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酵母人工染色体(Yeast artificial chromosome, YAC

1983年,MurraySzostak[1]在大肠杆菌质粒pBR322中插入酵母的着丝粒、自主复制序列、选择性标记及四膜虫核糖体RNA基因rDNATr)末端序列,并转化酵母菌,构建成了酵母人工染色体。YAC载体一般能够容纳500 kb,甚至1 Mb大小的染色体片段[2, 3]。目前,在多种高等生物中均构建了高质量的YAC文库。YAC可用于大规模基因组测序和物理图谱构建。例如,美国科学家利用YAC完成了人Y染色体及21q的物理图谱并进行了相应的测序工作[4]。然而,YAC具有一些缺陷,克隆外源基因易出现嵌合体;部分克隆不稳定,在传代培养中可能会发生缺失或重排;YAC与酵母染色体具有相似的结构,因此难与酵母染色体区分开[2, 3]

细菌人工染色体(Bacterial artificial chromosome, BAC

细菌人工染色体(BAC)是一种承载DNA大片段的克隆载体系统,具有插入片断大、嵌合率低、遗传稳定性好、易于操作等优点。BAC构建的基础是E. coliF因子。包含一个氯霉素抗性标记,一个严谨型控制的复制子oriS,一个易于DNA复制的ATP驱动的解旋酶(RepE)以及3个确保低拷贝质粒精确分配至子代细胞的基因座(parAparBparC[5]。大多数BAC文库中插入片段平均大小约120 kb,最大可达300 kb[6]。由于BAC载体在一个细菌细胞中只有1~2个拷贝,因此极少出现重排-嵌合现象。BAC的应用很广,已相继建立了几十种动植物包括大豆[7]、玉米[8]、小麦[9]、水稻[10]、高粱[11]、大麦[12]等的基因组文库。目前已广泛应用于物理图谱构建,基因图位克隆,基因组测序等研究工作中[6]

人类人工染色体(Human artificial chromosome, HAC

Harringotn [13]利用来源于人类17号染色体的卫星DNA体外连接构建成了长约1 Mb的人工着丝粒,并将其和端粒序列以及部分基因组DNA相连构建了第一个人类人工染色体。目前有4种不同的HAC构建策略,包括从头合成组装法(bottom up),端粒介导的截短法(top-down),天然微小染色体改造法和从头染色体诱导合成法[14]


通过将克隆到的人端粒序列转化到哺乳动物细胞中验证端粒功能,发现新转入的端粒序列能够在染色体上产生新的端粒[20, 21]。断裂的染色体可以通过生殖系传递而具有遗传性[20, 22]。应用端粒介导的染色体切割技术在动物中产生小染色体,已经发展成一种动物人工染色体平台:含有端粒的动物载体靶入到体细胞染色体上,由于端粒的存在而介导染色体在端粒处发生切割,不含着丝粒的染色体片段在细胞分裂时丢失,而含有着丝粒的染色体片段则形成了独立的小染色体[22, 23]

目前科学家利用端粒介导截短法成功构建了HAC,然后通过同源重组等方法向 HAC中插入各种用途的基因序列,已经用于基因治疗和医疗蛋白的生产[24]

植物人工染色体(Plant artificial chromosome, PAC


1.            Murray, A.W. and J.W. Szostak, Construction of artificial chromosomes in yeast. Nature, 1983. 305(5931): p. 189-93.

2.            Bellis, M., et al., Construction and characterization of a partial library of yeast artificial chromosomes from human chromosome 21. DNA Cell Biol, 1991. 10(4): p. 301-10.

3.            Green, E.D., et al., Detection and characterization of chimeric yeast artificial-chromosome clones. Genomics, 1991. 11(3): p. 658-69.

4.            Roberts, L., Two chromosomes down, 22 to go. Science, 1992. 258(5079): p. 28, 30.

5.            Shizuya, H., et al., Cloning and stable maintenance of 300-kilobase-pair fragments of human DNA in Escherichia coli using an F-factor-based vector. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 1992. 89(18): p. 8794-7.

6.            Shizuya, H. and H. Kouros-Mehr, The development and applications of the bacterial artificial chromosome cloning system. Keio J Med, 2001. 50(1): p. 26-30.

7.            Fu, H. and H.K. Dooner, A Gene-enriched BAC Library for Cloning Large Allele-specific Fragments from Maize: Isolation of a 240-kb Contig of the bronze Region. Genome Research, 2000. 10(6): p. 866-873.

8.            Lijavetzky, D., et al., Construction and characterization of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for the A genome of wheat. Genome, 1999. 42(6): p. 1176-1182.

9.            Yang, D., et al., Construction of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library and identification of overlapping BAC clones with chromosome 4-specific RFLP markers in rice. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1997. 95(7): p. 1147-1154.

10.          Woo, S.-S., et al., Construction and characterization of bacterial artificial chromosome library of Sorghum bicolor. Nucleic Acids Research, 1994. 22(23): p. 4922-4931.

11.          Lapitan, N.L.V., et al., FISH physical mapping with barley BAC clones. The Plant Journal, 1997. 11(1): p. 149-156.

12.          Song, J., F. Dong, and J. Jiang, Construction of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for potato molecular cytogenetics research. Genome / National Research Council Canada = Genome / Conseil national de recherches Canada, 2000. 43(1): p. 199-204.

13.          Harrington, J.J., et al., Formation of de novo centromeres and construction of first-generation human artificial microchromosomes. Nat Genet, 1997. 15(4): p. 345-355.

14.          Irvine, D.V., et al., Engineering chromosomes for delivery of therapeutic genes. Trends in biotechnology, 2005. 23(12): p. 575-583.

15.          Kurenova EV and M. JM., Telomere functions. A review. Biochemistry (Mosc). 1997. 62(11): p. 12.

16.          Richards, E.J. and F.M. Ausubel, Isolation of a higher eukaryotic telomere from Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell, 1988. 53(1): p. 127-136.

17.          Cross, S.H., et al., Cloning of human telomeres by complementation in yeast. Nature, 1989. 338(6218): p. 771-4.

18.          Brown, W.R.A., Molecular cloning of human telomeres in yeast. Nature, 1989. 338(6218): p. 774-776.

19.          Lewin, B., Gens IX. 2008: p. 748-752.

20.          Farr, C., et al., Functional reintroduction of human telomeres into mammalian cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1991. 88(16): p. 7006-7010.

21.          Barnett, M.A., et al., Telomere directed fragmentation of mammalian chromosomes. Nucleic Acids Research, 1993. 21(1): p. 27-36.

22.          Shen, M.H., et al., A structurally defined mini-chromosome vector for the mouse germ line. Current biology : CB, 2000. 10(1): p. 31-34.

23.          Saffery, R., et al., Construction of neocentromere-based human minichromosomes by telomere-associated chromosomal truncation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2001. 98(10): p. 5705-5710.

24.          Duncan, A. and G. Hadlaczky, Chromosomal engineering. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2007. 18(5): p. 420-424.

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