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飞机播种造林技术规程 Technical guidelines for afforestation by aerial seeding
    封山(沙)育林技术规程 Technical guidelines for setting apart hills (sand area)for tree growing
    工业糠醇 Technical furfurylalcohol
    工业糠醇试验方法 Technical furfurylalcohol test methods
    工业糠醛 Technical furfural
    工业糠醛试验方法 Technical furfural test methods
    罐道木 Sawn timber for shaft lifting guide
    合成樟脑 Synthetic camphor
    黑荆树栲胶单宁快速测定方法 Quick test method for determination of tannin in wattle bark extracts
    混凝土模板用胶合板 Plywood for concrete form
    集约经营用材林基地造林总体设计规程 Forestation overall design regulations for intensively managed timber-forest base
    胶合板 测试胶合板的抽取方法 Plywood--Sampling of test plywood panels
    胶合板 分类 Plywood--Classification
    胶合板 含水率的测定 Plywood--Determination of moisture content
    胶合板 胶合强度的测定 Plywood--Determination of glue bond strength
    胶合板 普通胶合板标志、包装、运输和贮存 Plywood--Marking, packaging,transportation and storage of plywood for general use
    胶合板 普通胶合板尺寸和公差技术条件 Plywood--Specification for dimensions and tolerances of plywood for general use
    胶合板 普通胶合板检验规则 Plywood--Inspection codes for plywood for general use
    胶合板 普通胶合板通用技术条件 Plywood--General specification for plywood for general use
    胶合板 普通胶合板外观分等技术条件 Plywood--Specification for classification by appearance of plywood for general use

胶合板 试件尺寸的测量 Plywood--Determination of dimensions of test specimens
    胶合板 试件的锯割 Plywood--cutting of test specimens
    胶合板 术语和定义 Plywood--Terms and definitions
    浸渍胶膜纸饰面人造板 Surface decorated wood-based panels with paper impregnated thermosetting resins
    锯材材积表 Sawn timber volume table
    锯材干燥质量 Drying quality of sawn timber
    锯材检验 Swan timber inspection
    锯材缺陷 Defects in sawn timber
    锯切用原木树种、主要用途 Ripping logs--Species--Main application
    军用紫胶片 Shellac used for arms
    颗粒紫胶 Seed lac-Specification
    阔叶树锯材 Broad leaves sawn timber
    阔叶树锯切用原木尺寸、公差、分等 Broad leaves ripping logs-Dimensioms--tolerances and grade classification
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