主题:【讨论】CNAS实验室国家认可ISO/IEC17025体系建设、管理技术交流QQ:931118572 欢迎大家加入

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Why is it important? 不确定度之所以重要的原因?

The uncertainty is a quantitative indication of the quality of the result. It gives an answer to the question, how well does the result represent the value of the quantity being measured?
It allows users of the result to assess its reliability, for example for the purposes of companson of results from different sources or with reference values. Confidence in the comparability of results can help to reduce barriers to trade.
Often, a result is compared with a limiting value defined in a specification or regulation. In this case, knowledge of the uncertainty shows whether the result is well within the acceptable limits or only just makes it.
Occasionally a result is so close to the limit that the risk associated with the possibility that the property that was measured may not fall within the limit, once the uncertainty has been allowed for, must be considered.
Suppose that a customer has the same test done in more than one laboratory, perhaps on the same sample, more likely on what they may regard as an identical sample of the same product. Would we expect the laboratories to get identical results? Only within limits, we may answer, but when the results are close to the specification limit it may be that one laboratory indicates failure whereas another indicates a pass. From time to time accreditation bodies have to investigate complaints concerning such differences. This can involve much time and effort for all parties, which in many cases could have been avoided if the uncertainty of the result had been known by the customer.

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新手级: 新兵