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300 BC - Euclid discussed the focus of a spherical mirror.
50 AD - Cleomedes discussed the refraction of light.
139 AD - Claudius Ptolemy made detailed tables on the reflection and refraction of light.
~1010 - Althazen (965-1038) described the planar nature of reflection.
1304 - Theodoric of Freiberg explained the water-droplet origins of rainbows.
~1500 - Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) mentioned diffraction in his notebooks.
1608 - Hans Lippershey made one of the first telescopes. Shortly afterwards, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) made a telescope and turned it to the heavens.
~1609 - Zacarias Joannides made the first microscope.
~1620 - Willebrord Snell van Royen (1591-1626) discovered the law of refraction.
1637 - Descartes derived the law of refraction theoretically.
1663 - Robert Boyle (1627-1691) first observed interference rings, now known as Newton's rings.
1669 - Bartholinus discovered the polarization of light by Iceland spar.
1678 - Römer determined the speed of light, by observing Jupiter's moons.
1690 - Christian Huygens (1629-1695) proposed a wave theory of light.
1728 - Bradley discovered the aberration of light.
1729 - Chester Moor-Hall (1704-1771) and John Dollond (1760-1761) made the first aberration-corrected lens.
1752 - T Melvill published first observation of a line spectrum.
1800 - W Herschel discovered the Infrared, by its heating effect.
1801 - J W Ritter and W H Wollaston discovered Ultraviolet, by its chemical effects.

1801 - Thomas Young presented the principle of the interference of light.
1807 - Young presented the three colour theory of vision.
1811 - Arago discovered rotary polarization by quartz.
1813 - Arago discovered the polarization of scattered light.
1815 - Fresnel rediscovered the interference of light.
1818 - Fresnel explained the polarisation of light.
1826 - Balard discovered the photo-sensitivity of silver bromide.
1826 - Talbot and Herschel studied the changing colours of flames when sodium, potassium, lithium and strontium salts were introduced into the flame
1835 - Schwerd developed a "wave" theory of the diffraction grating.
1837 - Knox discovered that the conductivity of selenium changes with illumination.
1840 - Joseph Max Petzval (1807-1891) made the first portrait camera lens.
1842 - Doppler discovered the effect named after him, that the wavelength of light changes with the speed of the source relative to the observer.
1845 - Michael Faraday (1791-1867) observed that a magnetic field could rotate the plane of polarization of light.
1850 - Foucault showed that light travels more slowly in water than in air, as predicted by wave theory.
1856 - Ludwig Philipp van Seidel (1821-1896) derived the theory of third order aberration
1860 - Foucault observed the absorption of spectral lines in one flame by another.
1864 - James Clark Maxwell presented the electromagnetic theory of light.
1866 - William Huggins made the first spectroscopic study of a nova.
1868 - A J Ångström published a compilation of all the visible lines in the solar spectrum.
1869 - Ångström made the first reflection grating.
1873 - Abbe described the optical limit in imaging.
1873 - Maxwell presented his 'Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism'.
1877 - Gouy invented the first pneumatic nebuliser for introducing liquids into flames. 
1882 - H A Rowland greatly improved diffraction gratings, introducing curved gratings.
1885 - J J Balmer found a formula for the Hydrogen series; J R Rydberg and W Ritz then found formulae for other simple spectra.
1891 - Gabriel Lippmann made the first colour photographic plate.
1893 - V  Schumann studied the 'vacuum' Ultraviolet.
1897 - J J Thomson discovered the electron.
1899 - Hertz developed the theory of dipole radiation, the basis of modern radio.
1900 - Max Planck discovered the quantum.
1905 - Albert Einstein explained the photoelectric effect.
1905 - Einstein presented the special theory of relativity, in which the speed of light is independent of the motion of its source and constant in any inertial frame of reference.
1913 - Neils Bohr's theory of the atom, explains the Balmer, Rydberg and Ritz formulas of simple spectra.
1913 - Johannes Stark discovered the Stark effect, the splitting of spectral lines in an electric field.
1923 - Compton explained x-ray scattering.
1925-7 - Quantum theory of the atom, developed by many people including Wolfgang Pauli (exclusion principles), Werner Heisenberg (uncertainty principle), Erwin Schrödinger (wave equation), Louis de Broglie, Max Born (wave function as probability), Jordan, and Paul A M Dirac (relativistic wave equation).
1928 - Neils Bohr proposed the Complementarity Principle.
1930 - Gerlach and Scweitzer introduced the ratio method for intensities.
1936 - Thanheiser and Heyes used photocells to measure intensities.
1942-9 - Giulio Racah presented his formulation of the angular components of Schrödinger's equation.
~1945 - P M Duffieux and R K Luneberg introduced Fourier methods to optics.
1947 - Willis E Lamb discovered the Lamb shift.
1947 - Dennis Gabor developed holography.
1948 - Sin-itiro Tomonaga, Julian S Schwinger and Richard P Feynman developed quantum electrodynamics (QED).
1949 - D R Bates and Agnette Damgaard presented an approximate solution to the radial part of Schrödinger’s equation.
1950 - A Kastler caused population inversion in excited atoms.
1951 - E M Purcell and R V Pound first observed net induced emission.
1951-2 - C H Townes, Nikolai G Basov and Alexandr M Prokhorov first suggested the principle of the maser.
1953 - Zernike awarded the Nobel Prize for phase-contrast microscope
1954 - Alan Walsh invented the atomic absorption spectometer (AAS)
1960 - T H Maiman demonstrated the first simple laser.
1965 - S J I L Greenfield invented 'high-power' ICP
1966 - Alfred Kastler awarded Nobel Prize for optical methods for studying atomic energy levels.
1967 - W Grimm invented his glow discharge source.
1968 - Grimm presented the first quantitative analysis with his new source.
1969 - V A Fassel and P W J M Boumans developed 'low-power' ICP.
1970 - J E Greene and J M Whelan reported the first depth profile with the Grimm glow discharge source.
1972 - C J Belle and J D Johnson reported the first quantitative depth profile with the Grimm source.
1972 - Boumans determined the main characteristics of the Grimm glow discharge.
1973 - Charlotte E Moore published extensive tables of atomic energy levels.
1975 - Roger Berneron demonstrated the wide capabilities of GD-OES for qualitative depth profiling.
1978 - Ritzl produced the first commercial GD-OES instrument using the Grimm source.
1985 - J Pons-Corbeau introduced the first algorithm for quantitative depth profiling in GD-OES.
1988 - M Chevrier and Richard Passetemps invented the first radio frequency powered Grimm source.
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