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Single Beam:
The spectrophotometer uses only one beam to measure the absorbance or %T of a sample. The blank is placed in the sample compartment and the instrument is zeroed. The sample is then placed in the instrument and a measurement is made. On scanning instruments the background of the blank is stored and is subsequently subtracted from the sample by means of a microprocessor in the instrument. The zero point measurement is not repeated in a single beam instrument until the blank is again put in the instrument and rezeroed. This is the reason there is four times more drift in single beam instruments.
Background correction is not as precise on a single beam instrument as on a double beam instrument due to the subtraction process. As the background level increases, the blank becomes a larger and larger proportion of the total signal. This decreases the accuracy of the correction process. In a double beam instrument the ratio recording design automatically cancels the difference in the two optical paths and then the background correction algorithm is applied to the data. The background is maintained a proportion of the total signal by the ratio recording system. The reason for building a single beam instrument is that there are fewer optics and no chopper thus reducing the cost to manufacturer. Customer doing kinetics sacrifice stability which is critical to their experiment. Reference beam attenuation capabilities are reduced as well.

    Terms to denote single beam
        Stable Beam Technology     (Beckman)
        Temporal Double Beam      (Gilford)
        Diode Array         (Hewlett-Packard)

Dual Beam:
The beam is split, a portion going thru the blank and another portion going thru the sample. This may or may not be a 50:50 split. Some manufactures may only split 10% of the beam thru the blank and pass 90% thru the sample. The beams are ratioed electronically. Dual beam instruments measure the dark current of the system at power on and never recheck it( The Lambda 2 is an exception in that it measures the dark current every ten minutes while the instrument is not being used). This will increase the drift of the instrument. The advantage of a dual beam instrument is that one is able to monitor the drift of the instrument and correct of any change as in a double beam instrument. There is no chopper thus reducing the total cost of the instrument. A possible disadvantage is, by splitting the beam, reduces the energy thru-put of the system by up to fifty percent. This can be compensated for if very large optics are used as in the Lambda 2. However; if the optics remain the same size as a conventional instrument, the S/N is cut in half. This reduces the S/N ratio and limits the lower detection limit of the instrument. A beam split other than 50:50 can lead to problems if one ever needs to reference beam attenuate. Turbid samples can cause extreme problems in beam balancing in dual beam instruments.

        Dual Beam Instruments
        Bausch and Lomb
        Shimadzu 160

Double Beam:
The entire sample is diverted thru the blank and then the sample by means of the chopper. The optical bench may or may not have more optics then a single beam instrument, but have an additional motor needed to drive the chopper. The over all cost of the optical bench is greater but improved drift and S/N are obtained. One is not limited on the types of samples that can be run.

        Double Beam Instruments
        Shimadzu (265)

Photomultiplier Tubes vs Photodiodes and Phototubes:
Some manufactures use a photodiode as a detector in their optical system. This is not to be confused with a diode array. The optical bench has the normal configuration, either single beam or double beam, but they use a photodiode as the detector. The advantage again is reduced cost and a slightly longer wavelength range to about 1100 nm. They have less noise a high light levels so they show a slight advantage over PMT systems due to reduced noise at low absorbance. PMT's have a higher dark current and thus more inherent noise The disadvantage is their is no amplification of the signal by the detector as with a photomultiplier tube thus reduced S/N. PMT have far superior performance at low light levels, that is; high absorbance levels. The same is true of a phototube but they do not have the extended wavelength response.
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The Significance of Stray Light on Photometric Accuracy

The effect of stray light on photometric accuracy and the performance of a spectrophotometer can be quite dramatic. However with proper precautions, the photometric inaccuracy due to stray can be eliminated.  Let's consider the following points:

Definition - Stray light is any light outside the spectral region isolated by the monochromator that reaches the detector. It is produced by scatter from the optics and walls of the monochromator and is present in varying amounts in all spectrophotometers.

Stray light most frequently leads to deviations from the Beer-Lambert law and subsequent inaccuracy in photometric values. Double monochromator systems have lower stray light than a single monochromator but are as one would expect more expensive.

