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1. 浴槽
浴槽包括容器和液体介质。如果要求设定的温度与室温相差不大,通常可用20dm3  的圆形玻璃缸作容器。若设定的温度较高(或较低),则应对整个槽体保温,以减少热量传递速度,提高恒温精度。
2. 温度计
3. 搅拌器
4. 加热器
5. 继电器
1. 在初次使用前,应先将恒温器电源插头用万用表作一次安全检查,用测量电阻之一挡,量插头上相,中,地,相互之间是否有短路或绝缘不良现象。
2.  按规定加入蒸馏水(水位离盖板约30-43毫米)将电源插头接通电源,开启控制箱上的电源开关及电动泵开关,使槽内的水循环对流。
3.  调节恒温水浴至设定温度。假定室温为20℃,欲设定实验温度为25℃,其调节方法如下:先旋开水银接触温度计上端螺旋调节帽的锁定螺丝,再旋动磁性螺旋调节帽,使温度指示螺母位于大约低于欲设定实验温度2~3℃处(如23℃),开启加热器开关加热(为节约加热时间,最好灌入较所需恒温温度约低数度的热水),如水温与设定温度相差较大,可先用大功率加热(仪器面板上加热器开关位于“通”位置),当水温接近设定温度时,改用小功率加热(仪器面板上加热器开关位于“加热”位置)。注视温度计的读数,当达到23℃左右时,再次旋动磁性螺旋调节帽,使触点与水银柱处于刚刚接通与断开状态(恒温指示灯时明时灭)。此时要缓慢加热,直到温度达25℃为止,然后旋紧锁定螺丝。
4.  如需要用低于环境室温时可用恒温器上之冷凝管致冷,可外加和恒温器相同之电动水泵一只将冷水用橡胶皮管从冷凝筒进入嘴引入至冷凝管内致冷,同时在橡皮管上加管子夹一只,以控制冷水的流量,用冷水导入致冷一般只能达到20-15℃之间并须将电加热开关关断。
5. 恒温器加热最好选用蒸馏水,切勿使用井水,河水,泉水等硬水,尚用自来水必须在每次使用后将该器内外进行清洗,防止筒壁积聚水垢而影响恒温灵敏度。
1. 原理
2. 数据处理
在图上找出最高点T2和最低点T1,灵敏度计算公式为S= T2—T1/2。从数据和图线看出T2 =35.212,T1=35.133,S= T2—T1/2=0.0395。
4. application methods 1. before the primary use, should first do the thermostat powersource plug with the avonmeter a time of security check, keeps off oneof with survey resistances, measures the plug to be photogenic,center, mutually between whether has short-circuits or the insulationundesirable tendency. 2. acts according to the regulations to join the distilled water(water level to lap approximately 30-43 millimeter) to put through thepower source plug the power source, opens in the control box the powerswitch and the electric pump switch, causes in the trough the watercycle convection. 3. adjustments constant temperatures water bath to hypothesistemperature. Supposes the room temperature is 20 ℃, wants toestablish the experimental temperature is 25 ℃, its adjustmentmethod as follows: First turns on lathe the mercury contactthermometer upper extreme spiral adjustment hat the fixed screw, thengyrates the magnetic spiral adjustment hat, causes the temperature toinstruct the nut is located probably is lower than wants to establishexperimental temperature 2~3 ℃ place (for example 23 ℃), opens theheater switch to heat up (for frugal heats up time, best fills intocomparatively needs constant temperature temperature approximately lowseveral hot water), if the water temperature and the hypothesistemperature difference is bigger, may first use the high efficiency toheat up (on board heater switch to be located "passes" position), whenthe water temperature approaches the hypothesis temperature, changesto the low power to heat up (on board heater switch to be located"heats up" position). Gazes at the thermometer the reading, whenachieved when 23 ℃ about, gyrates the magnetic spiral adjustment hatonce more, causes the electronic contact and the mercury column was atjust puts through with the separation condition (when constanttemperature indicating lamp Ming Shimie). This time must slowly heatup, reaches 25 until the temperature ℃, then tightens locks thescrew.
