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原文由 nj_wjg_nj 发表:
To avoid confusion, it should be noted that different adsorption methods are named solid-phase extraction【6】. First ofall, these are techniques based on the use of chemically bonded complexing groupings【10】. Commercially available Kelex-100,containing iminodiacetate functions is one of best known adsorbents of this kind.【7,8】 A number of adsorption materials with various classical chelating groups as well as with macrocycles attached to silica gel by a chemical bond are applied.【9,10】 There are some new technologies that have appeared in SPE and SPE-related products.  Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) involves the sorption of analytes onto a microfiber, which is made of a fused-silica fiber coated with a hydrophobic polymer.  SPME is usually followed by direct desorption in the inlet of a gas chromatograph.【11,12】 This method can be considered as a microvariant of extraction chromatography【13】 There are some new phases for SPE including highly cross-linked copolymers, graphitized carbon for adsorbing polar organic compounds, internal reversed-phase sorbents for clean-up of complex biological materials, etc.【6】



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新手级: 新兵
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新手级: 新兵

Solid-phase extraction (SPE) is an effective tool for the preconcentration of trace elements and their separation from various sample constituents. Octadecyl and other alkyl-bonded silica gels are most widely used for these purposes. The fundamentals of the SPE of inorganic ions are reviewed and compared with those of related techniques (liquid–liquid extraction and reversed-phase liquid chromatography). The extraction of ions in the form of chelate compounds, inorganic salts solvated by neutral reagents, and ion-pair compounds is considered. Numerous applications of SPE to the separation and preconcentration of different elements and their species, including on-line combinations with instrumental determination techniques, are described and tabulated.

Preconcentration and separation processes are often needed for the determination of trace elements in environmental samples, high-purity materials and other matrices.1–4 Solid-phase extraction (SPE) with the use of alkyl-bonded and other surfacemodified silica gels has been used in the last 15 years as an alternative to liquid–liquid extraction in the analysis of various samples. The method is simple; it enables the rapid and complete isolation of the analytes of interest from a complex matrix with a preconcentration factor of several orders of magnitude to be achieved. A surface-modified adsorbent is a support bearing at the surface of a chemically bonded “monomolecular” layer of adsorbing groups, which provides fast kinetics of the recovery and elution of the molecules and ions under study.5–9 SPE by use of alkyl-bonded silica gels has been widely applied in the environmental analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides, substances of biochemical origin and other organic compounds. However, its application in metal extraction and preconcentration has been much less extensive, although the capabilities of the technique in inorganic analysis also appear to be very promising.
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新手级: 新兵
To avoid confusion, it should be noted that different adsorption methods are named solid-phase extraction【6】. First ofall, these are techniques based on the use of chemically bonded complexing groupings【10】. Commercially available Kelex-100,containing iminodiacetate functions is one of best known adsorbents of this kind.【7,8】 A number of adsorption materials with various classical chelating groups as well as with macrocycles attached to silica gel by a chemical bond are applied.【9,10】 There are some new technologies that have appeared in SPE and SPE-related products. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) involves the sorption of analytes onto a microfiber, which is made of a fused-silica fiber coated with a hydrophobic polymer. SPME is usually followed by direct desorption in the inlet of a gas chromatograph.【11,12】 This method can be considered as a microvariant of extraction chromatography【13】 There are some new phases for SPE including highly cross-linked copolymers, graphitized carbon for adsorbing polar organic compounds, internal reversed-phase sorbents for clean-up of complex biological materials, etc.【6】

Alkyl-bonded sorbents have been mainly studied for SPE in inorganic analysis; our attention in this paper will be focused on such materials. The most simple mode of metal preconcentration by SPE is based on the addition of a soluble complexing reagent to the test solution, followed by the adsorption of metal complexes formed on an alkyl-bonded material. Another mode in SPE involves a preliminary dynamic modification of a similar adsorbent, e.g. by a solution of a chelating agent, which is retained at the material surface during the following separation process due to non-covalent interactions. Thus-prepared sorbents possess the properties of materials bearing covalently-bonded chelating functions. Both modes of SPE are examined in this paper.

