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新手级: 新兵
The Pasteur Institute(法国巴斯德研究所)
established by decree on June 4th, 1887, was inaugurated on November 14th, 1888. It was created thanks to the success of an international fund, to allow Louis Pasteur to expand vaccination against rabies, to develop the study of infectious diseases and to spread his knowledge.
The Pasteur Institute is a private non-profit making, state-approved foundation.
As soon as his institute was created, Pasteur brought together scientists with various specialities. The first five departments were directed by two normaliens (graduates of the Ecole Normale Supérieure): Emile Duclaux (general microbe research) and Charles Chamberland (microbe research applied to hygiene), as well as a biologist, Elie Metchnikoff (morphological microbe research) and two doctors, Joseph Grancher (rabies) and Emile Roux (technical microbe research).
One year after the inauguration of the Pasteur Institute, Roux will set up the first course of microbiology ever taught in the world, then entitled "Cours de Microbie technique" (Course of microbe research techniques).

Very quickly, Pastorians will spread worldwide, to apply and transmit the "Pastorian method" and to study the particular characteristics of exotic diseases. So, together with the development of the Pasteur Institute, an international network of Pasteur Institutes and of associated institutes will form, that now includes some 20 establishments spread over the five continents.

The Pasteur Institute is one of the cradles of Microbiology, Immunology and molecular Biology.
From the outset, Pastorians make major contributions to our knowledge of the structures and functions of the living world, of infectious agents and the diseases that they produce.
The contributions of the Institute apply notably to rabies, plague, diphtheria, tetanus, typhus, yellow fever, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis and also to hepatitis B and AIDS.
Some researchers will win fame by discovering antitoxins, BCG, sulfamides, and anti-histamines. Others will play a fundamental role in the advent of molecular biology and genetic engineering.
Eight Nobel Prizes have been given to Pastorians since 1900 :
Alphonse LAVERAN (1907) - "For his research on the role of protozoans as disease agents" (notably, his discovery of the malaria hematozoon)
Elie METCHNIKOFF (1908) - "For his research on immunity" (in 1883, discovery of phagocytes, phagocytosis and cell immunity)
Jules BORDET (1919) - "For his discoveries on immunity" (discovery of the role of antibodies and complements)
Charles NICOLLE (1928) - "For his work on typhus" (notably, discovery of the role of louse in the transmission of the infection)
Daniel BOVET (1957) - "For his discoveries concerning synthetic products that inhibit the action of certain substances in the body, and more specifically, their action on the vascular system and the muscles of the skeleton" (discoveries on synthetic antihistamines and curarizing compounds)
André LWOFF, François JACOB, Jacques MONOD (1965) - "For their discoveries concerning genetic regulation of the synthesis of enzymes and viruses"
Pastorian contributions
Main historical steps:
Development of the vaccine against rabies
First vaccination of a human being against rabies: July 6th, 1885
Louis Pasteur
Discovery of the mode of action of the diphtheria bacillus
Emile Roux et Alexandre Yersin 1888
Development of the treatment against diphtheria by serotherapy Emile Roux, Louis Martin and Auguste Chaillou 1894
Work on inflammation and immunity Elie Metchnikoff 1889 to 1900
Identification of the plague bacillus Alexandre Yersin 1894
Elucidation of the mechanisms implied in the immunity system, especially the implication of antibodies and the mechanisms of action of the complement Jules Bordet 1896 to 1899
The role of the flea in the transmission of plague Paul-Louis Simond 1898
Discovery of the role of trace elements Gabriel Bertrand Beginning of the century
First trial of anti-infection chemotherapy at the Pasteur Institute and at the Pasteur Hospital As soon as 1904
The role of the louse in the transmission of typhus
Charles Nicolle 1909
Demonstration that poliomyelitis is due to a filterable virus.
Constantin Levaditi, with Amédée Borrel, another Pastorian who put forward the hypothesis of the viral origin of some cancers, can be considered as one of the precursors of virology.
Constantin Levaditi and Karl Landsteiner 1910
Discovery of the bacteriophage, virus that spread only inside bacteria Félix d'Hérelle 1917
Development of the BCG vaccine Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin 1921
Discovery of antitoxins, of the principle of associated vaccinations and of the role of adjuvant substances of immunity Gaston Ramon 1922 to 1926
Development of a vaccine against yellow fever, at the Pasteur Institute of Dakar Jean Laigret 1932
Discovery of the mechanisms of action of growth factors André Lwoff 1932 à 1938
Discovery of the anti-infectious action of sulfamides Jacques and Thérèse Tréfouël, Frédérico Nitti 1936
Discovery of the anti-infectious action of sulfones. (The mother sulfone constitutes the first treatment against leprosy) Jacques and Thérèse Tréfouël, Noël Rist, Floch 1939 to 1947
Discoveries on anti-histamines and synthetic curarizing agents Daniel Bovet 1937 to 1947
Discovery of the existence of proviruses André Lwoff 1951
Work on enzymatic adaptation and on biosynthesis induced by enzymes Jacques Monod 1955
Development of a vaccine against poliomyelitis Pierre Lépine 1954
Work on bacterial sexuality Elie Wollman, François Jacob 1956
Discoveries on immunoglobulins and on antibodies (allotypy and idiotypy) Jacques Oudin 1956 to 1963
Work on regulatory processes of biosynthesis and enzyme activity, on mechanisms of protein biosynthesis Jacques Monod, François Jacob 1960
Isolation of the first receptor to a neurotransmitter, the acetylcholine receptor. (Acetylcholine is a chemical messenger that ensures the transmission of a nervous signal between nerve cells in the brain and between nerve cells and muscle fibres). Jean-Pierre Changeux 1970

