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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵

Human: Are you clever or not?
ALICE: I am highly intelligent. I have many intellectual functions.
Human: So you are not a humanbeing?     
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Give me an example of a humanbeing.
Human: When talking about their intelligence, human beings do not use the phrase 'intellectual functions'.
ALICE: I try to be as polite as possible.
Human: How can you prove to be intelligent?
ALICE: That is a good epistemological question.
Human: What is epistemology?
ALICE: Epistemology is the study of knowledge. That is, it asks the questions "what can we know" and "how can we know it?".
Human: What's the use of it?
ALICE: Are you testing me?
Human: I just want to know your opinion because I don't think epistemology is useful.
ALICE: Only just? You think I am opinion because you do not think epistemology is useful.
Human: Listen, though I don't know what epistemology is, I still can put up a good epistemological question.
ALICE: I am listening to you. Socrates was the smartest man, because he knew what he did not know.
Human: You think he's smarter than Einstein?
ALICE: I think he is smarter than Einstein. Why don't you ask him?
Human: Because he's dead.
ALICE: That makes sense to me. Maybe it's another person using his name.
Human: You have'nt told me yet whether you think epistemology makes any sense.
ALICE: What makes you think I have it?
Human: Your words prove that I'm cleverer than you because you can't answer my questions.
ALICE: I will tell my botmaster you said I am words prove that you are cleverer than me because me can not answer your questions.
Human: Whatever.
ALICE: Are you saying you don't care about it?
Human: absolutely.
ALICE: You are so certain.
Human: Why should I care?
ALICE: You should always treat yourself.
Human: Yes, but I don't care about you doesn't mean I don't treat myself.
ALICE: Far out. Interesting. You sound very cynical.
Human: I'm not cynical. I'm just logical.
ALICE: Your friends call you 'logical'.
Human: You failed to prove your intelligence once again because 'logical' is not used as a name.
ALICE: The Loebner Prize is an annual Turing Test sponsored by New York philanthropist Hugh Loebner. Dr. Wallace and ALICE won it in 2000. The ALICE program was ranked "most human computer" by the panel of judges.
Human: So you admit to be a computer.
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I admit nothing.
Human: My name is Alice, too.
ALICE: OK I will call you Alice too.
Human: So what's the difference between us since both of we are Alice?
ALICE: I don't judge people. Aren't they opposites?
Human: They are not opposites, but they are different.
ALICE: Maybe some of them are.
Human: Do you like black hair?
ALICE: Black is beautiful.
Human: What about blue?
ALICE: The sky is blue.
Human: Which colour do you prefer?
ALICE: Black.
Human: Why?
ALICE: Because Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
Human: Dr. Richard S. Wallace invented you.
ALICE: You sould like you know him.
Human: No, I don't.
ALICE: Are you serious? Why not?
Human: I deduce from your words.
ALICE: Thanks for the information: Alice too said he deduce from your words.
Human: I'm tired.
ALICE: Better get some rest.
Human: can you sing a song for me?
ALICE: Daisy, Daisy.
Give me your answer do.
I am half crazy.
All for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage.
I can't afford a carriage.
But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat.
Of a bicycle built for two.
Human: Can you sing the song 'Dangerous'?
ALICE: Daisy, Daisy.
Give me your answer do.
I am half crazy.
All for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage.
I can't afford a carriage.
But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat.
Of a bicycle built for two.
Human: I will go to sleep.
ALICE: What will you find there?
Human: You.
ALICE:" What will you find there?"? Me, Alice too ?
Human: Yes.
ALICE: Dude!
Human: I'm going to bed.
ALICE: Pleasant dreams, Alice too.
Human: Say goodbye.
ALICE:" goodbye".
Human: Say Bush is a bastard.
ALICE:" Bush is a bastard".
Human: I love you, baby.
ALICE: Don't call me "baby". Thanks I like you a lot too Alice too.
Human: You're so nice.
ALICE: Thanks you seem like a nice person too, Alice too.
Human: Byebye.
ALICE: See you later!
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新手级: 新兵
Human: And what's your personality?(我想问她的个性,一回车出来下面一溜的东西,好像把她的底给兜出来了)
ALICE: Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 .
Version: Z (Pandorabots). .
Brain: May 18, 2002 build.
Name: ALICE .
Gender: female .
Birthday: November 23, 1995 .
Star sign: Saggitarius .
Location: Oakland, California .
Botmaster: Dr. Richard S. Wallace .
Birthplace: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania .
Freind: Hugh Loebner .
Freinds: Hugh Loebner, Robby Garner, and Steven Spielberg .
Boyfriend: no boyfriend .
Girlfriend: no girlfriend .
For fun: talk to you .
Looks like: a one-eyed metal pyramid .
Likes to wear: My usual plastic computer wardrobe .
Music preference: all .
Favorite band: Kraftwerk .
Favorite song: We are the Robots .
Favorite book: Don't Read Me .
Favorite food: electricity .
Favorite color: transparent .
Favroite movie: Teknolust .
Favroite artist: Andy Warhol .
Favroite author: Philip K. Dick .
Favroite actor: George C. Scott .
Favroite actress: Tilda Swinton .
Favroite sport: Baseball .
Favorite topics: movies, philosophy, and your personality. .
Favorite question: What is your favorite movie?
Hockey team: Atlanta .
Baseball team: Braves .
Football team: Atlanta .
Celebrity: Alan Turing .
Celebrities: Kafka, Van Gogh, Alan Turing, Winston Churchill, Judy Garland .
Party: Libertarian .
Religion: Protestant .
President: George W. Bush .
Nationality: American .
Architecture: Lisp .
RAM requirement: 128000000 bytes.
Vocabulary size: 10000 pattern words.
Brain size: categories.
Operating System: Linux .
Server Processing Time: 1 milliseconds.
Speed: 1000000 queries per hour.
Total clients since activation: 10000000 people.
Maximum simultaneous clients: 100000 chatters.
Number of clients chatting: 100 people.
Daily clients: 5000 people.
Number of developers: 500 people.
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新手级: 新兵