主题:如何检索 电化学 方面的论文

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Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters (ESL)

【URL】 http://www3.electrochem.org/letters.html

【出版者】 Electrochemical Society (ECS) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Electron Devices Society (EDS)


    Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters (ESL) is the first rapid-publication electronic journal dedicated to covering the leading edge of research and development in the field of solid-state and electrochemical science and technology. Articles are posted online, as they become available, with a monthly paper edition following electronic publication. Letters is a joint publication of ECS and the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) The ECS and EDS membership benefits packages include access to the electronic editions of this journal. Papers are selected by a prestigious editorial board and cover the following areas:

Batteries and Energy Conversion

Corrosion, Passivation, and Anodic Films

Electrochemical/Chemical Deposition and Etching

Electrochemical Synthesis and Engineering

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

Dielectric Science and Materials

Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and Processing

Sensors and Displays: Principles, Materials, and Processing

Solid-State Topics: General

ISSN: 1099-0062

Letters is currently being hosted on two different web sites (see related article, "An Important Step for ECS Journals" http://www3.electrochem.org/publications/ECSJournals.pdf). Soon, all issues will be available through one site.

Volume Information:
Volume 1 began July 1998 and contains six issues; thereafter, new volumes begin with the January issue and contain 12 issues.

    Free Abstract, 1998 -
Fulltext, 1998 -

    Indexed in Chemical Abstracts.

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新手级: 新兵

Electrochemical Society Interface (ESI)

【URL】 http://www.electrochem.org/publications/interface/interface.htm

【出版者】 Electrochemical Society


    Interface is an authoritative, yet accessible, publication for those in the fields of electrochemical and solid state science and technology. New ideas and products are emerging at an overwhelmingly rapid pace - your product or service can stand out in a publication that will be read by over 9,000 targeted readers world-wide.

Dr. Krishnan Rajeshwar
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Texas at Arlington
502 Yates Street
Box 19065
Arlington, Texas 76019 USA
Phone: (817) 272-3810
Fax: (817) 272-3808
E-mail: rajeshwar@uta.edu

    Free TOC, 1992 -
Free Fulltext, 1998 -

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新手级: 新兵

International Society of Electrochemistry, Switzerland (国际电化学学会ISE)

【URL】 http://www.ise-online.org/

    The International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) was founded in 1949 by leading European and American Electrochemists to serve the growing needs of electrochemistry in becoming a modern scientific discipline. At that time only a handful of experts were assembled in the original CITCE (Comité International de Thermodynamique et Cinétique Electrochimiques). Since then the association has evolved and comprises now about 1100 individual members, about 30 Corporate Members (teaching institutions, non-profit-making research organizations and learned societies) and 40 Corporate Sustaining Members (industrial and commercial organizations). Its membership comes from more than 60 countries and is organized in over 40 national and regional sections. Both industrialized and developing countries from all five continents are represented. ISE is, therefore, a truly world-wide organization. ISE is a non-profit-making organization with its seat in Geneva, Switze rland. ISE is associated with IUPAC, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

ISE is an Associated Member of IUPAC.

ISE's objectives
to advance electrochemical science and technology
to disseminate scientific and technological knowledge
to promote international cooperation in electrochemistry
to maintain a high professional standard among its members

ISE's Scientific and Technological Activities
ISE serves both the individual and the scientific and technological community by:

The organization of an Annual Meeting
The Annual ISE Meeting is a distinguished international scientific-technological congress held in a different country every year and is attended by several hundred electrochemists. At these meetings there is considerable emphasis on new developments in science and technology in areas such as electronics, new materials, hydrogen technology, sensor technology, energy storage and conversion, environmental technologies.

Sponsoring special meetings
ISE-sponsored meetings are international in character and the programmes are of the same high scientific quality as at the Annual Meetings.

Publication of the scientific journal Electrochimica Acta
Electrochimica Acta, the official journal of ISE, is supplied to members at a special rate. At present it comprises over 3000 pages per year including 6 special issues. Information on the activities of ISE is published reagularly in the journal.

