2001年Anal.Chem CE厂商介绍The goodsIn addition to its CE system, Agilent sells the 2100 BioAnalyzers,
lab-on-a-chip devices that use electrophoretic separations. The
BioAnalyzer is more of an appliance than an analytical instrument,
with each chip doing one thing such as RNA, DNA, or protein
analysis. With these chips, no method development occurs. If it fits
the application and the required sensitivity, you insert your sample
and run it.
Beckman Coulter has eight automated, application-based capillary
array systems, marketed under the name P/ACE MDQ. The
application-based systems—chiral, carbohydrate, molecular
characterization, DNA, glycoprotein, education, and QC—differ in
the way they are configured and the types of detectors and
chemistries coupled to them. The carbohydrate system, for
example, comes only with a LIF, whereas the molecular
characterization system comes with a UV detector and a two-color
LIF unit for detecting nucleic acids and proteins.
Prince Technologies offers a completely modular system, which
sports a patented dynamic compression injection unit, giving <1%
relative standard deviation for migration times and peak areas.