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原文由 enhua(enhua) 发表:
Current technology centers as well as Fujian, Xiamen City has become the largest mechanical and electrical products, food, animals and plants and their products, chemical products and packaging materials, gold mining professional testing organization. Holds the latest detection methods, with ISO, GB, JIS, ASTM, IEC, EN, SN, etc. are the latest detection methods. Technology Center of "scientific rigor, fair and accurate, high quality and efficient and dedicated service", in accordance with ISO / IEC 17025 standard to establish, implement and maintain consistent with the scope of laboratory quality management system, standing on third-party impartiality, independence to carry out the entry inspection / testing work, a survey report.
2 Technical Center laboratory has obtained the following qualifications and accreditation - China National Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), - National Measurement Certification Compliance (CMA) test unit - the State Science Commission finds that the scientific outcome identification of national testing organizations - national identity monitoring Committee approval of GMO testing laboratory - Fujian Province governance "table pollution," Evaluation of quality control indicators for monitoring food safety agency - Japan Ministry of Health registration Korean Food and Drug Administration approved and accredited food testing laboratory - into the designated AQSIQ special export cosmetic testing laboratories - AQSIQ designated testing laboratory mercury content
Food testing part 3
(1) Major Business: food, animals and plants and their products of microbial testing, pesticide residues, veterinary drug residues, heavy metals, toxins and other toxic substances testing and inspection of food additives, food toxicology testing, genetically modified products Detection of animal and plant diseases, parasitic diseases, pests, weeds and other pests of quarantine, food containers and food packaging materials safety and health inspection.
(2) principal inspection laboratory: Technical Center has food, food containers, food packaging materials, animals, plants and product testing laboratories: Food physics and chemistry laboratory, microbiology laboratory, plant quarantine laboratory, animal inspection and quarantine laboratories chemical laboratory of mining gold.
(3) laboratory test results: review 2006 to 2009 bearing the above-mentioned is as follows:
① species involved: biscuit cake, sugar and sweets, alcohol, beverages, condiments, canned food, vegetables, fungi, mushroom type, food, starch and plant products, aquatic products, animal meat and products, food additives, milk and milk products, animal fat, eggs and egg products, and food with a container (ceramic, plastic, metal, paper and wood products category, etc.) and food packaging materials, a total of about 300 species.
- AQSIQ import of specified hazardous substances in the special paint testing laboratories - AQSIQ formaldehyde wood products designated by special testing laboratory - the Kimberley Process rough diamond designated inspection agencies - Electronics Lab 3C Certification - China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) voluntary certification of products authorized by the designated laboratories - Fujian Province People's Court expert


常规设备General Equipment
pH计,pH meter

自动滴定Automatic titration



马弗炉Muffle furnace.

FOSS,定氮仪FOSS, Nitrogen Determination Apparatus

FOSS,脂肪测定仪FOSS, fat analyzer


