorded in the prescribed conditions, the relative retention times are approximately those listed in Table 2.8.13.-4. Calculate the content of each insecticide from the peak areas and the concentrations of the solutions.

一个可以直接在冷柱上进样的设备。程序升温:柱温度初始80 ℃,保持1分钟后,以每分钟30 ℃升至150℃ ,保持3分钟;再以每分钟4 ℃ 升至280 ℃ ,保持1分钟。进样口及检测器温度应分别保持为250℃和275℃。
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新手级: 新兵
Definition. For the purposes of the Pharmacopoeia, a pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying or controlling any pest, unwanted species of plants or animals causing harm during or otherwise interfering with the production, processing, storage, transport or marketing of herbal drugs. The item includes substances intended for use as growth-regulators, defoliants or desiccants and any substance applied to crops either before or after harvest to protect the commodity from deterioration during storage and transport.
这段话是对农药的定义,我认为上面红色标记的那句是对any pest的解释,所以我的翻译是:农药是用来预防、破坏或控制有害物质的任一物质或物质的混合物,有害物质包括草药的生产、加工、储存或销售过程中出现的不必要种类的植物或引起损害或其他方面干扰的动物。该项目包括用作生长调节剂、落叶剂或干燥剂的物质以及在农作物收获前后用来保护物品在储存和运输中变质的物质。
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新手级: 新兵
Limits. Unless otherwise indicated in the monograph, the drug to be examined at least complies with the limits indicated in Table 2.8.13.-1. The limits applying to pesticides that are not listed in the table and whose presence is suspected for any reason comply with the limits set by European Community directives 76/895 and 90/642, including their annexes and successive updates. Limits for pesticides that are not listed in Table 2.8.13.-1 nor in EC directives are calculated using the following expression:
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新手级: 新兵
If the drug is intended for the preparation of extracts, tinctures or other pharmaceutical forms whose preparation method modifies the content of pesticides in the finished product, the limits are calculated using the following expression :

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新手级: 新兵
The competent authority may grant total or partial exemption from the test when the complete history (nature and quantity of the pesticides used, date of each treatment during cultivation and after the harvest) of the treatment of the batch is known and can be checked precisely.
