Material to absorb light source is different from the dispersion
spectra of surface there is different. If two different substances absorb containing rarefied gas source (such as fluorescent light ......), through the spectroscopic system, appeared in the dispersion spectrum was a section of the surface (the surface of the monochromatic spectrum like), ( This is the 1752 Scottish Mei ear Virgin found in the experiment, descendants of the plum ear-dimensional this important discovery did not further study), the two different materials to absorb the thermal radiation source (such as the red-hot solid or liquid light-emitting ), over-optical system, the dispersion spectra of surface there is a continuous (each color divided between the unbounded cell of the elephant, such as modern as the continuous spectrum). When these two different materials such as very small (if the slot as in the middle of a white light source, when a few MM), in the rarefied gas light appears under the section by section, as the dispersion spectra of surface disappeared, spectral face appeared only a few bright streaks (bright-line spectra). If this is a little different materials as the thermal radiation source, the dispersion spectrum of surface changes, in the event of the location of a few bright streaks appear on the new a few black stripes (Fraunhofer lines).
物质吸收的光源不同,出现的色散谱面是不同的。如两不相同的物质吸收含有稀薄气体光源(如荧光光 源......),在通过分光系统后,则出现的色散谱面是一段一段的(谱面上各单色象),(这是1752苏格兰人梅耳维尔在实验中发现的,后人对梅耳维这一重要发现没做进一步研究了),这两个不同物质吸收的是热辐射光源(如炽热的固体或液体发光),过分光系统后,出现的色散谱面是连续的(各单色之间无界格之分的象,如现代连续光谱象)。 当这两个不同物质象很小(若狭缝中间白色光源象在几个MM时),在稀薄气体光源下出现的一段一段的色散谱 面象消失了,谱面中只出现几条明亮条纹(明线光谱)。若这个很小的不同物质象是在热辐射光源下,色散谱面发生了变化,在出现几条明亮条纹的位置上从新出现几条黑色条纹(夫琅和费线)。
For different substances that occur under two different light sources in two different stripes, when the slit mouth gradually Masuda Otsuki reduced, this process will find in the thin section of a gas light appears under the (dispersion) of the color overlay each other like , so that spectra of surface light intensity gradually weakened and finally win only the lower part of the spectrum not being added to the surface occurs, known as: "Bright-Line Spectrum." If this process is the thermal radiation source, each color as each overlay, the surface appears in the spectrum a few black stripes, known as the "absorption spectrum."
对于不同物质在两种不同光源下出现的两种不同条纹,当把狭缝口逐渐増大即缩小,这一过程会发现在稀薄气 体光源下出现一段一段的(色散)各单色象相互叠加,从而使谱面中光强逐渐减弱,最后只胜下部分沒被叠加到的谱面出现,被称为:“明线光谱”。 若这一过程是在热辐射光源下,各单色象相互叠加后,在谱面中出现的几条黑色条纹,被称为“吸收光谱”。
The dispersion spectrum of modern surface there is provided by two different materials (black and white) generated due to a number of different substances, can be lumped together, so there's also many different dispersion spectra of surface (spectral dispersion surface and modern city is not the same).