主题:【求助】基于Aspen Plus的氯乙烯精馏过程模拟

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新手级: 新兵
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【中文关键词】氯乙烯论文; 精馏论文; 模拟论文; 优化论文
【中文题名】基于Aspen Plus的氯乙烯精馏过程模拟
【英文题名】Simulation of the Vinyl Chloride Rectification Process with Aspen Plus
【英文关键词】vinyl chloride; distillation; simulation; optimization

【中文摘要】目前国内氯乙烯单体的合成,按原料来源区分有两条工艺路线,即电石乙炔法和石油乙烯氧氯化法。乙烯氧氯化法制取VCM和PVC产品的生产成本因国际原油价格攀升而大幅提高,而传统的电石乙炔法的生产成本则相对偏低,因此国内各个厂家纷纷对现有装置挖潜改造,扩大生产规模。本课题通过对电石乙炔法分馏系统的工艺流程进行ASPEN PLUS模拟,并对操作参数进行优化,以提高产品质量和降低操作费用。氯乙烯精馏全过程模拟包括压缩、全凝器、尾凝器、低沸塔和高沸塔等模块,并与工业采集数据和分析数据进行比较。模拟结果与工业数据吻合较好。然后对低沸塔和高沸塔的进料位置、回流比、馏出比等操作变量进行灵敏度分析,找出参数变化规律。最后通过对氯乙烯精馏系统及高、低沸塔的操作参数进行优化,在保证产品纯度的前提下,使低沸塔塔顶冷凝器的冷量消耗减少了33. 15%,再沸器的蒸汽消耗量减少了29. 41%,低沸塔的操作费用得到了较大幅度(来源:ABCb9论文网www.abclunwen.com)的减少,并降低了VCM产品的生产成本。电石乙炔法分馏系统的工艺流程的全过程模拟和优化,对工业生产和VCM装置的扩建具有实际指导作用。(来源:Ae6d6BC论文网www.abclunwen.com)

【英文摘要】At present there are two processes of the VCM synthesis according to the source of material, one is synthesized by calcium carbide and acetylene, the other is ethylene oxychlorination. The cost of the latter is going up with the crude oil price, while the traditional calcium carbide and acetylene method is relatively cheaper. So most domestic factories are encouraged to expand the current equipments and enlarge the production scale.We represent the model of VCM distillation process using Aspen Plus, including the units of compress, total condenser, last condenser, low-boiler tower and high-tower, to improve the product quality and reduce cost. The simulation result will be compared with the data from the plant, and the simulation results were in good agreement with the plant data. The operation parameters of the high-boiler tower and the low-boiler tower, such as feed location, reflux ratio and distillate to feed ratio were optimized on the basis of sensitivity analysis. The policy could be introduced and might bring factories great profit.Finally, the distillation system of PVC and the high boiler, as well as the low boiler operation parameter, were optimized. On the precondition of guaranteeing the purity of products, the cool energy consumption of the condenser of the low boiler was reduced by 33.15%, whereby the steam consumption of the reboiler by 29.41%. The operation expense of the low boiler was reduced greatly and the cost of VCM products was also decreased.Calcium carbide and acetylene distillation process was simulated and optimized, which is instructive for the industrial production and expansion of current VCM equipment.

第一章 文献综述9-24
1. 1 氯乙烯精馏工艺9-10
1. 2 氯乙烯精馏过程模拟进展10-15
1. 2. 1 氯乙烯精馏塔的研究10-13
1. 2. 2 使用不同软件的氯乙烯精馏过程模拟13-15
1. 3 基于ASPEN PLUS的精馏过程模拟实例分析15-23
1. 3. 1 甲醇-水分离塔的模拟16-18
1. 3. 2 丙烯精馏塔的模拟18-21
1. 3. 3 Aspen Plus的其他应用21-23
1. 4 本课题研究内容的提出23-24
第二章 工业装置分析和数据采集24-31
2. 1 工业流程简述24-27
2. 2 工业装置分析27-28
2. 2. 1 全凝器27
2. 2. 2 尾凝器27
2. 2. 3 低沸塔27
2. 2. 4 高沸塔27-28
2. 3 数据采集28-29
2. 3. 1 进料组成28
2. 3. 2 典型操作数据28-29
2. 3. 3控制指标29
2. 4 小结29-31
第三章 ASPEN建模31-54
3. 1 物性分析31-44
3. 1. 1 组分性质31-34
3. 1. 2 物性方法34-35
3. 1. 3 物性数据35-44
3. 2 模型建立44-51
3. 2. 1 模块的选取46-47
3. 2. 2 RADFRAC的设定47-51
3. 3 模型的验证51-53
3. 4 小结53-54
第四章 模拟结果分析与应用54-72
4. 1 灵敏度分析54-69
4. 1. 1 低沸塔分析55-59
4. 1. 2 高沸塔分析59-64
4. 1. 3 系统压力灵敏度分析64-67
4. 1. 4 进料组成灵敏度分析67-69
4. 2 应用与优化69-71
4. 3 小结71-72
第五章 结论72-73
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