原文由 JOE HUI(xurunjiao5339) 发表:早期做美泰玩具测试时候其内部标准GL0P7409《 ICP MAINTENANCE AND PERFORMANCE CHECKS》就有这样提到5.3 Daily Performance CheckThe daily performance of the ICP machine shall be monitored by measuring the intensity value ofthe control point standard solution and evaluating any trending per the charting proceduresstated below:5.3.1 The Intensity Trend Chart is obtained by plotting the intensity value against the runnumber on a line graph. Choose a concentration value that is used in the calibrationprocedure (i.e. 0.05, 0.1 or 0.5 ppm for lead) when creating the Trend Chart (refers to? for the updated calibration points). The intensity values shown below werederived from middle range of standards in 20% nitric acid. 20 different readings from 20different days should be recorded and graphed (see Figure 1).X is the intensity value of the control point standard solution (middle range standardsolution of each element),Xm is the mean intensity value of the control point standard solution which is collected 20times on different days,SD is the standard deviation of 20 measurements,UCL is upper control limit, UCL=Xm 3SD; LCL is lower control limit, LCL=Xm-3SD; UWLis upper warning limit, UWL=Xm 2SD; LWL is lower warning limit, LWL= Xm-2SD.5.3.2 Daily ICP intensity for each element should be tested and reported on the ICP dailyintensity chart. An example of the ICP intensity chart is attached in Addendum 1.Intensity trend chart should be reviewed every 6 months.5.3.3 If two consecutive intensity values fall in the acceptance criteria area 2SD (-2SD) & 3SD (-3SD), or seven consecutive intensity values fall on the same side of the meanintensity, an out-of control condition is signaled and a corrective action should be takenfollowing section 5.3.4 to correct the error.其中Xm is the mean intensity value of the control point standard solution which is collected 20times on different days就是其某个固定浓度强度平均值是其连续20天测试值的平均值(至少20个数据)这个平均值就有一定浮动性了,除非你能保持长期稳定这个值。而实际上在更换矩管等操作后,强度值会有一定程度变化,所以我觉得这个管控好像并不合理。