4. like needs to use is lower than when the environment roomtemperature to be possible to use on the thermostat therefrigeration, but sur- and thermostat same electrically operatedwater pump enters the cold water with the rubber leather hose from thecondensation tube the mouth introduction to in therefrigeration, simultaneously adds on the rubber pipe,controls the cold water the current capacity, inducts therefrigeration with the cold water generally only to be able to achieve20-15 ℃ between and must shut off the electric heating switch. 5. thermostats heated up well select the distilled water, is sure notto use the well water, the river water, hard water and so on waterseepage, after still used the running water to have each time to usethis inside and outside carries on the clean, prevented the tube wallagglomeration 水垢 affected the constant temperature sensitivity. Fifth, constant temperature water bath sensitivity curve plan 1. principles Many physical chemistry data determination all needs under theconstant temperature. Wants to control the temperature, passes thecommonly used following two methods: One, realizes usingtransformation temperature, two uses the electronic control system,carries on the automatic control to the heater or the refrigerationactive status, realizes the constant temperature goal. This experimentuses the constant temperature water bath through the electronic relayto the heater automatic control, realizes controls the warm goal. Whenthe constant temperature water bath when the quantity of heat toreason and so on outside proliferation causes the system temperatureis lower than supposes the definite value, the relay forces the heaterto heat up, when the system achieved once more when hypothesistemperature, the heater stops heating up. Like this starts once again,may make the system temperature to maintain constantly in the certainscope. The ordinary constant temperature water bath structure is by the bathtrough, the thermometer, the mixer, the heater, the contactthermometer and the relay and so on partially is composed. 2. data processing This experimental digital Beckmann thermometer surveytemperature, each 30 seconds record a time of value, altogether recordfor half hour, 61 data. Divides two lines of or two row inputs it withthe corresponding time, like first line of input time, second line ofinput temperature. After the input finished, designated all data,choose "the insertion" the center "the graph", or single-clicks in thetool fence "the graph" the mark. Appears a dialog box, the choice "thestandard type" the center "the XY scatter diagram", in appears in thedialog box under the choice chart first line of second, namely a beltdiagram of curves, single-clicks again "completes" then. In right strikes, the choice "the graph option", may sectionout the graph name as well as the coordinate axis representative'smeaning and the unit, but also may choose the mesh lines the form.Right strikes nearby two coordinate axes, may adjust the coordinateaxis the scale division, the typeface size and so on. Because quite issimple, not in detail introduced in here. Discovers peak T2 and most low point T1 on the chart, the sensitivityformula is S= T2 - T1/2. See T2 =35.212 from the data and the graph,T1=35.133, S= T2 - T1/2=0.0395.



5. Relay relay with the heater and contact thermometer connected to play a role in temperature control. Laboratories have used the Relay Relay tubes and transistors Relay. Constant temperature water bath to measure the quality of good and bad, hot water can be used to measure the sensitivity. Usually measured by the maximum temperature and minimum temperature difference between the value of the numerical half to show its sensitivity. 4. Use one. Before the initial use, the thermostat should be given the power plug Multimeter used for a safety inspection, one of the measuring resistor block. Plug compatible volume, medium, whether between short circuit or insulation ill. 2. In accordance with the regulations by adding distilled water (water from the cover of about 30-43 mm) to the power plug connected to the electricity. open the control box on the power switch and electric pump switches, so that the water cycle convection tank. 3. Adjust to the hot water temperature setting. Assumed room temperature to 20 ° C, wishes to set temperature 25 ° C, the regulation is as follows : Rotary first open contact with the mercury thermometer adjust the top screw caps lock screws, and then rotating magnetic screw cap regulation, Nut instructions so that the temperature at about wishing to set below the experimental temperature 2-3 ° C (such as 23 ° C), Open heater switch heating (heating time for the savings, preferably on different machines than the required temperature thermostat a few degrees lower in water), If the water temperature and the temperature difference between larger, High-power ahead with heating (instrument panel heater switch in the "links" position), when the water temperature close to the temperature setting, switch to low-power heating (instrument panel heater switch in the "heat" position). Watching the thermometer readings, reached 23 ℃, again rotating magnetic screw cap regulation, make contact with the mercury in just connected and disconnected state (light at the prescribed temperature when eliminate). At this point slowly heating until the temperature up to 25 ° C, then tighten the screw lock. 4. For use environment below room temperature thermostat can be used on a condenser tube cooling, can be applied and thermostats same electric water pump to a tube with a rubber tube into the condensate from the mouth to introduce within the refrigeration condenser tube and rubber hoses in the tubes add a folder to control the flow of cold water, Introduction cooling with cold water can only reach between 20-15 ° C and keep electric heating switch turned off. 5. Heating thermostat, preferably distilled water and not to use well water, river water and springs and other hard water. still have to use tap water after each use this for internal and external cleansing to prevent the accumulation of Wall furring affect temperature sensitivity. 