Project: IEC 62321 Ed.1
IEC 62321, Ed.1: Procedures for the determination of levels of six regulated substances (Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium, Polybrominated Biphenyls, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers) in electrotechnical products
Circulation Date: 2006-05-05
Closing Date: 2006-10-06
Country Status Received Vote Comments
Australia P 2006-10-04 Y Y
Austria P 2006-10-06 Y -
Belgium P 2006-09-29 N Y
Canada P 2006-10-04 N Y
China P 2006-09-30 Y Y
Czech Republic P 2006-10-02 Y -
Denmark P 2006-10-05 Y -
Finland P 2006-10-05 N Y
France P 2006-10-05 N Y
Germany P 2006-10-06 Y Y
Greece 2006-10-05 A -
India P 2006-10-05 Y -
Ireland 2006-10-05 Y -
Israel P 2006-09-19 N Y
Italy P 2006-10-05 N Y
Japan P 2006-10-06 Y Y
Korea (Rep. of) P 2006-10-04 Y -
Luxemburg 2006-09-29 Y -
Mexico O 2006-10-06 A -
Netherlands P 2006-10-04 N Y
Norway P 2006-10-06 N Y
Poland O 2006-10-03 A -
Portugal 2006-10-06 A -
Romania 2006-09-26 Y -
Russian Fed. 2006-10-06 Y -
South Africa P 2006-10-04 Y -
Spain P 2006-10-06 N Y
Sweden P 2006-10-03 N Y
Thailand P 2006-09-29 Y -
U.S.A. P 2006-10-06 N Y
United Kingdom P 2006-09-19 Y Y
Approval Criteria Result
P-members voting: 23
P-members in favour: 12 = 52 % >= 67% REJECTED
Total votes cast: 27 Total against: 11 = 41 % <= 25% REJECTED
Final Decision: REJECTED
1. Vote: Does the National Committee agree to the circulation of the draft as a FDIS:
Y = In favour; N = Against; A = Abstention.
2. Only votes received before the closing date are counted in determining the decision.
Late Votes: (0).
3. Abstentions are not taken into account when totalizing the votes.
4. P-members not voting: (0).
Web page generated: 3 January 2007