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Identification of Out-of-Trend Stability Results, Part II PhRMA CMC Statistics, Stability Expert Teams
Oct 2, 2005
By: PhRMA CMC Statistics, Stability Expert Teams
Pharmaceutical Technology

High-quality stability data are critical to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. These data form the basis for justifying specification limits (also called acceptance criteria in the International Conference on Harmonization [ICH] Q1 and Q6 guidances), for setting and extending product expiration dates, and for establishing product label storage statements. Annual, routine stability studies also can be used to support product or process modifications and are vital for ensuring the continuous quality of production batches. To facilitate the prompt identification of potential issues, and to ensure data quality, it is advantageous to use objective (often statistical) methods that detect potential out-of-trend (OOT) stability data quickly.
In general, OOT stability data can be described as a result or sequences of results that are within specification limits but are unexpected, given the typical analytical and sampling variation and a measured characteristic's normal change over time (e.g., an increase in degradation product on stability).
OOT stability results may have a significant business and regulatory impact. For example, if an OOT result occurs in the annual production batch placed on stability, the entire year's production could be affected, depending on the OOT alert level. Systems that are useful for detecting OOT results provide easy access to earlier results so that they can track stability data and trigger an alert when a potential OOT situation arises. Procedures describing OOT limits, responsibilities for all aspects of an OOT system, and investigational directions are all components of a company's quality system.
Representatives from the US Food and Drug Administration and 77 individuals from more than 30 Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) member companies met in October 2003 to address important stability OOT alert issues. Their discussions underscored the need to track OOT stability data, associated issues, and potential statistical or other approaches to establish OOT alert limits. Breakout sessions captured participants' perspectives on FDA expectations and guidances, acceptable OOT identification methodologies, and implementation challenges.
Workshop attendees concluded that the main focus for OOT identification and investigation should be annual, routine production stability studies rather than primary new drug application (NDA) batches because historical data are usually needed to determine appropriate OOT alert limits.
In addition, attendees clearly expressed a desire for a simple approach to tracking stability data that would allow at-the-bench, real-time detection of OOT results. This capability is important from an implementation standpoint so that a timely investigation can be initiated. Timeliness is especially important when an analytical error is suspected of causing OOT results. It was recognized that an efficient approach with such properties might be difficult to achieve.
Another recommendation was the need for standard operating procedures (SOPs) that address how to handle (e.g., identify, investigate, conclude, take action) OOT data. Workshop participants believed that a separate FDA guidance is not needed to develop such SOPs because the existing out-of-specification (OOS) guidance should suffice.
另一个建议是通过建立SOP来说明如何处理(例如确定,调查,断定和采取措施)OOT数据的必要性。 专题小组与会者认为不需要单独的FDA指南来开发这样的SOP,因为现在的OOS指南有能力做到这一点。
Three types of OOT results—which determine the degree and scope of an OOT investigation—were identified at the workshop. This article expounds on these outcomes and addresses other questions raised during the workshop and in a previous article (1). Recommendations put forward in this article are not requirements, but rather, are possible alternatives for handling OOT data.
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Types of OOT data

Figure 1: An analytical alert (theoretical data, see endnote).
OOT alerts can be classified into three categories to help identify the appropriate depth for an investigation. In this article, OOT stability alerts are referred to as analytical, process control and compliance alerts, in order of implied severity. As the alert level increases from analytical to process control to compliance alert, the depth of investigation should increase.

Figure 2: A process control alert (theoretical data, see endnote). Results from multiple time points for a study do not follow the same trend over the 36-month shelf-life expiration as do other studies. The study is not expected to fall below the specification limit through the 36-month expiration.
Historical data are needed to identify OOT alerts. An analytical alert is observed when a single result is aberrant but within specification limits (i.e., outside normal analytical or sampling variation and normal change over time) (see Figure 1).
A process control alert occurs when a succession of data points shows an atypical pattern that was possibly caused by changes to the laboratory or manufacturing process. These data points might originate from the same stability study (see Figure 2) or from multiple studies assayed within a reasonably close timeframe (within a few weeks) (see Figure 3). As these Figures 2 and 3 indicate, the trends for the batches in question vary substantially from those of comparable batches. Despite the deviating trends, no pending potential OOS situation occurs.
Lastly, a compliance alert defines a case in which an OOT result suggests the potential or likelihood for OOS results to occur before the expiration date within the same stability study (or for other studies) on the same product (see Figures 4 and 5).