5, hot water sensitivity curve of a drawing. Principle of many physical and chemical data are measured in constant temperatures. Want to control temperature, usually with the following two methods : First, the use of phase change temperatures to achieve the second is the use of electronic control system, of the heater or cooling for the state automatically adjusted to achieve the temperature goals. The experiment used by the hot water heater on electronic relay automatically adjusted to achieve the purpose of temperature control. When the hot water for heat outward proliferation caused the temperature below the set value, the relay forced heater heating, When the system again to set temperature, heater stop heating. This cycle, we can make certain temperature within constant. Ordinary hot water from the structure of the bath, thermometers, blenders, heater, thermometer and relay contacts and other components. 2. Experimental data processing of the Digital Beckman thermometer to measure the temperature every 30 seconds a numerical mind, A total of mind for half an hour, 61 data. With its counterparts in two hours or two firms to import, such as the importation of the first line, second line input temperature. Input has been completed, all data selected, choose "insert" the "table", or click the column "chart" symbol. A dialog appears, choose the "standard type" of the "XY plot" in the dialog that appears, choose the first plan under the second, or a bit of curve, and then click "completion" can be. Right click on the blank space, and choosing "Chart options," we can chart shows the name and on behalf of the axes of meaning and units can also choose the grid format. 2-axis in the vicinity of right-click, can adjust the axis coordinates of the calibration, font size. As relatively simple, here is not the details. On maps to identify the highest point and the lowest point T2 T1, sensitivity calculation formula for S = T2-T1/2. From the data and drawings seen T2 =35.212, T1=35.133. S = T2-T1/2=0.0395.


原文由 christe 发表:
Super Isothermo Water Bath
一.使用范围 Use Range
Super Isothermo Water Bath is suitablr for direct and supplementary heating in scientific research in biology, chemistry, physics, plant and chenmistry industry field
二.结构 Structure
Common isothermo water bath is made up of ......
三.工作原理 Working Principle


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新手级: 新兵
Super constant temperature water bath
1. uses scopes The super constant temperature water bath (later will be calledconstant temperature water bath) to be suitable in scientific researchand so on the biology, chemistry, physics, plant, chemical industrydirect heating using of the precise constant temperature which willheat up with the assistance.
2. structures The ordinary constant temperature water bath structure is bythe bath trough, the thermometer, the mixer, the heater, the contactthermometer (or called electric conduction thermometer) and the relayand so on partially composes. Its structure drawing, equipmentschematic drawing, in kind chart as follows:
3. principles of work Constant temperature water bath principle of work summary asfollows:
1. baths troughs Bath trough including vessel and liquid medium. If the requesthypothesis temperature and the room temperature difference are notbig, usually may use 20dm3 the circular to make the vessel.If establishes the temperature higher (or is lower), then should tothe entire trough body heat preservation, reduce the quantity of heattransmission speed, increases the constant temperature precision. Constant temperature water bath take distilled water as actuatingmedium. If slightly modifies and selects other appropriate liquids tothe installment to take the actuating medium, then above mayuse in the greater temperature range.
2. thermometers The observation temperature may select the scaleinterval is 0.1 ℃ mercury thermometer, but surveys thekeen degree-hour should use the Beckmann thermometer, the thermometerinstallment position should approach as far as possible is measuredthe system. Uses the mercury thermometer reading should perform toadjust.
3. mixers The mixer by the micromotor impetus, its power may choose 40W,adjusts the mixing speed with the transmission gearbox or thetransformer. The mixer generally should install nearby the heater,causes the thermal rapid transmission, causes in the trough variousspots temperature to be even.
4. heaters In the request hypothesis temperature ratio room temperaturehigh situation, must unceasingly supply the quantity of heat tocompensate the water bath the quantity of heat which disappears to theenvironment. The electric heater selection principle is the calorificcapacity small, thermal conductivity good, the power is suitable. Ifthe capacity is the 20dm3 bath trough, the request constanttemperature in 20~30 ℃ between, may select 200 ∽ 300W the electricheater. When the room temperature excessively is low, then shouldselect compares the high efficiency or uses two groups of heaters.