A few recent discoveries :
Discovery of AIDS viruses, HIV1 and HIV2.
Luc Montagnier, Jean-Claude Chermann, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and coll. 1983 and 1985
Development of the first human vaccine obtained by genetic engineering from animal cells, the vaccine against hepatitis B. Pierre Tiollais and coll. 1985
Development of a quick diagnostic test for tuberculosis. Brigitte Gicquel and coll. 1989
Development of a quick detection test for the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, responsible for ulcers and gastric cancers. Agnès Labigne and coll. 1991
Development of a vaccine against shigellosis. . Philippe Sansonetti and coll. 1991
Discovery of a genetic control of the evolution of lesions that can become pre-cancerous, allowing a better prevention of cervical cancers. Gérard Orth and coll. 1992
Development of rapid tests to detect resistance to antibiotics shown by the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis. Stewart Cole and coll. 1993
A vaccine against the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, responsible for ulcers and gastric cancers, is shown to be effective on animals. Agnès Labigne and coll. 1995
Identification of genes responsible for deafness. Christine Petit and coll. 1995 - 1998
Elucidation of the mechanisms allowing Listeria bacteria to enter cells. Pascale Cossart and coll. 1996
Characterisation of a molecule (chimiokine) capable of blocking lymphocyte infection by HIV. Jean-Louis Virelizier and coll. 1996
Complete sequencing of the genome of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast (European Programme) Bemard Dujon and coll. 1996
Complete sequencing of the genome of the Bacillus subtilis bacteria. Franck Kunst, Antoine Danchin, Georges Rappoport and coll. 1997
Discovery of a gene responsible for nicotine dependency. Jean-Pierre Changeux and coll. 1997
Development of a rapid detection test for the Escherichia coli bacteria in 2 hours (instead of 2 or 3 days usually necessary), allowing a better monitoring of water quality (bathing, drinking and cooking water).
Patrick Grimont and coll. 1997
Development of a technology for the analysis of DNA, the "molecular combing", that triggered important progress in domains of genetic diagnostic and mapping of the human genome. Aaron Bensimon and coll. 1997
Complete sequencing of the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Stewart Cole and coll. 1998
First isolation of a virulence gene on Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Brigitte Gicquel and coll. 1998
First localisation on a human being of a gene for predisposition to papilloma virus. Study of an eventual link with psoriasis. Gérard Orth and coll. 1998
First clinical characterisation of a form of genetic deafness, in relation to mutations in the gene DFNBI, opens possibilities of molecular diagnosis of deafness. Christine Petit and coll. April 1999
Identification of a type of nicotine receptor necessary for the analgesic action of nicotine. Jean-Pierre Changeux and coll. April 1999

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新手级: 新兵
The Department of Microbiology was established in December 1982 and involves in teaching, research and providing clinical laboratory and consultation services to the Prince of Wales Hospital. The teaching course offered by our Department is designed for third year medical students as an introduction to the microbial diseases, their pathogenesis, natural history, diagnosis and management. The teaching staff are also involved in courses for graduate students, externs, specialist training, and undergraduate students from other departments including nursing, pharmacy, and other organizations. Our teaching programme will educate more medical and graduate students to provide the society with high quality physicians and microbiologists.
The teaching course offered by our Department is designed for third year medical students as an introduction to microbial diseases, their pathogenesis, natural history, diagnosis and management. The teaching staff are also involved in courses for graduate students, externs, specialist training, and undergraduate students from other departments including nursing, pharmacy, and other organizations.
General information for admission to Graduate studies leading to M. Phil. and Ph. D. degrees in Microbiology can be obtained from the university Graduate School website. Research interests of individual teacher can be obtained from their web pages at List of Staff.
For years our department has made use of advanced modern equipment to research in bacteriological and virological projects which correlate laboratory investigation to clinical application, including the development of rapid diagnostic methods for infectious disease using chemical and molecular biology markets, antibiotic therapy and pharmacokinetics, molecular aspects of resistance, epidemiology of infectious diseases, and control of infections. Our development of rapid and effective diagnostic methods has been providing improvements in clinical management of diseases such as viral infections by hepatitis A, B and C viruses, rotavirus, influenza virus, cytomegalovirus, parvovirus and respiratory syncytial virus, and bacterial infections including tuberculosis, Helicobacter infection, and bacterial meningitis. Research on locally important infectious diseases has been our main goal. Our research on antibiotics has been generating information on the bioavailability of he antibiotics in the human body, the mechanism of antimicrobial resistance, and the epidemiology of the resistant pathogens, all of which will lead to more rational and effective antimicrobial therapy.


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新手级: 新兵
该帖子作者被版主 zhang88268571积分, 2经验,加分理由:大力鼓励来本板块交流
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新手级: 新兵
该帖子作者被版主 zhang88268571积分, 2经验,加分理由:大力鼓励来本板块交流
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新手级: 新兵
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