Like most of separation methods, SPE is based on the distribution of a solute between two phases. Both batch and column variants of SPE can be used for preconcentration purposes. The column mode can be considered as a version of reversed phase liquid–solid chromatography (RP LSC).13 In fact, alkyl-bonded stationary phases with the alkyl length nc= 8, 16, or 18 and different grain sizes are most often used.Chromatographic retention is conveniently described by the capacity factor, k, which is defined as ki = qi,s /qi,m , where q i,sand qi,m denote the total quantity of a solute (i) to be present in the stationary phase (s) and the mobile phase (m), respectively.14,15 The higher is the k value, the better is the solute retained, and the later is eluted from the column. Correspondingly, the separation selectivity can be defined as the relative retention of βi,j , which is sometimes called the separation factor,expressed in terms of the capacity factors,βi,j = kj /ik. If the preconcentration of a group of dissolved ions or molecules is required, the k values for all of the solutes should be as close as possible.
与大部分的分离方法相同,SPE是根据溶质在两相之间的分配。SPE的批变量和柱变量均可用于预浓缩。柱模式可以看作是反相液-固色谱(RP LSC)的改进。事实上,烷基链长度nc=8、16或18以及各种颗粒尺寸的烷基键合固定相最为常用。色谱保留能力通常用容量因子k描述,定义为ki = qi,s /qi,m,其中qi,s和qi,m分别指溶质(i)在固定相(s)和流动相(m)中的含量。K值越高,溶质的保留能力越高,从柱中流出的越晚。相应的,分离选择性可以定义为相对保留能力βi,j,有时也被称作分离因子,用容量因子来表达,βi,j = kj /ik。如果需要预浓缩一组溶解的离子或分子,所有溶质的k值应当尽可能接近。
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新手级: 新兵
Two approaches can be applied to the treatment of SPE experimental data. The first one may be based on the Snyder “competition” model, which describes the distribution of a solute between liquid and solid phases.14,15 In this model it is assumed that the solid surface is covered with mobile-phase molecules, and that solute molecules have to compete with the solvent molecules in this adsorption layer to occupy an adsorption site. It is the difference between the affinity of the mobile phase and that of solute for the stationary phase that determines the retention in LSC and, therefore, in SPE according to the competition model. Snyder14 formulated the following equation that interrelates the distribution coefficient KD = ci,s/ci,m (c denotes concentration in one phase) with the adsorption area of the solute molecule Ai and the adsorption energy of the solute on a standard adsorbent Si 0: log KD = log Va + α(Si0 – AiE0), (1)
where Va is the volume of the adsorbed solvent per gram of the stationary phase and α is the adsorbent activity. In the frames of the second model, which is more practical for our further speculations, the distribution of a solute in SPE can be considered as a partition between two liquid phases. By definition, the capacity factor is a dimensionless quantity, which is in this case described by
k = KDVs/Vm, (2)
where Vs and Vm are the volumes of the stationary and liquid phases, respectively. It is assumed in this model that the analyte-containing phase is a homogeneous solution. Because relative values are used in the calculations, in both cases the experimental values of the capacity factors allow us to discuss the dependence of the chromatographic efficiency on both the properties of the stationary phase and the solutes to be separated and the experimental conditions.
两种方法可以用于处理SPE实验数据。第一种基于Snyder的“竞争”模型,它描述了溶质在液相和固相之间的分配。在此模型中,假定固体表面覆盖流动相分子,溶质分子必须与吸附层中的溶剂分子相竞争来占据吸附位置。正是溶质与流动相和与固定相之间亲和力的差异决定了在LSC中的保留作用,而在SPE中则是根据竞争模型。Snyder提出了一下公式,将分配系数 KD = ci,s/ci,m(c指在一相中的浓度)与溶质分子的面积Ai和溶质在标准吸附剂SiO上的吸附能联系在仪器:
log KD = log Va + α(Si0 – AiE0), (1)
k = KDVs/Vm, (2)