5. mercury contact thermometer. The mercury contact thermometer calledthe mercury leads the electric instrument. Its structure like chartshows. On the water ping-pong ball welds has the tinsel, the thermometerupper half has another tinsel, two receives the relay through thelead-out wire the signal feedback end. The contact thermometer crownhas a magnetic spiral adjustment hat, uses for to adjust the tinselelectronic contact the height. At the same time, may approximatelyestimate the read-out from the thermometer adjustment instruction nuton rod position to control the warm hypothesis temperature value. Whenbath trough temperature increment, the mercury inflation and the riseto the electronic contact, in the relay the coil circular telegramproduces the magnetic field, heats up the line reed to rebound, theheater stops heating up. Afterwards the bath trough quantity of heatproliferates to outside, causes the temperature drop, the mercurycontraction and is separated from with the electronic contact, therelay magnetoresistive effect vanishes, the spring recoils, but putsthrough the heater return route, the system temperature starts to riseagain. Such contact thermometer repeatedly works. Moreover the systemtemperature is under the control. May say it is constant temperature the maincenter, is playing the key role to the constant temperature. 5. relays The relay must is connected with the heater and the contactthermometer, can play controls the warm role. The laboratory commonlyused relay has the thermionic relay and the transistor relay. The weight constant temperature water bath quality quality, may usethe constant temperature water bath sensitivity to weigh. Usually ahalf value expresses its sensitivity by the actual maximum temperaturewith most low temperature difference of value.
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新手级: 新兵
4. application methods 1. before the primary use, should first do the thermostat powersource plug with the avonmeter a time of security check, keeps off oneof with survey resistances, measures the plug to be photogenic,center, mutually between whether has short-circuits or the insulationundesirable tendency. 2. acts according to the regulations to join the distilled water(water level to lap approximately 30-43 millimeter) to put through thepower source plug the power source, opens in the control box the powerswitch and the electric pump switch, causes in the trough the watercycle convection. 3. adjustments constant temperatures water bath to hypothesistemperature. Supposes the room temperature is 20 ℃, wants toestablish the experimental temperature is 25 ℃, its adjustmentmethod as follows: First turns on lathe the mercury contactthermometer upper extreme spiral adjustment hat the fixed screw, thengyrates the magnetic spiral adjustment hat, causes the temperature toinstruct the nut is located probably is lower than wants to establishexperimental temperature 2~3 ℃ place (for example 23 ℃), opens theheater switch to heat up (for frugal heats up time, best fills intocomparatively needs constant temperature temperature approximately lowseveral hot water), if the water temperature and the hypothesistemperature difference is bigger, may first use the high efficiency toheat up (on board heater switch to be located "passes" position), whenthe water temperature approaches the hypothesis temperature, changesto the low power to heat up (on board heater switch to be located"heats up" position). Gazes at the thermometer the reading, whenachieved when 23 ℃ about, gyrates the magnetic spiral adjustment hatonce more, causes the electronic contact and the mercury column was atjust puts through with the separation condition (when constanttemperature indicating lamp Ming Shimie). This time must slowly heatup, reaches 25 until the temperature ℃, then tightens locks thescrew.