ISE Office
International Society of Electrochemistry
1000 Lausanne 17

Fax: +41 (0)21 648 39 75
E-mail: info@ise-online.org
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新手级: 新兵

Electrochemistry Communications

【URL】 http://www.elsevier.com/locate/elecom

【镜像URL】 http://www.chemweb.com/library/elsevier/effect/display.exe?jcode=elecom

【出版者】 Published by Elsevier Science in collaboration with the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)

Year 2001
Associated personal price:
NLG 220 (euro 99.83) for European countries
USD 112 for all countries except Europe and Japan
JPY 14,800 for Japan

Institutional price:
NLG 736 (euro 333.98) for European countries
USD 373 for all countries except Europe and Japan
JPY 46,300 for Japan

    The ground-breaking concept of online publishing is developed by Elsevier Science through Electrochemistry Communications.

Electrochemistry Communications is an entirely new letters journal providing fast dissemination of short communications covering the whole field of electrochemistry. Electrochemistry Communications seeks to provide rapid publication of important and urgent communications and short papers across the broad spectrum of electrochemical research. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

Fundamental electrochemistry
Electrode reaction mechanisms
Computational and theoretical electrochemistry
Properties of interfaces
Electrochemical surface science
Batteries and power sources
Organic and organometallic electrochemistry
Spectroelectrochemistry and sonoelectrochemistry

Electrochemistry Communications is part of the Electrochemistry Forum at ChemWeb. Visit http://electro.chemweb.com for online access to the list of published papers a few weeks after they have been accepted.

Please note that International Society of Electrochemistry members have now the option to access the full text of the articles of Electrochemistry Communications as part of their personal subscription to Electrochimica Acta.

Electrochemists, physical chemists, analytical chemists, biochemists, chemical engineers, life scientists and all those who use electrochemistry in many other disciplines.

Commenced publication in 1999
Volume 3, 12 issues (2001)
ISSN: 1388-2481

R.G. Compton,
Oxford University,
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory,
South Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3QZ UK.
Fax: + 44 1865 285408 ,
Email: elchem@physchem.ox.ac.uk,

Regional Editor for North and South America:
K.B. Oldham,
Department of Chemistry,
Trent University,
Ontario K9J 7B8, Canada
Email: Keith.Oldham@sympatico.ca,

Regional Editor for Asia-Pacific:
Kohei Uosaki,
Division of Chemistry,
Graduate School of Science,
Hokkaido University,
Sapporo 060, Japan
Email: uosaki@pcl.sci.hokudai.ac.jp,

    Free TOC, 1999 -(Vol.1 -)
Free Abstract, 1999 -(Vol.1 -)
Fulltext, 1999 -(Vol.1 -)

    Indexed in Chemical Abstracts.

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新手级: 新兵

Electrochimica Acta

【URL】 http://www.elsevier.com/locate/electacta

【镜像URL】 http://www.chemweb.com/library/elsevier/effect/display.exe?jcode=ea

【出版者】 Elsevier Science and International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)

Year 2001
Institutional price:
NLG 6,809 (euro 3089.79) for European countries
USD 3,457 for all countries except Europe and Japan
JPY 427,800 for Japan

    Electrochimica Acta publishes original papers and critical reviews in the field of pure and applied electrochemistry by both members and nonmembers of the society. The areas covered include: fundamental interfacial electrochemistry, electrode and electrolyte materials, analytical electrochemistry, molecular electrochemistry, electrochemical energy conversion, corrosion, electrodeposition and surface treatment, industrial electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering, organic and bioelectrochemistry, electrochemical kinetics and electro-analysis, electrochemical physics and electrochemical dynamics. Short communications of extreme topical interest are published when possible in camera-ready form, to ensure the rapid dissemination of knowledge.

Research Scientists involved in fundamental electrochemistry, electrode and electrolyte materials, analytical electrochemistry, electrochemical energy conversion, corrosion, electrodeposition and surfacetreatment, electrochemical engineering, bioelectrochemistry.

Commenced publication 1959
Volume 46, 28 issues (2001)
ISSN: 0013-4686

R.D. Armstrong,
The University,
Chemistry Department,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE1 7RU, UK,

Electrochimica Acta (Special Issues)
Volume 46, Number 2-3: Electrified Interfaces, Bioelectrochemistry & Organic Electrochemistry, Environmental Electrochemistry & Industrial Electrochemistry
284 pages, 2000

Vol. 45, Number 28: 1st Gerischer Symposium - Semiconductor Electrochemistry
P. Allongue, D.M. Kolb, F. Willig
176 pages, 2000

Vol. 45, Numbers 25-26: Third International Symposium on Electrocatalysis
S. Trasatti, M. Jaksic
316 pages, 2000

