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The A2LA Accreditation Process (summary)

1. The applicant laboratory obtains all necessary A2LA application forms, A2LA requirements and policy documents from the web site or directly from A2LA.

2. The laboratory obtains an official copy of ISO/IEC 17025.

3. The laboratory provides A2LA with faxed confirmation (see page 9 of the application) that a valid copy of ISO/IEC 17025 has been obtained. A2LA then provides the ISO/IEC 17025 Assessor Checklist to the laboratory.

4. The applicant laboratory completes and returns the application for accreditation, all required supporting documentation, and payment.

5. A2LA reviews the application documents and an appropriate assessor(s) is assigned, with laboratory concurrence.

6. The assessor contacts the laboratory to discuss the scheduling of the on-site assessment and request the quality documentation. Once documentation is reviewed for completeness, the assessment can be scheduled with the assessor(s).

7. The assessment or the pre-assessment is performed and includes: entry briefing; review of quality documentation, records, sample handling; interviews with technicians; demonstrations of tests/calibrations; examination of equipment and calibration records; written report of assessor's findings; and exit briefing.

8. The laboratory responds to any deficiencies with a written corrective action response.

9. The corrective action is reviewed by the A2LA staff and once complete, is forwarded to the Accreditation Council for a vote.

10. Accreditation is granted when affirmative votes are received, all concerns are resolved, and all fees are paid in full.
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新手级: 新兵
原文由 franklintao 发表:
The A2LA Accreditation Process (summary)

1. The applicant laboratory obtains all necessary A2LA application forms, A2LA requirements and policy documents from the web site or directly from A2LA.

2. The laboratory obtains an official copy of ISO/IEC 17025.

3. The laboratory provides A2LA with faxed confirmation (see page 9 of the application) that a valid copy of ISO/IEC 17025 has been obtained. A2LA then provides the ISO/IEC 17025 Assessor Checklist to the laboratory.

4. The applicant laboratory completes and returns the application for accreditation, all required supporting documentation, and payment.

5. A2LA reviews the application documents and an appropriate assessor(s) is assigned, with laboratory concurrence.

6. The assessor contacts the laboratory to discuss the scheduling of the on-site assessment and request the quality documentation. Once documentation is reviewed for completeness, the assessment can be scheduled with the assessor(s).

7. The assessment or the pre-assessment is performed and includes: entry briefing; review of quality documentation, records, sample handling; interviews with technicians; demonstrations of tests/calibrations; examination of equipment and calibration records; written report of assessor's findings; and exit briefing.

8. The laboratory responds to any deficiencies with a written corrective action response.

9. The corrective action is reviewed by the A2LA staff and once complete, is forwarded to the Accreditation Council for a vote.

10. Accreditation is granted when affirmative votes are received, all concerns are resolved, and all fees are paid in full.
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