Similarly, tests with multiple stages can be classified into the three OOT alert levels, but this task is much more challenging and less straightforward. For example, consider the three-stage USP dissolution test. If Stage 2 testing is rarely required, then an analytical alert for USP dissolution testing might be a single, unusual minimum or average dissolution. If the product usually passes Stage 1 and a new stability study goes to Stage 2 several times, then this result might signal a process control alert. If the study's dissolution average shows a decreasing trend with time that indicates difficulty remaining above the registered Q-value through expiration, this fact could indicate a compliance alert.
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新手级: 新兵
Very minimal guidance was provided on this topic at the workshop, though some attendees believed it is an area that lacks clarity and consistency.

SOP requirements SOP要求
The workshop attendees suggested that companies develop SOPs for the review and investigation of OOT stability results. FDA participants pointed out that current good manufacturing practices (CGMPs) require a written stability-testing program to assess the stability characteristics of drug products (211.166) and require written procedures for conducting a thorough investigation of any unexplained discrepancy (211.192). Moreover, CGMPs require written procedures for evaluating the quality standards of each drug product at least annually (211.180). A review of the OOT alert procedures' performance might coincide with the annual product review. When preparing an SOP for handling OOT test results, it is prudent to consider risks to product quality when determining the company's assessment of OOT test results. The depth of an investigation and the corrective measures taken may depend on the potential or implied risk to product quality.
专题小组的与会者建议公司编写SOP来对OOT结果进行审核和调查。FDA的参与者指出,现行的 cGMP要求有书面的稳定性检测程序来评估药品的稳定特性, 并要求有书面的程序来对任何不明原因的差异进行彻底的调查。此外,cGMP还要求按照书面程序对每个药品的质量标准每年至少评估一次。OOT警戒程序执行情况的审核可能符合年度产品审核。在编写处理OOT检测结果的SOP过程中,在确定公司对OOT测试结果的评估时, 要谨慎考虑产品质量的风险。调查的程度和所采取的纠正措施取决于产品质量的潜在风险。
The following five SOP topics are areas that companies may want to address. These points were not discussed by conference participants.