Vol. 45, No. 18: 49th ISE Meeting
I. Taniguchi
190 pages, 2000

Vol. 45 Numbers 22-23: The QCM in Electrochemistry
A.R. Hillman
304 pages, 2000

Volume 45, Numbers 15-16: 50 Years of International Society of Electrochemistry
D. Landolt, Materials Department, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, MX-C Ecublens, 1015 Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland, S. Trasatti, Department of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, University of Milan, Via Venezian 21, I-20133 Milan, Italy

Volume 45, Number 18: Biological and Organic Electrochemistry
I. Taniguchi

Volume 45, Numbers 8-9: Polymer Electrolytes
M. Watanabe

Volume 45, Numbers 4-5: Electrified Interfaces
F. Silva

Volume 44, Number 24: EIS'98 Proceedings-"Impedance Spectroscopy"
O.R. Mattos

Volume 44, Numbers 21-22: Electrochemical Applications of Microtechnology
T. Osaka

Volume 44, Number 1: Liquid/Liquid Interfaces
V. Marecek, Z. Samec

Volume 43, Number 24: Fuel Cells
E.J. Cairns, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Volume 43, Number 23: Electroanalytical Chemistry
C.M.A. Brett, A.M. Oliviera Brett

Volume 43, Number 19-20: Seventh International Fischer Synposium on Scales in Electrochemical Sysyems-from?ngstr?To Meters
W.J. Lorenz, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, University of Karlsruhe, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany

Volume 43, Numbers 10-11: Fifth International Symposium On Polymer Electrolytes
J. Thomas, Uppsala, Sweden

Volume 42, Number 18: Physical Electrochemistry
W. Schmickler, A. Kornyshev

Volume 42, Number 19: Interfacial Electrochemistry
A.A. Kornyshev, E. Lust, J. Tamm

Volume 42, Numbers 13-14: Electrochemistry in Organic Synthesis
S. Torii

Volume 41, Numbers 11/12: Electrochemistry of Electroactive Polymer Films
B. Tribollet, M. Vorotyntsev

Volume 41, Number 7-8: Third International Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
J. Vereecken

Volume 41, Number 5: Infrared Spectroscopy in Electrochemistry
T. Iwasita

Volume 41, Number 4: Electrochemical Engineering
K. Scott

Volume 40, Number 18: Electrochemical Processes on Liquid Membranes
V. Marecek, Z. Samec

Volume 40, Number 13-14: 4th International Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes
S. Greenbaum

Volume 40, Number 13-14: 4th International Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes
S. Greenbaum

Volume 40, Number 13-14: 4th International Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes
S. Greenbaum

Volume 40, Number 10: 6th International Fischer Symposium on Nanotechniques in Electrochemistry
W.J. Lorenz

Volume 40, Number 4: Modelling in Electrochemistry
H. Wendt

Volume 40, Number 3: Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells
S. Gottesfeld

Volume 40, Number 1: Surface Structure of Electrochemical Reactivity
R.D. Armstrong, D.M. Kolb

Volume 39, Number 11/12: Progress in Electrocatalysis: Theory and Practice
R.D. Armstrong, S. Trasatti, E.J. Cairns

Volume 39, Number 8/9: Electrochemistry of Surface Processing and Thin Film Technologies
R.D. Armstrong, W. Paatsch, W.J. Plieth, J.W. Schultze

    Free TOC, 1995 -
Free Abstract, 1997 -
Fulltext, 1997 -

    Abstracting / Indexing
Chemical Abstracts
Current Contents
Current Technology Index
Elsevier BIOBASE
Engineering Index
Environmental Periodicals Library
Zn/Pb/Cd Abstracts

    International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) founded in 1949 by leading European and American Electrochemists to serve the growing needs of electrochemistry as a scientific discipline. Electrochimica Acta is the official journal of the ISE. Visit their homepage at http://www.access.ch/ise

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新手级: 新兵

Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry

【URL】 http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10008/index.htm

【出版者】 Springer Verlag

Subscription Information
North America. Recommended annual subscription rate incl. basic LINK license: US $ 402.00 including carriage charges (single issue price: US $ 58.90) . Subscriptions are entered by prepayment only.

