Spatial and temporal localization of transforming growth factor-β1, bone morphogenetic protein-2, and platelet-derived growth factor-A in healing tooth extraction sockets in a rabbit model作者:
Zahid Lalani, DDS, MDS, PhD
∗, [img=Corresponding author contact information]http://cdn.els-cdn.com/sd/entities/REcor.gif[/img], [img=E-mail the corresponding author]http://cdn.els-cdn.com/sd/entities/REemail.gif[/img] (FFDRCSI),
Mark Wong, DDS
Eric M Brey, MEng, PhD
Antonios G Mikos, PhD
P.J Duke, PhD
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryVolume 61, Issue 9, September 2003, Pages 1061–1072