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学位名称英译 Translation of Academic Degrees 

博士 doctor; doctorate; Ph.D

博士后 post-doctorate

地质工程学博士 doctor of science in geological engineering; D S Geol E

地质工程学硕士 master of science in geological engineering; M.S.Geol.E

地质工程学学士 bachelor of science in geological engineering; B.S.Geol.E

电机工程学博士 doctor of science in electrical engineering; DSEE

电机工程学硕士 master of science in electrical engineering; MSEE

电机工程学学士 bachelor of science in electrical engineering; BSEE

法学博士 doctor of law; LD

法学硕士 master of law; LM

法学学士 bachelor of law; BL

工程学博士 doctor of science in engineering; DSE

工程学硕士 master of science in engineering; MSE

工程学学士 bachelor of science in engineering; BSE

工商管理学博士 doctor of business administration; DBA

工商管理学硕士 master of business administration; MBA

工商管理学学士 bachelor of business administration; BBA

化学工程学博士 doctor of chemical engineering; D.CH.E

化学工程学硕士 master of chemical engineering; M.S.CH.E

化学工程学学士 bachelor of chemical engineering; B.CH.E

机械工程学博士 doctor of science in mechanical engineering; DSME

机械工程学硕士 master of science in mechanical engineering; MSME

机械工程学学士 bachelor of science in mechanical engineering; BSME

计算机学博士 doctor of computer science; DCS

计算机学硕士 master of computer science; MCS

计算机学学士 bachelor of computer science; BCS

教育学博士 doctor of science in education; D.S.Ed

教育学硕士 master of science in education; M.S.Ed

教育学学士 bachelor of science in education; B.S.Ed

理博士 doctor of science; DS

理硕士 master of science; MS

理学士 bachelor of science; BS

文学博士 doctor of literature or letters; Lit D

文学硕士 master of literature or letters; Lit M

文学学士 bachelor of literature or letters; Lit B

新闻学博士 doctor of science in journalism; DSJ

新闻学硕士 master of science in journalism; MSJ

新闻学学士 bachelor of science in journalism; BSJ

双学士 dual bachelors

哲学博士 doctor of philosophy; Ph.D

哲学硕士 master of philosophy; MS

哲学学士 bachelor of philosophy; BS

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教育、教学机构名称英译 Translation of Educational Institutions


补习班 cram class; extension class

补习学校 continuation school

财经大学 university of finance and economics

财经学院 institute of finance and economics

残疾学校 cripple school

成人学院 adult school

初级中学 middle school; junior high school

传播学院 college of communication

船舶学院 shipping institute

大学预备学校 college preparatory school

党校 Communist Party school

地质学院 geological institute

电机制造学校 school of electrical machinery manufacturing

电力学院 institute of electric power

电视大学 TV university

电讯工程学院 institute of telecommunication engineering

电影学院 cinema college; cinema institute

对外贸易大学 university of foreign trade

法学院 college of law; law school

纺织大学 textile university

纺织工学院 institute of textile engineering

纺织机械学院 textile machinery college

分校 branch school

分院 branch institute; college

佛学院 institute of Buddhist studies

附属学校 attached school

附小 attached primary school

附中 attached middle school

干校 cadre school

高等师范专科学院 junior teachers'college

高等专科学校 junior college; tertiary school for specialized training

大学专科教育 2-to-3-year higher education non-degree

大学文凭 a college diploma

大学升学率 enrollment to colleges and universities

岗位培训 to undergo job-specific training

教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来 Gear education to the needs of modernization, the world and the future

教育必须为社会主义现代化服务,必须同生产劳动相结合,培养德、智、体全面发展的建设者和接班人 Education must serve the needs of socialist modernization, be integrated with productive labor, and train builders and successors who are well developed morally, intellectually and physically.

教书育人 to impart knowledge and educate/ cultivate one's students

教师住宅 teacherage

教员休息室 staff room; common room

教学大纲 POI; teaching programme; syllabus

启发式 elicitation method of teaching; heuristic method

双学士制 a double BA degree system

学分制 credit system

在职培训 on-the-job/ in-service training

高级中学 senior high school

工学院 college of engineering

工业学校 engineering school

工业学院 polytechnical school

工业大学 polytechnical university

公立学校 public school; provided school

公路学院 highway institute

国际关系学院 institute of international relations

国际商学院 institute of international commerce

国际政治学院 institute of international politics

海军军官学校 naval school

海军学院 naval academy

海洋学院 oceanography institute

海运学院 mercantile marine institute

函授学校 correspondence school

航空工业学校 school of aeronautical engineering

航海学校 marine school

航天大学 aerospace university

护士学校 nurses' training school; school of nursing

化工学院 college/institute of chemical engineering

机械制造学校 machinery manufacturing school

寄宿学校 boarding school

继续教育学院 college of further education

技工学校 technical school

建筑工程学院 institute of architectural engineering

讲习班 tutorial class

教务处 office of the dean of studies

教育学院 educational college

进修班 class of advanced training

进修学院 college of continuing education

经济学院 institute of economics

矿业学院 institute of mining technology

科研处 science and

老年大学 college of continuing education for senior citizens

理工大学 university of science and technology

理工学院 college of science and technology

理学院 college of science

联合大学 collegiate university

林学院 forestry institute

陆军军官学校 military academy

盲哑学校 blind & dumb school

美术学院 college of fine arts

农学院 agricultural college

农业大学 agricultural university

女子学校 girls' school

气象学校 meteorological school

少年业余体育学校 children's amateur athletic school; children's spare time sports school

师范大学 normal university

师范学校 normal school

师范学院 teachers' college

师范专科学校 junior teachers' college

石油学院 petroleum institute

水产学院 marine product college

水利电力学院 institute of water conservancy and electric power

私立学校 private school

民办大学 non-governmental university

铁道学院 railway institute

团校 Communist Youth League school

外国语大学 university of foreign languages; foreign studies university; international studies university