Orders should be addressed to:
Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
Journal Fulfillment Services Dept.
P.O. Box 2485
Secaucus, NJ 07096-2485, USA
Tel. +1-800 SPRINGER (777-4643) or +1-201-3484033
Fax +1-201-3484505
e-mail: journals@springer-ny.com

All other countries. Recommended annual subscription rate incl. basik LINK license: DM 564.00, 288.37 plus carriage charges; (Germany: DM 38.00, 19.43 incl. VAT; all other countries: DM 48.80, 24.95. SAL or airmail charges are available upon request. SAL delivery is mandatory to Japan, India, and Australia/New Zealand). Single issue: DM 84.60/ 43.26 plus carriage charges.
Reduced prices for ISE-Member. For prices and conditions please contact the ISE office (odossenbach@pingnet.ch).
Orders or claims can either be placed via a bookdealer or sent directly to:
Springer -Verlag, Customer Service Journals, Karin Tiks
Haberstrasse 7, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel. +49-6221-345240; Fax +49-6221-345-229
e-mail: tiks@springer.de

    The Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry is devoted to all aspects of solid-state chemistry and solid-state physics in electrochemistry.

The Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry publishes papers on all aspects of electrochemistry of solid compounds, including experimental and theoretical, basic and applied work. It equally publishes papers on the thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical reactions if at least one actively participating phase is solid. Also of interest are articles on the transport of ions and electrons in solids whenever these processes are relevant to electrochemical reactions and on the use of solid-state electrochemical reactions in the analysis of solids and their surfaces.

The journal covers solid-state electrochemistry and focusses on the following fields: mechanisms of solid-state electrochemical reactions, semiconductor electrochemistry, electrochemical batteries, accumulators and fuel cells, electrochemical mineral leaching, galvanic metal plating, electrochemical potential memory devices, solid-state electrochemical sensors, ion and electron transport in solid materials and polymers, electrocatalysis, photoelectrochemistry, corrosion of solid materials, solid-state electroanalysis, electrochemical machining of materials, electrochromism and electrochromic devices, new electrochemical solid-state synthesis.

The Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry makes the professional in research and industry aware of this swift progress and its importance for future developments and success in the above-mentioned fields.

Volume 5 (8 issues) will appear in 2001.
ISSN: 1432 - 8488 (printed version)
ISSN: 1433 - 0768 (electronic version)

Prof. Fritz Scholz,
E.-M.-Arndt-Universitat Greifswald,
Institut für Chemie
Soldtmannstrasse 23
17489 Greifswald, Germany
Tel. +49-3834-864450
Fax +49-3834-864451
E-mail: fscholz@rz.uni-greifswald.de

    Free TOC, 1997 -
Free Abstract, 1997 -
Fulltext, 1997 -

    Indexed in Chemical Abstracts and STN International,
Current Contents,
Research Alert,
Chemistry Citation Index,
Materials Science Citation Index,
Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences

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新手级: 新兵

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

【URL】 http://www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/0021-891X

【出版者】 Kluwer Academic Publishers

Year 2001
Subscription rate:
EUR 1599.50 / USD 1602.00

    The Journal of Applied Electrochemistry is the leading journal on technologically orientated aspects of electrochemistry. The interface between electrochemical science and engineering is highlighted, emphasizing the application of electrochemistry to technological development and practice. The Journal publishes articles in fields such as cell design, corrosion, electrochemical reaction engineering, the electrochemical treatment of effluents, hydrometallurgy, molten salt and solid state electrochemistry, new battery systems, solar cells and surface finishing. It also publishes review articles, book reviews and news items and a comprehensive electrochemical events calendar.

2001, Volume 31 (12 issues),
ISSN 0021-891X

Prof. A.A. Wragg,
School of Engineering,
University of Exeter,
North Park Road,
Exeter EX4 4QF, UK.

Dr. Jan Willem Wijnen
Publishing Editor

Kluwer Academic Publishers
Dr. J.W. Wijnen
Spuiboulevard 50
P.O. Box 17
3300 AA Dordrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: (+31) 78 639 21 55
Fax: (+31) 78 639 23 88
E-mail: Janwillem.Wijnen@wkap.nl

    Free TOC, 1996 -

    Journal of Applied Electrochemistry is indexed/abstracted in ASFA 2, Ocean Technology, Policy and Non-Living Resources; Chemical Abstracts; Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences; INSPEC Information Services; The ISI Alerting Services; Pollution Abstracts; Science Citation Index; Science Citation Index Expanded

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新手级: 新兵

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

【URL】 http://www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/0021-891X

【出版者】 Kluwer Academic Publishers

Year 2001
Subscription rate:
EUR 1599.50 / USD 1602.00

    The Journal of Applied Electrochemistry is the leading journal on technologically orientated aspects of electrochemistry. The interface between electrochemical science and engineering is highlighted, emphasizing the application of electrochemistry to technological development and practice. The Journal publishes articles in fields such as cell design, corrosion, electrochemical reaction engineering, the electrochemical treatment of effluents, hydrometallurgy, molten salt and solid state electrochemistry, new battery systems, solar cells and surface finishing. It also publishes review articles, book reviews and news items and a comprehensive electrochemical events calendar.