4. like needs to use is lower than when the environment roomtemperature to be possible to use on the thermostat therefrigeration, but sur- and thermostat same electrically operatedwater pump enters the cold water with the rubber leather hose from thecondensation tube the mouth introduction to in therefrigeration, simultaneously adds on the rubber pipe,controls the cold water the current capacity, inducts therefrigeration with the cold water generally only to be able to achieve20-15 ℃ between and must shut off the electric heating switch. 5. thermostats heated up well select the distilled water, is sure notto use the well water, the river water, hard water and so on waterseepage, after still used the running water to have each time to usethis inside and outside carries on the clean, prevented the tube wallagglomeration 水垢 affected the constant temperature sensitivity. Fifth, constant temperature water bath sensitivity curve plan 1. principles Many physical chemistry data determination all needs under theconstant temperature. Wants to control the temperature, passes thecommonly used following two methods: One, realizes usingtransformation temperature, two uses the electronic control system,carries on the automatic control to the heater or the refrigerationactive status, realizes the constant temperature goal. This experimentuses the constant temperature water bath through the electronic relayto the heater automatic control, realizes controls the warm goal. Whenthe constant temperature water bath when the quantity of heat toreason and so on outside proliferation causes the system temperatureis lower than supposes the definite value, the relay forces the heaterto heat up, when the system achieved once more when hypothesistemperature, the heater stops heating up. Like this starts once again,may make the system temperature to maintain constantly in the certainscope. The ordinary constant temperature water bath structure is by the bathtrough, the thermometer, the mixer, the heater, the contactthermometer and the relay and so on partially is composed. 2. data processing This experimental digital Beckmann thermometer surveytemperature, each 30 seconds record a time of value, altogether recordfor half hour, 61 data. Divides two lines of or two row inputs it withthe corresponding time, like first line of input time, second line ofinput temperature. After the input finished, designated all data,choose "the insertion" the center "the graph", or single-clicks in thetool fence "the graph" the mark. Appears a dialog box, the choice "thestandard type" the center "the XY scatter diagram", in appears in thedialog box under the choice chart first line of second, namely a beltdiagram of curves, single-clicks again "completes" then. In right strikes, the choice "the graph option", may sectionout the graph name as well as the coordinate axis representative'smeaning and the unit, but also may choose the mesh lines the form.Right strikes nearby two coordinate axes, may adjust the coordinateaxis the scale division, the typeface size and so on. Because quite issimple, not in detail introduced in here. Discovers peak T2 and most low point T1 on the chart, the sensitivityformula is S= T2 - T1/2. See T2 =35.212 from the data and the graph,T1=35.133, S= T2 - T1/2=0.0395.

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新手级: 新兵
原文由 christe 发表:
Super Isothermo Water Bath
一.使用范围 Use Range
Super Isothermo Water Bath is suitablr for direct and supplementary heating in scientific research in biology, chemistry, physics, plant and chenmistry industry field
二.结构 Structure
Common isothermo water bath is made up of ......
三.工作原理 Working Principle

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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵
Super a constant temperature water bath. Super use hot water (hereinafter referred to hot water) applied to biology, chemistry, physics, plants, chemical research on direct heating and auxiliary heating precision thermostats use. 2. General structure of the hot water bath structure is, thermometers, blenders, heater contact thermometer (or conductive thermometer) and the relay, and other components. Its structure, device maps, physical maps are as follows : 3. Working principle of constant temperature water bath principle summarized as follows : 1. 3,4 3,4 including containers and liquid media. If the set temperature and room temperature difference not normally available 20dm3 round of the jar containers. If the temperature set higher (or lower), for an entire tank insulation to reduce heat transfer speed, precision thermostats. Hot water with distilled water as the working medium. If the device is modified and select other suitable work as a liquid medium, Bath temperature was above the large temperature ranges. 2. Bath temperature thermometer observation can choose the temperature interval of 0.1 ℃ mercury thermometer and the bath temperature measurement sensitivity Beckman thermometer should be used, the thermometer should be located as close as possible to the measured system. Use of mercury thermometer readings should be corrected. 3. Agitator Agitator small motor driven power of 40W optional. Transmission or transformer used to regulate the stirring speed. Blender general heater should be installed in the vicinity of the rapid heat transfer, so that the tank site temperature uniformity. 4. Heater requirements set higher than room temperature circumstances, must continue to supply heat to the water bath to compensate for the loss of heat environment. Electric heater is the choice of small thermal capacity, thermal conductivity, and the appropriate power. If the capacity of the bath 20dm3 require constant temperature between 20 to 30 ° C, choice of the 200 ambassador 300W electric heater. Room temperature too low, they should use more power using two or heater. 5. Contact mercury thermometer. Also known as the mercury thermometer mercury exposure conductive table. The structure shown in the figure. Mercury upper ball welded with tinsel, the thermometer on the part of another wire, the two lead wires through the relay signals received feedback end. Contact with the top of the thermometer is a helical magnetic regulatory apparatus, used to adjust the wire contact sums. In addition, the thermometer nut adjustment instructions in the location of the scale can be read broadly estimated the temperature control temperature settings. Bath temperature rises, the mercury rose to expansion and contact, relay coil magnetic field generated electricity. Heating line Shrapnal transcended, heater stopped heating. Subsequently bath spreading out from the heat, the temperature dropped, and mercury systolic and contact separated Relay electromagnetic effects disappear, Spring rebound, and connected heater circuit, system temperature began to rise. This thermometer repeated contact work. And temperature controlled. Can say is the central thermostat bath, the temperature plays a key role.
