主题:【讨论】Write more on your own

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One phenomenon that I see in this forum is that people usually only write one or two sentences, sometimes only a phrase. In case of short paragraph, most likely are citation from others.

To learn more with practicing, I encourage everybody trying to write more to express yourselves. One sentence per day may not help to improve English much. However, writing more may help you to express in English way. You may know your learning progress if your writing speed is improving and can easily express yourself without too much thinking.

If you write in Chinese, you'll find yourself it's just to put your mind on paper (keyboard). If you can write as easy as Chinese, that means you mind is capable to think in English way. If you can achieve this, both of your listening and oral English skills can be improved because you no longer need to do the translation word by word.

Come on! Let's write!
该帖子作者被版主 天晴了2积分, 2经验,加分理由:thanks for your advice
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    I prefer choosing one topic for discussing. I recommend some optional activities as following:
1. Weather,
      Every one has the concept of weather and can say something about it. But some guys maybe say this topic is too simple to discuss. So I prefer the 2nd one to them
2. Matches
    Like basketball and football matches, many guys like watching or playing matches. Most of them are super fans.
3. News
    Everyday, there are many  stories happening everywhere.Some guys may choose funny ones here.
Any other suggestion, everybody?
该帖子作者被版主 smileqing1积分, 2经验,加分理由:hope to see your topic discussion
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In the past, our forum have "sign in" activity.
(pls see the below link
Anyone who insisting signing everyday can get rewards. However, sometime moderators forget to add the credit rewards. Then day by day, the activity is stopped. It's really a pity.

I agree with you that writing more in English may help us to improve our English. Hope you can lead to another boom in our "professional English" forum.
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新手级: 新兵
原文由 天晴了(smileqing) 发表:
In the past, our forum have "sign in" activity.
(pls see the below link
Anyone who insisting signing everyday can get rewards. However, sometime moderators forget to add the credit rewards. Then day by day, the activity is stopped. It's really a pity.

I agree with you that writing more in English may help us to improve our English. Hope you can lead to another boom in our "professional English" forum.

my lord, please restart the activity. Are there any defficulty? No credits?
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新手级: 新兵
原文由 容百川(jjwws) 发表:
原文由 天晴了(smileqing) 发表:
In the past, our forum have "sign in" activity.
(pls see the below link
Anyone who insisting signing everyday can get rewards. However, sometime moderators forget to add the credit rewards. Then day by day, the activity is stopped. It's really a pity.

I agree with you that writing more in English may help us to improve our English. Hope you can lead to another boom in our "professional English" forum.

my lord, please restart the activity. Are there any defficulty? No credits?
Credit is not a issue.
Now the problem is no forum member propose the daily topic.  And I am not sure whether there will be many members participating in the topic.
Are you willing to raise a topic everyday.
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新手级: 新兵
原文由 天晴了(smileqing) 发表:
原文由 容百川(jjwws) 发表:
原文由 天晴了(smileqing) 发表:
In the past, our forum have "sign in" activity.
(pls see the below link
Anyone who insisting signing everyday can get rewards. However, sometime moderators forget to add the credit rewards. Then day by day, the activity is stopped. It's really a pity.

I agree with you that writing more in English may help us to improve our English. Hope you can lead to another boom in our "professional English" forum.

my lord, please restart the activity. Are there any defficulty? No credits?
Credit is not a issue.
Now the problem is no forum member propose the daily topic.  And I am not sure whether there will be many members participating in the topic.
Are you willing to raise a topic everyday.

It is a new task for me.It is my pleasure!
手机版: Write more on your own