主题:【讨论】Acceptance of ASTM F963–11 as a Mandatory Consumer Product Safety Standard

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Acceptance of ASTM F963–11 as a Mandatory Consumer Product Safety Standard

AGENCY: Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Acceptance of standard.
SUMMARY: The Consumer Product Safety
Commission (‘‘CPSC,’’ Commission,’’ or
‘‘we’’) is announcing that we have
accepted the revised ASTM F963–11
standard titled, Standard Consumer
Safety Specifications for Toy Safety.
Pursuant to section 106 of the Consumer
Product Safety Improvement Act of
2008, ASTM F963–11 will become a
mandatory consumer product safety
standard effective June 12, 2012.
DATES: ASTM F963–11 will become
effective on June 12, 2012.
Jonathan Midgett, Ph.D., Office of
Hazard Identification and Reduction,
U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission, 4330 East West Highway,
Suite 600, Bethesda, MD 20814;
telephone (301) 504–7692; email
On February 10, 2009, section 106(a)
of the Consumer Product Safety
Improvement Act of 2008, (CPSIA),
Public Law 110–314, made the
provisions of ASTM F963–07, Standard
Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy
Safety (except for section 4.2 and Annex
4 or any provision that restates or
incorporates an existing mandatory
standard or ban promulgated by the
Commission or by statute) mandatory
consumer product safety standards
under section 9 of the Consumer
Product Safety Act (CPSA). On May 13,
2009, the Commission accepted ASTM
International (formerly the American
Society for Testing and Materials)
(ASTM) proposed revisions to the
standard, by accepting ASTM F963–08
(except for the removal of section 4.27
of ASTM F963–07, which covers toy
chests). The requirements of ASTM
F963–08 became effective on August 16,
2009, except for section 4.27 (toy chests)
of ASTM F963–07, which was already
in effect.
On December 15, 2011, ASTM
officially proposed revisions to the
existing standard for Commission
consideration, by submitting ASTM
F963–11, Standard Consumer Safety
Specifications for Toy Safety. ASTM
proposes replacing ASTM F963–08 with
the revised ASTM F963–11 version.
Section 106(g) of the CPSIA provides
that, upon ASTM notifying the
Commission of proposed revisions to
ASTM F963, the Commission must
incorporate the revisions into the
consumer product safety rule, unless
within 90 days of receiving the notice,
the Commission notifies ASTM that it
has determined that the proposed
revisions do not improve the safety of
the consumer product(s) covered by the
standard. If the Commission so notifies
ASTM regarding a proposed revision of
the standard, the existing standard
remains in effect, regardless of the
proposed revision. If the Commission
does not object to the proposed
revisions, the revised standard becomes
effective 180 days after the date that
ASTM notifies the Commission of the

The Commission has determined that
the proposed revisions in ASTM F963–
11 improve the safety of the consumer
products covered by the standard.
Therefore, although the CPSIA does not
require us to issue a notice in the
Federal Register announcing our
decision, we are, through this notice,
announcing that the CPSC accepts the
revisions as mandatory consumer
product safety standards. ASTM F963–
11 will become effective as a mandatory
consumer product safety standard on
June 12, 2012. However, because ASTM
F963–11 does not reincorporate section
4.27 (toy chests) of ASTM F963–07, that
provision from ASTM F963–07
regarding toy chests remains in effect.
Dated: February 15, 2012.
Todd A. Stevenson,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2012–3990 Filed 2–21–12; 8:45 am]
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新手级: 新兵
ASTM F963-11被CPSC规定为强制性要求,列入CPSIA的一部分。从2012年6月12日正式生效。
该帖子作者被版主 yuduoling4积分, 2经验,加分理由:讨论
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新手级: 新兵