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《每日科学》2010年8月1日报道 —— 一支由美国国家卫生研究院提供资金支持的研究小组利用尖端技术成功地使关节在兔子体内(或者说在活体内)重新形成。活体再生程序实现过程为:通过刺激此前无法修复的器官或组织并最终使之自愈。在本研究中,科学家向生物支架(由生物适应与生物降解材料做成的具有相应组织形态的三维结构)注入了一种蛋白使之促进兔关节的生长。

在一项新的研究中,新的活体再生过程可刺激组织(兔关节)自愈 (照片来源:iStockphoto/Dan Brandenburg)

实验显示了用来自宿主本体的细胞来培养不同组织(比如软骨与骨骼)的方法的可行性。本研究结果发表于《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)7月29日这一期。


研究小组用激光扫描了一只实验兔前肢关节的表面轮廓,然后建立一个用于创建具有相应结构生物支架的三维模型。 本研究中的一部分实验兔接受注有胶原蛋白凝胶的生物支架,凝胶中加载了前所提及的促关节生长蛋白:转化生长因子β3(TBFB3),其它实验兔则仅接受不含TGFB3的生物支架。


本研究小组的成员包括:纽约市哥伦比亚大学医学中心组织工程与再生医学实验室的Chang H. Lee、Avital Mendelson、Eduardo K. Moioli与 Jeremy J. Mao;密苏里大学兽医学院哥伦比亚分院的James L. Cook;以及克莱姆森大学大学与南卡罗莱那医科大学查尔斯顿分校生物工程系的Hai Yao。



Mao博士同时补充:“到2030年,罹患关节炎的老年人口将翻番,到那个时候,最后一个在婴儿潮中出生的人也步入了老年期。” 目前关节置换只能提供10到15年的使用寿命,而65岁左右的关节炎病人人数正在日益增长,这显然无法适应其要求。

“活体组织再生的潜力是难以估量的。Mao博士的这一研究工作 —— 通过在活的动物体内吸收宿主细胞来达到修复损坏的软骨与骨骼目的 —— 可能有助于发现更先进的关节炎及其它疾病疗法。”Discovery Science and Technology(科学发现与技术)NIBIB分部的Christine Kelley博士说。

本研究工作得到了来自国家生物成像与生物工程(NIBIB)(国家卫生研究院基金号码:R01EB002332)以及纽约州Stem Cell Science.(干细胞科学)的资金支持。

(Docofsoul 译于2010-8-3)

译后中文字数为 1107 个。


Chang H Lee, James L Cook, Avital Mendelson, Eduardo K Moioli, Hai Yao, Jeremy J Mao. Regeneration of the articular surface of the rabbit synovial joint by cell homing: a proof of concept study. The Lancet, 2010; DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60668-X

Regenerating Damaged Tissues: Bioscaffolds Promote Growth of Joints in Rabbits

ScienceDaily (Aug. 1, 2010) — A team of NIH-funded researchers has successfully regenerated rabbit joints using a cutting edge process to form the joint inside the body, or in vivo. Regenerative in vivo procedures are performed by stimulating previously irreparable organs or tissues to heal themselves. In this study, bioscaffolds, or three-dimensional structures made of biocompatible and biodegradable materials in the shape of the tissue, were infused with a protein to promote growth of the rabbit joint.

The experiment demonstrated the feasibility of an approach to growing dissimilar tissues, such as cartilage and bone, derived entirely from the host's own cells. Results of the study are in the July 29 issue of The Lancet.

Regeneration activity relied on the host's supply of cells to the joint, local tissue response, and functional stimulation to recreate the entire surface of the joint cartilage together with the bone. The approach sidesteps problems encountered in transplantation of cells grown ex vivo, such as immunological rejection, pathogen transmission, and potential formation of tumors.

The research team laser-scanned the surface contours of a rabbit forelimb joint and made a 3-D model that was used to create an anatomically dimensioned bioscaffold. Some rabbits in the study received a bioscaffold infused with a collagen gel loaded with the protein, called transforming growth factor beta 3 (TGFB3), while other rabbits received bioscaffolds without TGFB3.

Bioscaffolds infused with TGFB3 recruited 130 percent more cells and grew a whole layer of cartilage tissue with greater compressive and shear properties than those who received the bioscaffold without the TGFB3. Rabbits with TGFB3-infused bioscaffolds resumed weight-bearing activity and locomotion three to four weeks after joint replacement. At five to eight weeks after surgery, these rabbits moved nearly as well as the control rabbits. By contrast, rabbits whose bioscaffolds did not contain TGFB3 continued to limp.

The research team included Chang H. Lee, Avital Mendelson, Eduardo K. Moioli, and Jeremy J. Mao of Columbia University Medical Center Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory, New York City; James L. Cook, University of Missouri School of Veterinary Medicine, Columbia; and Hai Yao, Clemson University and Medical University of South Carolina Department of Bioengineering, Charleston.

"Cartilage is one of the most resistant tissues for regeneration. This is the first time an entire cartilage joint was regenerated. By successfully regenerating cartilage in this way, we hope that this approach would work with other tissues without cell transplantation," Dr. Mao said.

Future work could replace arthritic joints in pre-clinical animal models and ultimately in arthritis patients who need total joint replacement.

Osteoarthritis is the world's leading cause of chronic disabilities. The disease involves structural breakdown of cartilage and bone, and affects approximately 80 million people in the United States.

"The aging population with arthritis is expected to double by 2030, when the last of the baby boomers become seniors," adds Dr. Mao. Current joint replacements have only a 10-15 year lifespan which may not be long enough for the increasing numbers of arthritis patients who are 65 years old or younger.

"The potential for in vivo tissue regeneration is enormous," says Dr. Christine Kelley, director of the NIBIB Division of Discovery Science and Technology. "Dr. Mao's work with repairing damaged bone and cartilage by recruiting host cells within a living animal could help pave the way for advanced treatment of arthritis and other diseases in humans."

This work was supported by grants from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBI (National Institutes of Health grant R01EB002332) and New York State Stem Cell Science.

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