8.Attach the tube swing-arm thumbwheel to the swing-arm, then connect it to the tube.
9.Attach the tube swing-arm thumbwheel tubing to the RIGHT 1/16” bulkhead as shown in Figure 5.4. Always use two 5/16” wrenches to secure the tubing at this fitting.
10. Attach tubing from the left side 1/16” bulkhead to the tube thumbwheel as shown in Figure 5.4.
4. Limitation of Damages: CDS shall not be liable for consequential damgers of any kind arising out of the purchase,use or misuse of the products. CDS's liability for incidental damagers shall be limited to the payment for the freight(as specifield above)on defective products shipped to CDS for repair or replacement.
5. Sole Warranty: This warranty is given in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied. There are no warranties which extend beyond th description on the face hereof.The buyer having furnished or agreed to the specifications of the products sold, No warranty is made as to the fit ness of the product for itsintended purpose. Except as specifically set forth here in, No warranty is made as to the merchant ability of the product.