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新手级: 新兵
5. Relay relay with the heater and contact thermometer connected to play a role in temperature control. Laboratories have used the Relay Relay tubes and transistors Relay. Constant temperature water bath to measure the quality of good and bad, hot water can be used to measure the sensitivity. Usually measured by the maximum temperature and minimum temperature difference between the value of the numerical half to show its sensitivity. 4. Use one. Before the initial use, the thermostat should be given the power plug Multimeter used for a safety inspection, one of the measuring resistor block. Plug compatible volume, medium, whether between short circuit or insulation ill. 2. In accordance with the regulations by adding distilled water (water from the cover of about 30-43 mm) to the power plug connected to the electricity. open the control box on the power switch and electric pump switches, so that the water cycle convection tank. 3. Adjust to the hot water temperature setting. Assumed room temperature to 20 ° C, wishes to set temperature 25 ° C, the regulation is as follows : Rotary first open contact with the mercury thermometer adjust the top screw caps lock screws, and then rotating magnetic screw cap regulation, Nut instructions so that the temperature at about wishing to set below the experimental temperature 2-3 ° C (such as 23 ° C), Open heater switch heating (heating time for the savings, preferably on different machines than the required temperature thermostat a few degrees lower in water), If the water temperature and the temperature difference between larger, High-power ahead with heating (instrument panel heater switch in the "links" position), when the water temperature close to the temperature setting, switch to low-power heating (instrument panel heater switch in the "heat" position). Watching the thermometer readings, reached 23 ℃, again rotating magnetic screw cap regulation, make contact with the mercury in just connected and disconnected state (light at the prescribed temperature when eliminate). At this point slowly heating until the temperature up to 25 ° C, then tighten the screw lock. 4. For use environment below room temperature thermostat can be used on a condenser tube cooling, can be applied and thermostats same electric water pump to a tube with a rubber tube into the condensate from the mouth to introduce within the refrigeration condenser tube and rubber hoses in the tubes add a folder to control the flow of cold water, Introduction cooling with cold water can only reach between 20-15 ° C and keep electric heating switch turned off. 5. Heating thermostat, preferably distilled water and not to use well water, river water and springs and other hard water. still have to use tap water after each use this for internal and external cleansing to prevent the accumulation of Wall furring affect temperature sensitivity. 5, hot water sensitivity curve of a drawing. Principle of many physical and chemical data are measured in constant temperatures. Want to control temperature, usually with the following two methods : First, the use of phase change temperatures to achieve the second is the use of electronic control system, of the heater or cooling for the state automatically adjusted to achieve the temperature goals. The experiment used by the hot water heater on electronic relay automatically adjusted to achieve the purpose of temperature control. When the hot water for heat outward proliferation caused the temperature below the set value, the relay forced heater heating, When the system again to set temperature, heater stop heating. This cycle, we can make certain temperature within constant. Ordinary hot water from the structure of the bath, thermometers, blenders, heater, thermometer and relay contacts and other components. 2. Experimental data processing of the Digital Beckman thermometer to measure the temperature every 30 seconds a numerical mind, A total of mind for half an hour, 61 data. With its counterparts in two hours or two firms to import, such as the importation of the first line, second line input temperature. Input has been completed, all data selected, choose "insert" the "table", or click the column "chart" symbol. A dialog appears, choose the "standard type" of the "XY plot" in the dialog that appears, choose the first plan under the second, or a bit of curve, and then click "completion" can be. Right click on the blank space, and choosing "Chart options," we can chart shows the name and on behalf of the axes of meaning and units can also choose the grid format. 2-axis in the vicinity of right-click, can adjust the axis coordinates of the calibration, font size. As relatively simple, here is not the details. On maps to identify the highest point and the lowest point T2 T1, sensitivity calculation formula for S = T2-T1/2. From the data and drawings seen T2 =35.212, T1=35.133. S = T2-T1/2=0.0395.
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵
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