主题:【My Topic--One】If I am an intelligent column

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I am a column, the most important role played in gc and HPLC. Usually, I see many analysts working hard on their samples,  trying to separate several components in turn.
(to be continued...)
I expect we complet this story corporately!
您可能想找: 气相色谱仪(GC) 询底价
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Just a little difficult. No problem, I'll go on. I——not column, but 茅茅 did do an interesting dream last night.

You know, chromatography is often compared to race. But I dreamed 跨栏(hurdle).What catch our eyes is not who is the best one(刘翔)but all the players in the game.
The ideal mode is like this: stand hand in hand in a vertical
row. stand side by side(并列)should be avoided.
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新手级: 新兵
原文由 mhq111111 发表:
(to be continued...)

We columns differ in shape,materials of origins and functions. In gc family, we are made of glass or stainless steel. However, majority of us are of capliary types. If you feed us samples eviporized in the sample inlet through split or non split liners, then our functions can be different.
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新手级: 新兵
感谢ruojun大侠的参与。事实上,writing in English or thinking in English is perfectly difficult to me.记得上次ruojun说起不知道“顶空”是怎么回事,今天我在这里讲一个大概。
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新手级: 新兵
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原文由 happyjyl 发表:

第三问,clever girl!的确,没有达到平衡测量值会偏低。
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新手级: 新兵
原文由 christe 发表:


下面的链接里有吹扫-捕集的方式的讲解 http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/shtml/20061106/617686/
低温吹扫捕集技术 http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/shtml/20060714/483817/
热解析 http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/shtml/20061029/607591/

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Assistance in Choosing the Right HPLC Column
Alltech Packing Material Specifications
Alltech Packing Material Specifications HPLC Packing Material Specifications  Packing Base Material Particle Shape Particle Size (µm) Carbon Load (%) Pore Size (Å) Surface Area (m2/g) Phase Type Endcapped? USP L-Code Adsorbosphere® C18 Silica Spherical 3, 5, 10 12% 80 20

Alltech’s Key Column Families
Alltech’s Key Column Families Alltech manufactures our HPLC media and packs our columns to the highest standards of quality and reproducibility. Rely on our technical expertise for the best columns, the best applications, and the best technical support. Descriptions of our newest and most important column families fol

Choosing the Right HPLC Column Formats
Choosing the Right HPLC Column Formats Column dimensions and styles affect resolution, run time, solvent usage, and more Column Length For the same packing material, shorter columns provide faster run times, while longer columns provide better resolution. Consider the complexity of your sample and your desir

Chromatographic Performance
Chromatographic Performance Since chromatography is a volume dependent technique, volume is the most accurate way to measure a separation. At constant flow rate, retention time or distance can be substituted for volume. Regardless of what terms are used, remember to be consistent. Definition of a Chromatogram Peak V

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新手级: 新兵
Choosing the Right HPLC Column
1. Set Your Separation Goals. Determine if your application requires high resolution, short analysis time, maximum sensitivity, long column life, low operating cost, or other important factors. 2. Choose Your Packing Material. Read below for an explanation of different specifications and how they affect your separation. 3. Choose Your Column Format. Make sure the column format that you choose has the appropriate affect on your separation.

Packing Materials
Understanding the specifications of HPLC packing materials and how they affect a separation will help you narrow your column choices. You will find all of these specifications for Alltech’s HPLC packings on pages 129-130.

Base Material
Silica-based packings are physically strong and will not shrink or swell. They are compatible with a broad range of polar and non-polar solvents. Most silica phases are stable from pH 2-8, but newer phases, such as Alltima™ HP, are stable from pH 1-10. Silica provides sharp peaks with small molecules. Polymer-based packings, such as methacrylate, are compressible and may shrink or swell with certain solvents. Many polymers are stable from pH 1-14. Because of this expanded pH range, most polymeric columns can be thoroughly cleaned with strong acids or bases to extend column life.

Particle Shape
Most modern HPLC packings have spherical particles, but some are irregular in shape. Irregular particles have larger surface areas, and are relatively inexpensive. Spherical particles offer lower backpressure, and higher performance, stability, and reproducibility than irregular particles.

Particle Size
Smaller particle sizes give higher efficiency and higher resolution than larger particle sizes. However, larger particle sizes offer faster flow rates and lower back-pressure. Typical particle sizes range from 3μm to 20μm, and new 1.5μm particle sizes are available to maximize resolution on short columns. A 5μm particle size represents the best compromise between efficiency and back-pressure.

Carbon Load
For silica-based reversed-phase packings, carbon load indicates the amount of functional bonded phase attached to the base material. Phases with lower carbon loads are more weakly hydrophobic, which may significantly reduce retention times over phases with higher carbon loads. However, a higher carbon load will give higher capacity and often greater resolution, especially for compounds of similar hydrophobicity.

Pore Size
Choose a pore large enough to completely enclose your target molecule. If your molecule is larger than the pore, it will be difficult or impossible to retain. In general, packing materials with a smaller pore size have higher surface areas and higher capacities than packing materials with larger pore sizes. Larger pores are better for interaction with large compounds, such as proteins.

Surface Area
This is the available surface, most of which is within the pores, for interaction with the sample. A larger surface area typically indicates a greater number of pores, and therefore a higher overall capacity. Smaller surface areas equilibrate faster, which is important for gradient elution analyses.

Phase Type
Polymerically bonded phases have functional chains bound to the base silica particle at multiple attachment points and can involve cross-linking between chains, while monomerically bonded phases have a single attachment point. Historically, polymeric packings have resulted in better column stability under pH extremes. However, new high-purity silica phases are very stable whether monomerically or polymerically bonded. Monomerically bonded phases generally offer rapid mass transfer and high column efficiency to better resolve chemically similar analytes.

Silica-based reversed-phase packings have free silanol groups that will interact with polar compounds. Endcapping the bonded phase minimizes these secondary interactions. Choose endcapped phases if you do not want interactions with polar compounds. Choose nonendcapped phases if you want enhanced polar selectivity, for stronger retention of polar organic compounds.
