主题:【分享】heat and dog

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Hi redanqi,

Hi all you pet lovers! I wanted to make an important point today that could save your dogs life. I received an email from a user, a fellow dog lover Marlyss Thiel, a few weeks ago asking me to discuss cars and dogs in the heat in one of my newsletters. I think it is a good idea.

Do you take your dog with you? If you do, that's fantastic, but be safe and be SMART. Yesterday I was out and saw some dogs left in cars. Now that the warmer weather is here, I see people leaving their dogs in the car while they shop, and all the windows are up. It gets hot in the sunshine. And as you know, parking lots don't usually have nice shade trees to park under for your dog.

Leaving dogs in cars is one of the most common causes of heat stroke in dogs! This can be fatal and all because an owner left a dog in a hot car.

So be smart. If it's hot and you need to go shopping, leave your dog at home.

If you want more tips on how to be safe this summer, go to tips for "Keeping your dog cool in the summer".

Also, you might be interested in understanding more about heat and why it is so bad in close humid conditions. Go to: "Dangerous conditions - How heat and humidity affect dogs".


Dr. Jon
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