外国语学院 institute of foreign languages

外交学院 institute of diplomacy

卫生学校 hygiene school; health school

文理学院 college of arts & science

文学院 college of liberal arts

戏剧学院 drama institute

小学 primary school

研究生院 graduate school

药学院 college of pharmacy

医科大学 medical university

艺术学校 art school

音乐学院 conservatory of music

邮电学院 institute of post and telecommunications

幼儿师范专科学校 children normal training school

幼儿园 kindergarten

政法学院 institute of political science and law

职业学校 vocational school

中等技术学校 secondary technical school

中医大学 university of traditional Chinese medicine

重点学校 key school

函授学校 correspondence school

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新手级: 新兵
职业名称英译 Translation of Various Positions 

办公室职员 office staff

办公室主任 office administrator

归国留学生 returned student

正教授 full professor

副教授 associate professor

讲师 lecturer; instructor

助教 assistant (teacher)

保送生 student by recommendation

博士生导师 doctoral advisor

大学本科生 undergraduate (student)

大学校长 president; chancellor

代 ( 委 ) 培生 trainee on contract

代课教师 substitute (supply) teacher

党 ( 团 ) 总支书记 general Party (League) branch secretary

导师 tutor; advisor; supervisor

督学 superintendent; supervisor; inspector

高级讲师 senior lecturer

公费生 state-financed (state-funded) student

后勤处长 director of logistics department

教务长 dean

系主任 dean; chair of department

教研组长 ( 主任 ) head of teaching & research group

客座教授 visiting professor

名誉教授 emeritus professor

荣誉教授 honorary professor

实习 ( 见习 ) 教师 practice teacher

实验员 laboratory technician

特级教师 special-grade teacher

图书馆管理员 librarian

退学生 dropout

在职研究生 in-service graduate student

自费生 self-paying, self-paid, self-supporting,, self-financed, self-funded student

转学生 transfer student

总务处长 director in charge of general affairs

研究员 research fellow

副研究员 associate research fellow

高级工程师 senior engineer

高级会计师 senior accountant

高级经济师 senior economist

高级农艺师 senior agronomist

化验员 chemical analyst

技师 , 技术员 technician

检验员 inspector

建筑师 architect

院士 academician

助理工程师 assistant engineer

( 主 ) 教练 (chief) coach

编辑 editor

主编 editor in chief

高级编辑 ; 编审 senior editor

翻译 translator; interpreter

节目主持人 anchor

铅球运动员 shot putter

体操运动员 gymnast

跳高运动员 high jumper

跳水运动员 diver

跳远运动员 long jumper

掷标枪运动员 javelin thrower

掷铁饼运动员 discus thrower

举重运动员 weight lifter

跨栏运动员 hurdler

长跑运动员 long-distance racer(runner)

短跑运动员 sprinter

射击运动员 marksman; shooter

X 光医生 X-ray technician

产科医生 obstetrician

儿科医生 pediatrician

耳鼻喉科医生 ENT(ear-nose-throat) doctor

放射科医生 radiologist

妇科医生 gynecologist

主任医师 chief physician

副主任医师 associate chief physician

内科医生 physician; internist

外科医生 surgeon

牙科医生 dentist

眼科医生 oculist; eye doctor

中医医生 doctor of traditional Chinese medicine

出纳员 cashier

大堂经理 lobby manager

电工 electrician

电脑操作员 computer operator

电脑程序员 programmer

董事 director

董事长 chairman of the board

法律顾问 legal consultant

房地产评估师 real estate appraiser

公关部经理 public relations manager

海关人员 customs officer

人力资源部经理 human resources manager

人事经理 personnel manager

审计员 auditor

网络互联工程师 networking integrated engineer

系统程序员 system programmer

销售主管 sales administrator

中国人民解放军军衔 Military Ranks of PLA

陆军 Army

一级上将 senior general

上将 general

中将 lieutenant general

少将 major general

大校 senior colonel

上校 colonel

中校 lieutenant colonel

少校 major

上尉 captain

中尉 first lieutenant

少尉 second lieutenant

军士长 master sergeant

专业军士 technical sergeant

上士 sergeant first class

中士 sergeant

下士 corporal

上等兵 frivate

列兵 recruit

空军 Air Force

一级上将 general fist grade

上将 air general

中将 air lieutenant general

少将 air major general

大校 air senior colonel

上校 air colonel

中校 air lieutenant colonel

少校 air major

上尉 air captain

中尉 air first lieutenant

少尉 air second lieutenant

军士长 air master sergeant

专业军士 air technical sergeant

上士 air sergeant first class

中士 air sergeant

下士 air corporal

上等兵 airman

列兵 airman recruit

海军 Navy

一级上将 general first grade

上将 admiral

中将 vice admiral

少将 rear admiral

大校 senior captain

上校 captain

中校 commander

少校 lieutenant commander

上尉 lieutenant

中尉 lieutenant junior class

少尉 ensign

军士长 chief petty officer

专业军士 technical petty officer

上士 petty officer first class

中士 petty officer second class

下士 petty officer third class

上等兵 seaman

列兵 seaman recruit