However, a number of questions arises:
    1. At what level does this increase in stray light become
       significant for the work one is doing?
    2. What level of error is associated with increasing stray?
    3. How much is one willing to pay for the difference?
    4. What are the trade offs between a single monochromator,
       double grating monochromator, and a double monochromator
    5. Are other option available to decrease stray light?

Let us consider the first question.

            A =  -log T
            Aobs = log [(1-T) S + T]      where S= stray light

Absorbance Observed

Level of Stray

     DM            DGM(Lambda 6HP)    SM(Lambda)           SM(DU)

Abs    .0001     %E        .0005     %E        0.02     %E        0.05    %E

1.0    1.000    .004        1.000    0.002        0.999    0.078        0.998    0.194
2.0    2.000    .002        1.997    0.017        1.991    0.425        1.979    1.048
3.0    2.999    .010        2.997    0.072        2.920    2.636        5.824    5.862
4.0    3.995    .110        3.978    0.529        3.522    11.92        3.222    19.44
5.0    4.958    .827        4.823    3.521        3.677    26.44        3.292    34.14

Where DM=Double Monochromator, DGM=Double Grating Monochromator, SM=Single Monochromator

As can be seen by Table 1 there is a difference, but the difference between S = 0.0001 and S = 0.0005 and S=0.05. However this difference is not significant until the absorbance exceeds 3 A.  It is of importance to compare the S=.0001 and S=0.001 levels. These two levels of stray light typically represent the levels between double monochromator systems (S = 0.0001) and a single monochromator system with a pre-grating system (S = 0.0005).  Stray light in standard configuration spectrophotometers (S = 0.02 or 0.05) does become high enough to prohibit their use at high absorbance.

It is also apparent that as the absorbance increases, the % error increases. Would one not be better off with a double monochromator system if they were measuring absorbances above 3A.  This is true.  However, one might want to consider the following table.


    Abs            %T
    O            1OO
    1            10
    2            1
    3            0.1
    4            0.01

At absorbance values above 3A one is limiting the performance of any spectrophotometer.  Since absorbance is a mathematical function of the amount of light passing through the sample (A =  - log T), what is one asking the instrument to read.  At 3A only 0.1% of the transmitted light is monitored and at 4A only 0.01%. One is requiring the instrument to accurately detect and compare values form the reference and sample beam that are at opposite extremes of its linear range. Cahill (1980) showed that this leads to increased noise in the spectrophotometer measurement.  This in itself will decrease the accuracy of the measurement by increasing the uncertainty due to noise.  Although one could use a reference beam attenuator to reduce noise, the preferred method is to simply dilute sample to a reasonable absorbance value for quantitative analysis or use short pathlength cells.

Another consideration that must be made between a single and a double monochromator instrument is the energy loss due to a double monochromator.  A conventional single monochromator's energy thru-put is typically about 50%.  If we place a pre-grating in the system it reduces the energy thru-put to about 40%.  A double monochromator system drops to about 22% thru-put. To compensate for this reduction in transmitted light, double monochromator systems usually resort to larger optics to increase the collection efficiency. The end result is that double monochromator system cost significantly more than single monochromator systems or double grating systems.

It would seem obvious that a trade-off is involved in any photometric system. For most applications, a single  monochromator system is all that is required to obtain accurate measurement. Single monochromator systems are limited to absorbance levels below 3A. Where high absorbing samples are encountered and sample dilutions is not possible, an instrument with higher stray light rejection is required. A double grating monochromator yields a significant reduction in stray. Double grating systems are lower in cost than a double monochromator system. Finally, some applications due require the use of a double monochromator system where ultimate accuracy is required.  A double monochromator offers the best stray light rejection but sacrifices energy thru put. This may limits the lower detection range of the instrument. However, remember it is not only the number but also the efficiency and more importantly the size of the optics that determine energy thru put. Each individual researcher will have to determine their needs and where necessary pay the additional expense of a double monochromator system.

1.  R. Mavrodineanu (1972) Accuracy in Spectorphotometric and Luminescence Measurements.  NBS Special Publication 378, U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards.
2.  J. Cahill  (198O) Noise in Double-Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometers.

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