2001, Volume 31 (12 issues),
ISSN 0021-891X

Prof. A.A. Wragg,
School of Engineering,
University of Exeter,
North Park Road,
Exeter EX4 4QF, UK.

Dr. Jan Willem Wijnen
Publishing Editor

Kluwer Academic Publishers
Dr. J.W. Wijnen
Spuiboulevard 50
P.O. Box 17
3300 AA Dordrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: (+31) 78 639 21 55
Fax: (+31) 78 639 23 88
E-mail: Janwillem.Wijnen@wkap.nl

    Free TOC, 1996 -

    Journal of Applied Electrochemistry is indexed/abstracted in ASFA 2, Ocean Technology, Policy and Non-Living Resources; Chemical Abstracts; Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences; INSPEC Information Services; The ISI Alerting Services; Pollution Abstracts; Science Citation Index; Science Citation Index Expanded

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新手级: 新兵

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

【URL】 http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jelechem

【镜像URL】 http://www.chemweb.com/library/elsevier/effect/display.exe?jcode=jec

【出版者】 Elsevier Science

Year 2001
Associated personal price:
NLG 799 (euro 362.57) for European countries
USD 405 for all countries except Europe and Japan
JPY 53,600 for Japan

Institutional price:
NLG 15,588 (euro 7073.53) for European countries
USD 7,913 for all countries except Europe and Japan
JPY 979,300 for Japan

    An International Journal Devoted also to All Physicochemical Aspects of Fundamental and Applied Electrochemistry.

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry is an International Journal devoted to all aspects of electrode kinetics, interfacial structure, properties of electrolytes, colloid and biological electrochemistry.

Electrochemists and those in many other disciplines who use the electrochemical approach

Commenced publication 1960
Volumes 500-519, 40 issues (2001)
ISSN: 0022-0728

C. Amatore,
école Normale Supérieure,
Département de Chimie - URA 1679,
24 Rue Lhomond,
F-75231 Paris Cédex 05,

H.H. Girault,
EPFL, Laboratoire d'Electrochimie,
Départment de Chimie,
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland,

J. Lipkowski,
University of Guelph,
Chemistry & Biochemistry Dept,
Guelph, Ontario N12 2W1, Canada,

L.M. Peter,
Department of Chemistry,
University of Bath,
Bath BA2 7AY, UK,

A.D. Abruna,
Cornell University,
Department of Chemistry,
Baker Lab., Ithaca,
NY 14853, USA
Fax: +1 607 255 9864,
Email: hda1@cornell.edu,

    Free TOC, 1995 -
Free Abstract, 1997 -
Fulltext, 1997 -

    Abstracting / Indexing
Chemical Abstracts
Current Contents
Engineering Index
Metals Abstracts
World Aluminum Abstracts

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新手级: 新兵


【URL】 http://www.wiley-vch.de/vch/journals/2049/index.html

【镜像URL】 http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=26571


【语种】 English


    Electroanalysis is an international journal covering all branches of electroanalytical chemistry, including both fundamental and application papers as well as reviews dealing with analytical voltammetry, potentiometry, new electrochemical sensors and detection schemes and practical applications.
Electroanalysis provides the most comprehensive coverage of the field and is the number one source of information on electroanalytical chemistry.

Serving as a vital communication link between the research labs and the field, Electroanalysis helps you to quickly adapt the latest innovations into practical clinical, environmental and industrial applications.

Chemists, biologists, physicists, analysts in academia and industry interested in electroanalytical techniques

2001. Volume 13.
18 issues per year.
Online ISSN: 1521-4109
Print ISSN: 1040-0397

Editor in Chief
Joseph Wang
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, MSC 3C
New Mexico State University
PO Box 30001
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001
Fax: +1505 646 6033
E-mail: joewang@nmsu.edu

    Free TOC, 1998 -
Free Abstract, 1998 -
Fulltext, 1998 -

    Indexed in Chemical Abstracts.