Figure 4: A compliance alert (theoretical data, see endnote). Results from multiple time points for a study do not follow the same trend as other studies. The study is at risk of falling below the specification limit before the 36-month shelf-life expiration.
How to set alert limits. SOPs may identify scientifically sound approaches to determine procedures with associated limits for the identification of each type of OOT alert for stability test attributes such as assay and degradation products. Once an approach is identified, some potential topics to be included in the SOP are data requirements, personnel responsible for setting the limits, and methods used to detect each type of OOT alert.
For new products, available stability data will be limited. Established products often will have sufficient historical data. The methods for detecting OOT results may vary depending on the type of OOT alert. Ideally, a method for each OOT type should be specified.
How to use limits. The SOP may contain a section about how OOT alert limits are applied and which personnel will be responsible for comparing new stability results with the OOT alert criteria and timeliness of the review.
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Figure 5: A compliance alert (theoretical data, see endnote). After two analytical alert results in a study, a result is observed right on the specification limit at the 30-month expiration time point. Because this study may represent many other batches, it is a potential compliance concern.
Investigation. Investigation requirements could include personnel responsibilities with defined timelines, documentation requirements, and proper internal notification requirements. The investigation's depth required for each OOT alert will depend on potential risks to product quality. The SOP should not be overly prescriptive because the steps taken to investigate OOT results will depend on the nature of the initial finding and the investigation findings. Nonetheless, SOPs should provide basic criteria for conducting the investigations. Moreover, the steps taken to investigate OOT results should be scientifically defensible, and the rationale for the investigation's depth should be documented. Although an OOT result usually will be investigated as soon as possible after it is identified, it also can be addressed more broadly during the annual product review. The notification requirements and the department responsible for performing the annual product reviews also could be included.
调查研究:调查要求应包括人员职责, 并指定时间,文件要求以及适当的内部通知要求。每个OOT警戒调查的程度取决于对产品质量的潜在风险。SOP不应是过分说明性的,因为OOT结果调查所采取的步骤取决于最初发现和调查发现的性质。虽然如此,SOP应该提供进行调查的基本标准。此外,OOT结果调查所采取的步骤应科学有理有据,调查程度的原理应有文件记录。尽管,OOT结果一旦确定就应该尽快对其展开调查,也可以在年度产品审核时对其进行广泛处理。通知要求和负责执行年度审核的部门也要包括在SOP中。
Limits for truncated data. The SOP may specifically address truncated data such as for degradation products, whereas the approaches discussed in this article may not be appropriate because of the truncation. An example of truncated data is unreported data that are lower than the ICH reporting threshold. Degradant results may be higher or lower than the ICH reporting threshold from time point to time point. In addition, results may be reportable only at later time points as the levels increase depending on the amount of truncation (ICH reporting threshold). Setting data-driven OOT alert limits in such situations may not be possible. To facilitate the quantitative evaluation of the data, it is suggested that degradation product and impurity results be available to at least two decimal places.
截短数据的界限:SOP应明确说明截短的数据,如对于降解产物,但是因为数据切断,本文章中讨论的方法可能不适用。截短数据的一个例子就是低于ICH报告限而未报道的数据。降解产物的结果在不同的时间点可能会高于或低于ICH的报告限。另外,可能只有后面时间点的结果是可报告的,因为水平由于截短数量(ICH报告限)而增加。 在这种情况下,不可能设置数据驱动的OOT警戒线。为了方便进行数据的定量评估,建议降解产物和杂质结果至少保存两位小数。
Periodic review of limits. SOPs may specify a periodic review process for OOT alert limits. The frequency of the review and the personnel responsible for completing it may be addressed in the SOPs. This assessment can involve identifying a previous result that was once within trend but is now an OOT result. Or, it may find that a previous OOT result is now within trend. It is natural that earlier conclusions be revised in light of new information because developing OOT alert criteria is an active and continuing process.
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新手级: 新兵
Depth of investigation 调查的程度
It is important to point out that by itself, an alert provided by a method designed to detect unexpected events or degradation patterns is no proof that the batch in question has a deviating trend. The alert is only a signal to begin an investigation. The alert is not intended to make any conclusions. A conclusion can only be reached after the investigation of OOT stability data that follows.
An investigation's depth may depend on the nature of the data, the product history and characteristics being measured, the potential risk to product quality, and the potentially related safety or efficacy implications. The CGMP regulations in CFR 211.166 require an assessment of drug stability, whereas 21 CFR 211.192 requires an investigation of unexplained discrepancies by the quality control unit.
调查的程度取决于数据的性质,产品历史和所检测的特性,对产品质量的潜在风险以及对有关安全性和有效性的潜在影响。CFR 211.166 的CGMP 法规要求对药品稳定性做出评估,而21 CFR 211.192 要求质量控制部门对不明原因的差异进行调查。
If an analytical alert is observed, a laboratory investigation may be performed. If the laboratory investigation is inconclusive, then the supervisor may take no further action at that time and monitor subsequent time points closely. A review of results for related or correlated test attributes also can facilitate the investigation. Depending on the product, history, and nature of the analytical alert data, the company may decide to investigate whether a manufacturing error occurred in cases in which a laboratory error is not conclusive. More data (i.e., the next stability test point) may be needed to indicate whether the result is part of a long-term trend (process control alert) or just an isolated result. If subsequent results within the study and across other studies are not out of trend, then the initial analytical alert result may be an isolated incident that requires no further investigation.
A process control alert may indicate unexpected changes in product or assay performance. A stability study with an unusual trend may reveal that a characteristic's stability profile changed, whereas multiple analytical alerts may suggest that the measurement process is no longer in control. When a process control alert is evident, the investigation will often begin with an assessment of the effect of potential changes to the laboratory process (e.g., changes in instrument, column, integration technique, or standard). It also may extend to the manufacturing process (e.g., looking for changes in materials, personnel, equipment, and procedures).
工艺控制警戒可能预示产品或分析性能的意外变化。有着不同寻常趋势的稳定性研究可能显示某一特性的稳定情况发生了改变,而多重分析警戒可能暗示测量过程不再受控。当工艺控制警戒很明显时,调查通常从评估实验室工艺可能存在的变化的影响开始(例如仪器的变化,色谱柱的变化,集成技术的变化,标准的变化等 )。也可延伸到生产工艺(如检查材料,人员,设备和工艺有无变化)。
Because a compliance alert identifies a situation in which a particular study (or several related studies) may not meet specification limits during the expiration period, one may need to conduct a thorough investigation. In general, this investigation begins with the laboratory process and expands to the manufacturing process if no conclusive laboratory root cause is identified. The manufacturing investigation might include other batches (from the same or related products) that may be associated with this predicted failure to identify whether the discrepancy is isolated or systematic. The investigation also could assess whether more analytical testing, an investigation into the manufacturing process, a product recall, or shorter dating is required. An investigation of a compliance alert aims for the early detection of potentially failing product and the identification of possible causes. If a root cause is determined, then appropriate action should be taken such as the identification of potential preventative actions.
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新手级: 新兵

Identification of Out-of-Trend Stability Results - A Review of the Potential Regulatory Issue and Various Approaches, PhRMA CMC Statistics and Stability Expert Teams

Identification of Out-of-Trend Stability Results, Part II PhRMA CMC Statistics, Stability Expert Teams
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